Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

This proves one thing, Man of Steel 2 would've bombed big time.

If they brought in Doomsday it would've been awesome.

Uh? Probably the language barrier here, because I'm not getting why you're talking about a yet to be released movie in the past tense! :dunno
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Uh? Probably the language barrier here, because I'm not getting why you're talking about a yet to be released movie in the past tense! :dunno

hoho....... grammar chop!!!!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, I think Doomsday should be saved till MoS 3, we need a different dynamic for Superman in MoS2, to get people's heads off the destruction in MoS, maybe the elite first? Lobo? Or a smaller scale plot with Lex Luthor.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It all depends on the era! I was a teenager at a time when Spiderman was the most popular Marvel hero and Iron Man got little. Love, and when Batman was just a guy in tights serving funny punchlines to ridiculous villains.

Let's face it, it works through media exposition. When I was a kid, CR was the bomb and GR was plain ridiculous. To the generation that came after mine, what did they have as a Superman? A guy in tights with outdated effects (CR) and SIII, IV, V which were awful movies. Then, a tv series more appealing to the fans of Moonlighting than to the fans of superheroes. Follow by a few cartoons and a TV series were the hero, Superman, is never seen wearing the suit. Then a movie made for the fans of the old guy and wich misses what the modem audience is looking for.

Despite it's faults, MOS is probably the only movie showcasing Superman in a new light for a new audience!

Meanwhile, on the Bat front, what did we get? Two good movies by Burton, two bad movies by Schumacher, great animated series, an awesome trilogy by Nolan... Clearly, with the type of media exposure he had, Superman hadn't the slightest chance to win!

If you'd asked who was the most popular in the 60/70s, Superman would have been a clear winner.

Like I daid, it's the result of media exposure, capable of turning a hero that didn't even have its own comics at the beginning (iron Man) into the most popular of them. Fads, all of them! Until the next one!

Don't forget Batmania in the 60's because ot the TV show :)
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Brainiac! Brainiac! Brainiac! Brainiac!

But, isn't it rumored that Brainiac will be the 1st JL villain?

I think this is how it will go down, Brainiac will come and do his thing, the JL will stop him and when he's laying on his back about to die or be turned off, he's gonna say something like "I wanted to preserve your civilization, because he's coming, and when he comes, there will be nothing left" I don't know something like that.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, I think Doomsday should be saved till MoS 3, we need a different dynamic for Superman in MoS2, to get people's heads off the destruction in MoS, maybe the elite first? Lobo? Or a smaller scale plot with Lex Luthor.

I would like to see a film away from earth. A Superman film with Green Lantern and they focus on another planet. Enough with Superman saving earth from evil aliens.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

This is old but not sure if this has been posted here yet but this one is so awesome and fun to watch! :lol

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I would like to see a film away from earth. A Superman film with Green Lantern and they focus on another planet. Enough with Superman saving earth from evil aliens.

That would be great. Hopefully they cast someone good as GL (Chris Pine is my ideal choice... esp since they didn't cast him as Flash) ... I hope they use Hal again and just retcon the Reynolds movie.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That would be great. Hopefully they cast someone good as GL (Chris Pine is my ideal choice... esp since they didn't cast him as Flash) ... I hope they use Hal again and just retcon the Reynolds movie.

Yea that's a solid pick, I was hoping that Fox would cast him as Cyclops for the X-Men film after Apocalypse.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

And yet, Superman Action Comics #1 sells for more than Detectective Comics#27.

To me, and I love Batman, Batman is just a fad! He was lucky to get rather good movies, and the dark attitude is a sure win with teenage, angst ridden audience. But Superman will always be the one and only!:rock

I dislike Batman in a very great way, but using the word fad about a character that has endured being in existence since before we put Hitler's girlfriend in the dirt is utterly ****ing stupid.