Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


Kara is small in the pants.

Loves killer Terminator that kills innocent cops, thinks Terminator that maims but doesn't kill is a puss. Loves a puss Batman that kills his mentor and Two-Face because he has a flexible suit, thinks a Batman that kills to protect innocent people is no good because he kills and is in a restrictive suit.

Bale bats sorta lost my respect in rises. A dumbass he was in that movie.:cuckoo:
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I hate that duck he does when he's fighting them in the street. The head bash and gut punch is good, but man when he ducks to avoid those blades or whatever it looks friggin' ridiculous.

Yeah, hard to forget that. Also, when Catwoman grabbed him by his rubber bat ears and kneed him in the face :lol

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Two things: 1) The Terminator is supposed to kill. That's the whole point. That's why he's called the Terminator. 2) Batman is not supposed to kill. That's kind of his thing. So when a movie version of a Terminator doesn't kill, and a movie version of Batman does, then they suck.

Does that mean that T2 sucks? :thud:
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Two things: 1) The Terminator is supposed to kill. That's the whole point. That's why he's called the Terminator. 2) Batman is not supposed to kill. That's kind of his thing. So when a movie version of a Terminator doesn't kill, and a movie version of Batman does, then they suck.

Terminator is a robet, therefor can be programmed for gewd. Imagine if a Terminator was programmed for protection missions.

Batman started out killing punks for fun. Imagine the good Batman would do if he just ****ing killed ruthless enemies.

Bale also isn't innocent of not killing. Atleast Keaton didn't have rules right? He wasn't a hypocrite like the Balester. Best Batman is West. A true, noble, man that was a do-gooder and a great detective. Keaton had mental issues, Bale was a liar, but West was/is a true hero.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It blew up.


Actually, I don't even think it was a real shark. Nevermind. West Batman reigns supreme (though, if we're going to base this off of not killing and flexibility, Clooney never killed and was pretty swift in his nipple duds).
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Terminator is a robet, therefor can be programmed for gewd. Imagine if a Terminator was programmed for protection missions.

Batman started out killing punks for fun. Imagine the good Batman would do if he just ****ing killed ruthless enemies.

Bale also isn't innocent of not killing. Atleast Keaton didn't have rules right? He wasn't a hypocrite like the Balester. Best Batman is West. A true, noble, man that was a do-gooder and a great detective. Keaton had mental issues, Bale was a liar, but West was/is a true hero.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Bale Bats > all other live action Batmen

No contest. Keaton might have had a chance to rival him if he wasn't a damn statue in that suit, and, y'know, if he wasn't a homicidal lunatic. However, Keaton Wayne is the best Wayne.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. No. That's all.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Franco only takes over after LaBeef and Bay get done with it.