Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The Phantom of the Comic Book Opera?

... ...

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I do feel kind of bad about how Superman is constantly getting the shaft. I think we all know by now that I'm a Batman fan, but there would be no Batman without Superman. Period. National had a success on their hands with Superman, and they asked Bob Kane and Bill Finger if they had any ideas. Kane has a thought about a Davinci sketch and a name, Finger has the thoughts about pretty much every defining aspect of the character other than the name, and the next thing you know, 75 years later, Superman's flying in the shadow of the bat.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I do feel kind of bad about how Superman is constantly getting the shaft. I think we all know by now that I'm a Batman fan, but there would be no Batman without Superman. Period. National had a success on their hands with Superman, and they asked Bob Kane and Bill Finger if they had any ideas. Kane has a thought about a Davinci sketch and a name, Finger has the thoughts about pretty much every defining aspect of the character other than the name, and the next thing you know, 75 years later, Superman's flying in the shadow of the bat.

Maybe our national mood, how we view ourselves and our place in the world, has something to do with how each generation responds to Batman or Superman.

Well, there it is, the fruits of a liberal arts degree, splayed out for all the world to see on a toy board. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I do feel kind of bad about how Superman is constantly getting the shaft. I think we all know by now that I'm a Batman fan, but there would be no Batman without Superman. Period. National had a success on their hands with Superman, and they asked Bob Kane and Bill Finger if they had any ideas. Kane has a thought about a Davinci sketch and a name, Finger has the thoughts about pretty much every defining aspect of the character other than the name, and the next thing you know, 75 years later, Superman's flying in the shadow of the bat.

Superman has been in Batman's shadow for a long time and he has surpassed Sups in every area. He's sold more comic books, has more tittles, sells more merchandise, more/better films, cartoons, and even video games. Even his 75 anniversary celebration has been better than Superman's 75th anniversary celebration last year. Batman is getting spacial comics, short films, anniversary merchandise and it's all year long. Superman got a simple congratulations and a box muffins :lol

Maybe our national mood, how we view ourselves and our place in the world, has something to do with how each generation responds to Batman or Superman.

Well, there it is, the fruits of a liberal arts degree, splayed out for all the world to see on a toy board. :lol

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I do feel kind of bad about how Superman is constantly getting the shaft. I think we all know by now that I'm a Batman fan, but there would be no Batman without Superman. Period. National had a success on their hands with Superman, and they asked Bob Kane and Bill Finger if they had any ideas. Kane has a thought about a Davinci sketch and a name, Finger has the thoughts about pretty much every defining aspect of the character other than the name, and the next thing you know, 75 years later, Superman's flying in the shadow of the bat.

Maybe our national mood, how we view ourselves and our place in the world, has something to do with how each generation responds to Batman or Superman.

Well, there it is, the fruits of a liberal arts degree, splayed out for all the world to see on a toy board. :lol

Superman has been in Batman's shadow for a long time and he has surpassed Sups in every area. He's sold more comic books, has more tittles, sells more merchandise, more/better films, cartoons, and even video games. Even his 75 anniversary celebration has been better than Superman's 75th anniversary celebration last year. Batman is getting spacial comics, short films, anniversary merchandise and it's all year long. Superman got a simple congratulations and a box muffins :lol


And yet, Superman Action Comics #1 sells for more than Detectective Comics#27.

To me, and I love Batman, Batman is just a fad! He was lucky to get rather good movies, and the dark attitude is a sure win with teenage, angst ridden audience. But Superman will always be the one and only!:rock
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Ok, Batman is not a fad. Superman and Batman both have a level of nostalgia for me that Marvel characters can't achieve. I grew up with the icon of Reeve...he was an inspiration.

Cavill is fantastic as Clark/Superman. He has the chops, looks great in the suit, and is a worthy successor to Reeve.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

And yet, Superman Action Comics #1 sells for more than Detectective Comics#27.

To me, and I love Batman, Batman is just a fad! He was lucky to get rather good movies, and the dark attitude is a sure win with teenage, angst ridden audience. But Superman will always be the one and only!:rock

So Batman is a 75 year fad? :lol Superman is the original modern superhero, and there would be no Batman or any superheroes if it wasn't for Superman's initial success, but Batman is more popular. Iron Man might be more popular than Batman now, but that's a fad, imo.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Maybe if Superman stops acting like a Big Blue Boy Scout and starts kicking ass and taking names, he'll be much more loved.

Oh wait....
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So Batman is a 75 year fad? :lol Superman is the original modern superhero, and there would be no Batman or any superheroes if it wasn't for Superman's initial success, but Batman is more popular. Iron Man might be more popular than Batman now, but that's a fad, imo.

It all depends on the era! I was a teenager at a time when Spiderman was the most popular Marvel hero and Iron Man got little. Love, and when Batman was just a guy in tights serving funny punchlines to ridiculous villains.

Let's face it, it works through media exposition. When I was a kid, CR was the bomb and GR was plain ridiculous. To the generation that came after mine, what did they have as a Superman? A guy in tights with outdated effects (CR) and SIII, IV, V which were awful movies. Then, a tv series more appealing to the fans of Moonlighting than to the fans of superheroes. Follow by a few cartoons and a TV series were the hero, Superman, is never seen wearing the suit. Then a movie made for the fans of the old guy and wich misses what the modem audience is looking for.

Despite it's faults, MOS is probably the only movie showcasing Superman in a new light for a new audience!

Meanwhile, on the Bat front, what did we get? Two good movies by Burton, two bad movies by Schumacher, great animated series, an awesome trilogy by Nolan... Clearly, with the type of media exposure he had, Superman hadn't the slightest chance to win!

If you'd asked who was the most popular in the 60/70s, Superman would have been a clear winner.

Like I daid, it's the result of media exposure, capable of turning a hero that didn't even have its own comics at the beginning (iron Man) into the most popular of them. Fads, all of them! Until the next one!