Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Aaron Eckhart was my choice for Captain America (as a non-fan, granted)

I originally thought he should be that age. And Eckhart has an impressive jaw/chin.

Turns out Evans is fantastic though.

wut.. ..


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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Aaron Eckhart was my choice for Captain America (as a non-fan, granted)

I originally thought he should be that age. And Eckhart has an impressive jaw/chin.

Turns out Evans is fantastic though.
That drawing looks more like that guy from 'Rules Of Engagement' to me. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Thanks. Would have taken me a long time to backtrack to that. I avoided all superhero threads throughout all of SDCC in case GOTG spoilers were leaked in any of them. Now I'm playing catch up.

I guess I think WW looks "pretty good." Not great, but not a disaster.

Those cell phone pics of tank Batman and Supes floating in the batsignal light look awesome though.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Daily Planet Reporter: "Superman, what do you call thousands of dead civilians after your battle with Zod?"

Superman: "A good start."
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

WB president contradicts himself. First he claims that there is no bad week to open a movie but then he comments that none released in proximity of each other made over 250 million.

Which one is it Dan, no bad week or none made over 250 million due to their release dates?

Or am I reading it wrong?


As you may have heard, earlier this week Warner Bros. decided to move the release date for the highly-anticipated Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice from May 6, 2016 to March 25, 2016. Ever since the film initially moved to the May 6th date, many fans, including our own Ed Douglas, begged one of the two companies to do the sensible thing and move the film. Now that it has happened, Warner Bros.’ president of domestic distribution Dan Fellman spoke with EW about why their most recent move is the smart thing to do.

“The reality now is there really isn’t a bad week to open a movie,” Fellman said. “If you look at the summer box office this year, you can see that there were so many movies, one after the other. You can start with Spider-Man, two weeks later Godzilla, and then Maleficent, and then Edge of Tomorrow, and then Jump Street and Transformers. And the one thing they all had in common, not one of them did over $250 million. We’ll be the first one up [in 2016], which is very important, and we’ll have six weeks before Captain America comes in.”
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think there's a difference between a movie's opening, and a movie's longevity, and that's the point he was trying to convey. That they could open on the same day as Cap, or closer to the summer, and they'd make a **** ton of money, but, the public's attention span will switch to whatever the big, new release is a few weeks later. With a March opening, they get those huge numbers (much larger than if they were in direct competition with Cap), and, providing the movie's actually good, they get two months worth of default ticket sales, since the summer movie season hasn't actually started yet.

Some people say "oh, WB didn't have the balls to go head-to-head with Cap," but I think anyone who actually thought they'd stick with that date, to begin with, is nuts. It's an excellent move, from a business perspective. At the end of the day, though, I just hope this movie is good. Not "good" like Man of Steel (I still really like that movie, but it wasn't without its issues and that showed in the way the critics and public received it), but "really, really, really good." It can go either way, at this point, but I desperately want this to be awesome.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

WB president contradicts himself. There is no bad week to open a movie but then he comments that none made over 250 million. Which one is it Dan, no bad week or none made over 250 million due to their release dates?

No contradiction here, he means that opening in a "good week" isn't a guarantee of success.
It may even be detrimental due to overcrowding.
Basically your product can make a difference whenever you open.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't have a problem with Aquaman, he's a decent superhero. Those Radio DJ's really just parrot back what they hear, probably from similar dbags, you know the type("I've seen Man of Steel I know everything about Superman":mad:), if they bothered to read a comic book every now and again they wouldn't dismiss him so easily