Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I dislike Batman in a very great way, but using the word fad about a character that has endured being in existence since before we put Hitler's girlfriend in the dirt is utterly ****ing stupid.

When I talk about fad, I talk about the fact that he is before Superman these days. It's only true since the Burton movies, hence a fad. Who knows, maybe the next fad will be Captain Marvel? And if he comes before those two then this will be a fad even though he has existed as long as these two!

Plus do you have to be insulting?

Do I call you ****ing stupid because I disagree with you?

You seem to be the kind of guy with little tolerance, don't you?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

When I talk about fad, I talk about the fact that he is before Superman these days. It's only true since the Burton movies, hence a fad.

So out of the 75 years of existence, Batman has been more "popular" than Superman for 25 years (since '89), 1/3 of the time. I'm really not sure you can call that a fad anymore. Especially since there's currently no sign of changing (with everybody looking forward to the new BATMAN vs. superman movie).
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Okay, so maybe the word is a bad choice. What I mean is that heroes change with time and popularity of such and such just depends on the mood of the time, the way it is depicted, media exposure... Etc

My point is to say, yes, Batman is popular, just as before it was Superman, and there will be others when the right time has come.

As for no sign of changing, sure, that's to be expected. What has Superman to show in his favor in the last 30 years? Not much! The Batman franchise has been dealt a much better hand, so no wonder Batman is leading the race!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

And yet, Superman Action Comics #1 sells for more than Detectective Comics#27.

To me, and I love Batman, Batman is just a fad! He was lucky to get rather good movies, and the dark attitude is a sure win with teenage, angst ridden audience. But Superman will always be the one and only!:rock

Action #1 is the more important comic.

As for a fad, that would be Deadpool.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Action #1 is the more important comic.

As for a fad, that would be Deadpool.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Kids these days! We can't have traditional, old fashioned superheroes like classic Superman and the Fantastic Four. No, we've gotta have wise-cracking psychotic superheroes who talk to the reader, and villains who are deranged web designers. When I was a kid, the worst we ever got was ****ing Ambush Bug, Lockheed, or Speedball, dammit, and we liked it!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Maybe Superman was/is a fad. :panic: He just can't compete with other characters. Sure, he still "popular" (or known because he's so old) and was popular in the 40's and 50's, but even then he didn't have the top selling comics. Capt Marvel was more popular than Superman and outsold Superman for many years despite DC trying to stop them. Batman was more popular than Sups in the 60's. Superman was only the "top guy" when he had no competition, like in the 70's and early 80's because he was the only one with a film series. Before that, in the early 40's and mid 50's, he was the only one with a cartoon show, live action tv series, and a radio show. Those days are over...
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Superman's so unpopular with and inaccessible to modern audiences, DC may just have to do something kill him off!

Superman is the John Cena of superheroes... wait, maybe it's the other way :lol Still...both are not very popular despite their companies trying everything to keep them relevant and teaming them with other popular characters, like Batman in Sups case.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Superman is the John Cena of superheroes... wait, maybe it's the other way :lol Still...both are not very popular despite their companies trying everything to keep them relevant and teaming them with other popular characters, like Batman in Sups case.

I'll have you know...John Cena IZ DA BESS!!!!!

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm not sure how you want to gauge success, but if you look at what little kids are into, it's still Superman (after Batman and Spider-Man, of course). You always get Superman toys, clothes, and books/comics aimed toward little kids about Superman. Your Mattels of the world wouldn't be pumping these things out if kids weren't eating it up. In that sense, I guess he is a bit like John Cena. If I was a kid today, I would probably love Cena just like I loved Superman, and Hulk Hogan as a youngster.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The Superman symbol is popular. No one cares about the man behind it. :monkey2

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm not sure how you want to gauge success, but if you look at what little kids are into, it's still Superman (after Batman and Spider-Man, of course). You always get Superman toys, clothes, and books/comics aimed toward little kids about Superman. Your Mattels of the world wouldn't be pumping these things out if kids weren't eating it up. In that sense, I guess he is a bit like John Cena. If I was a kid today, I would probably love Cena just like I loved Superman, and Hulk Hogan as a youngster.

The difference is, I like Superman :lol I hate Cena (the character/wrestler/"entertainer") He sucks!!

I'll have you know...John Cena IZ DA BESS!!!!!

