Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

When does X MEN Apocalypse come out? :lol
:lol probably right.

About a week and a half. Winter Soldier was a great comic story, but damn if it still doesn't piss me off that they brought him back. Uncle Ben, Bucky, Batman's parents. . .those were the untouchables for decades.
Why? You didn't like Bucky?

I'm hearing a lot of complaints about bringing back Damian on DC's FB, but I'm just glad they're doing it, I was sure it was a matter of time.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm hearing a lot of complaints about bringing back Damian on DC's FB, but I'm just glad they're doing it, I was sure it was a matter of time.

Yup, Damian is very popular. It was a dumb idea to "kill" him, and they made such a big deal of it too :lol There was one issue with no dialogue, just images and all the other bat family books had some sort of tribute to him, and now all that is meaningless :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yup, Damian is very popular. It was a dumb idea to "kill" him, and they made such a big deal too :lol There was one issue with no dialogue, just images and all the other bat family books had some sort of tribute to him, and now all that is meaningless :lol

Yup, I believe that was Morrison's way of taking away his toys so no one else would play with them :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The Jason Momoa concept art floating around gives me hope after all. He looks legit as aquaman.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Technically Bruce's Parents did come back in flashpoint doe :lol
Alternate realities don't count to me. Otherwise, nothing means anything in comics.

:lol probably right.

Why? You didn't like Bucky?
No, it's about the comic stories having some meaning. If everything gets ret-conned, then what does any of it really matter? Where is the dramatic weight?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Ha! And just to mess with him, DC is bringing him back with all kinds of superpowers and **** ...even if it makes no sense :lol

:lol yup, although Morrison's not known for pulling those kind of douchey moves.

So either he had a plan for Damian, or bringing him back was his idea, cause he is one for crazy ****, and reviving Damian with powers sounds crazy.

The Jason Momoa concept art floating around gives me hope after all. He looks legit as aquaman.

Share it, I haven't seen many I like so far.


Alternate realities don't count to me. Otherwise, nothing means anything in comics.

No, it's about the comic stories having some meaning. If everything gets ret-conned, then what does any of it really matter? Where is the dramatic weight?

At least you were able to experience those deaths before the resurrection thing was predictable, I'm assuming you lived thought Allen's, Bucky's and Norman's deaths no?

I had to read about Allen's death when Barry Allen was already back alive, so it meant nothing to me and so far my notion is that comicbook deaths don't matter at all, they simply have no weight.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well you're highlighting the problem pretty well. These things used to matter. I was a kid when Crisis on Infinite Earths came out, and I read those stories with Flash and Supergirl dying, and they had an impact. Nowadays, why would anyone care? There are no consequences anymore. None of it lasts.

As an aside Bucky actually didn't initially die on the page. It was only in flashbacks when Cap returned in the Avengers that he died. So, his death was itself a retcon, but one that mattered in the early Stan Lee Marvel days, and for decades following that.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yea I remember reading Crisis as it came out. That event was serious business and the outcome of it lasted for at least a decade or so.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well you're highlighting the problem pretty well. These things used to matter. I was a kid when Crisis on Infinite Earths came out, and I read those stories with Flash and Supergirl dying, and they had an impact. Nowadays, why would anyone care? There are no consequences anymore. None of it lasts.

As an aside Bucky actually didn't initially die on the page. It was only in flashbacks when Cap returned in the Avengers that he died. So, his death was itself a retcon, but one that mattered in the early Stan Lee Marvel days, and for decades following that.

I can imagine, although reading Death of the family and when Damian died on the Leviathan arc was pretty shocking, I knew it wouldn't last, so it loses something.

That's one of the things wrong with comicbooks these days, yeah they have more diversity, cool designs and good writing, but they lack emotional impact when they need to have, partly because they don't have to balls to kill an important character and actually make you believe he or she isn't coming back, that and the horrible "crossoveritis" going on.

You can't read a single series, you can't have a contained story, everything has to be a big forced event, with several plots spreading across a variety of series, every series is a good read for a while, and then BOOM! Crossover.


I'm reading less and less series every week, trying to avoid those crossovers and big events, there are still good reads around, it's just harder to find one that isn't polluted by all that crap.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I know this probably isn't most people's cup of tea here, but I'm more interested of seeing a "tribal" Aquaman after seeing Momoa's audition for Game of Thrones.

Was that the New Zealand's rugby Haka taunt thing they do before each game? :lol

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I hope he does that little dance when he meets the Justice League :lol

Everybody will either laugh or piss their tights.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How awesome would it be if Aquaman was the villain of Justice League? He and the Atlantean Army rise to the surface at the end of BvS because they're tired of all the ********, and it's all-out war in JL.:lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How awesome would it be if Aquaman was the villain of Justice League? He and the Atlantean Army rise to the surface at the end of BvS because they're tired of all the ********, and it's all-out war in JL.:lol

That's kinda the plot of JL's Throne of Atlantis movie :lol except Arthur isn't the villain, Ocean Master is.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You know.. the more I think about a tribal warrior type Aquaman, I kinda like the idea - especially considering that haka thing Gaspar mentioned.

Mamoa might just cut it, as EVIL said.

The Michael Bay Transformers oeuvre is like one long, neverending Jar Jar Binks fart joke. But Transformers.
Well put actually. :lol

So do I. Still very good, despite its obvious flaws.


If only Hot Rod's dumb ass could have been as marginalized in the movie as he is on the movie poster :(
Yeah.. I gotta get the old series. I should have it by now.