Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I know right! The question is when did the golden age start? Was it in 2000 with X-Men? 2002 Spiderman? 2005 Batman Begins? 2008 with Iron Man, TDK, Incredible Hulk?

I'd say Xmen started the whole thing again, Begins gave it another boost with it's "dark and gritty" and Marvel with it's straight comicbooky approach.

So...based on that list Age of Ultron is the next superhero movie to be in theaters. Is that correct?

Apparently so.

This could also be the beginning of the end, what I always feared when Marvel started pumping them out was that others would follow suit leading to this. Over saturation of comic book movies (adding in more Transformers, TMNT etc.) leading to the general public getting fed up of them. Hope I'm wrong tho. At least let it last until Marvel finishes the Thanos saga

It most certainly is, it was bound to happen though.

Blockbuster and Superhero fatigue have been cooking for some time now in the casual audience.

I hope that can be countered with good writing and interesting stories/characters such as Cap2, GotG and DoFP that don't rely entirely on CGI.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That's not a superhero movie though, not even a comicbook movie I think.

Wasn't the script written by Miller solely for the movie?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That was my bad; for some reason, I thought he said "comic book movie." I'm pretty sure it can be considered a comic book movie, regardless, though. Since, at the very least, it draws inspiration from characters originally appearing in comics.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I forgot about Disney's Big Hero 6. That's also based on a Marvel comic. Anyway, Add Star Wars , Star Trek, James Bond more Transformers movies to that list and it could be a total cluster ****! :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Any bets on when the bubble bursts?

2017 is a safe bet, 8 films already, with potential Star Wars, TMNT, Transformers, G.I.Joe etc. movies coming from at least one of those and others I haven't thought of. Would be okay if it did then as 2018 will be Marvel's big Thanos finale and after that I'd be okay with it crashing if it has to.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Any bets on when the bubble bursts?

If Avengers 2 sucks, it might start there but I'm almost positive AOU will keep the gravy train rolling. I'd say after Avengers 3.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

March 2015 sounds like they have no confidence in their movie.


WTF., isn't that a month normally reserved for Need For Speed movies. :lol
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'd say Xmen started the whole thing again, Begins gave it another boost with it's "dark and gritty" and Marvel with it's straight comicbooky approach.
Technically, I give the credit for all of this to Blade. It was the first comic film that tried to be fairly seriously as a dramatic action film (Superman had too much whimsy for that; Punisher had too much of a DTV/B-movie vibe), without being an surrealistic romp (Batman/Batman Returns). But X-Men was the first mainstream comic franchise to do that. As revolutionary as they ended up being, putting Nolan in charge of Batman was a natural extension of putting a respected director like Bryan Singer in charge of comic films.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Comicbooks have been over-saturated for decades.

It's a bad thing for those who can't take it, casual audience and such.

I like superheroes but I am pretty sick or Ironman already. really sick actually.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Blade may have been one of the first comic-to-film adaptations that was taken seriously, but I don't think the film was the birth for superhero comics like X-Men, Fantastic Four, Batman or the Avengersverse to make it to the theater because it's such a different genre. I never thought of Blade as a superhero film, but more of a sci-fi vampire film.

The only thing I think Blade may have inspired was the Underworld series...
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't count Blade because most people didn't know he was a Marvel character or a superhero, and the film is not considered a superhero film, even though he is a superhero. I say it started with X-Men, then Spiderman was the first HUGE hit since 89 Batman. That led to Spiderman 2 and X men 2, both critically and commercially successful, which then led to Batman begins in 2005, but by 2007 the quality of Spiderman, Fantastic 4, X Men went down, and it looked like it was over. Then in 2008, we get TDK, Hulk, and Iron man (the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe)....and rest is history. However, it wasn't until recently that we started getting 3 to 4 superhero films in the same year.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well I do give X-Men a lot of credit, but my point is I don't know if Fox would have had the balls to do a straightforward X-Men film if Blade didn't show them that it could be done well, and could draw an audience (relatively speaking). Before that, the only franchises studios would even dare to attempt making into big budget Hollywood movies were the biggest comic characters in existence. And even then, X-Men had an aversion to some of the more "comic booky" stuff like colorful costumes. It's easy to forget how unlikely it seemed back in the day (i.e., the '90s) that we would ever get comic movies that appealed to genuine comic geeks. They just weren't done. So Blade setting that precedent was HUGE IMO. Blade is primarily a comic action film IMO, though it's obviously got a horror theme. Blade still is a high point for how action can be done in comic films IMO.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Blade may have been one of the first comic-to-film adaptations that was taken seriously, but I don't think the film was the birth for superhero comics like X-Men, Fantastic Four, Batman or the Avengersverse to make it to the theater because it's such a different genre. I never thought of Blade as a superhero film, but more of a sci-fi vampire film.

The only thing I think Blade may have inspired was the Underworld series...

I don't count Blade because most people didn't know he was a Marvel character or a superhero, and the film is not considered a superhero film, even though he is a superhero. I say it started with X-Men, then Spiderman was the first HUGE hit since 89 Batman. That led to Spiderman 2 and X men 2, both critically and commercially successful, which then led to Batman begins in 2005, but by 2007 the quality of Spiderman, Fantastic 4, X Men went down, and it looked like it was over. Then in 2008, we get TDK, Hulk, and Iron man (the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe)....and rest is history. However, it wasn't until recently that we started getting 3 to 4 superhero films in the same year.

This is true.

I agree with both.

I didn't even know Blade was a comic book character back then.

Well I do give X-Men a lot of credit, but my point is I don't know if Fox would have had the balls to do a straightforward X-Men film if Blade didn't show them that it could be done well, and could draw an audience (relatively speaking). Before that, the only franchises studios would even dare to attempt making into big budget Hollywood movies were the biggest comic characters in existence. Blade is primarily a comic action film IMO, though it's obviously got a horror theme. Blade still is a high point for how action can be done in comic films IMO.

That is also true.