Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Pretty much, complaining about anything anyone but Marvel does has been the cool thing to do for some time now, it's edgy.


Isn't that kinda like


oh gawd do we really need batman in a batman movie anymore!?


:lol :lol :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Published November 16, 2014 by Devin Faraci
ARROW Actor Thinks JUSTICE LEAGUE Casting Kind Of A **** Move

The DC TV/movies civil war begins here.

For whatever reason Warner Bros has decided to keep their TV and movie universes separate, even though they're actively developing the same characters in the two spaces. The most obvious example: the announcement that Ezra Miller would play the movie Flash just days after the TV Flash debuted. Some of us wondered whether this wasn't a thunder-stealing moment, and it turns out Arrow star Stephen Amell thinks the same thing:

I thought that the way that Warner Bros. announced the slate of DC movies could have been handled better. And I think someone like Grant Gustin, who has just launched an iconic character like the Flash to record-breaking numbers, numbers that far-surpassed Arrow’s numbers, he should have been given a wider berth than two episodes before another actor was announced to play his character. All that being said, that’s because I’m protective of Grant, and that’s because I think producing 23 episodes of superhero television is more difficult than producing a feature film. And it’s 23 episodes again, and again, and again.

Them's fighting words! Amell has a real point here - Warner Bros is definitely treating their high-rated TV shows as redheaded stepchildren. Amell says that he wouldn't mind someone else playing Green Arrow in the movies, so it isn't just a sense of territoriality that has his hackles raised. It's simply that the parent company isn't being graceful with the way they handle this stuff. And it's hard to argue against that POV.

Amell's savvy. He's good on social media and he communicates with fans. He's setting himself up here as a big brother to Grant Gustin, which is the sort of (easily sexualized) relationship the fans of TV shows love. This is playing smart in all the right ways, and it's probably with a goal in mind. Amell says he's okay with someone else playing Ollie in the movies, but he may not be that worried about it:

The plans that Warner Bros. has, and it’s a great plan, overall, and DC has for the introduction to the Justice League of America and all the standalone films, is going to take place over the course of five to six years. So who knows what could happen. I’ve had some great conversations with Geoff Johns, who is DC’s Chief Creative Officer. We had this conversation shortly after these announcements were made, and I came away from the conversation feeling great

What does that mean exactly? Unclear! It would certainly be weird for the TV Green Arrow to be in the movies but the TV Flash - with whom he crosses over - to be on his own. Of course I've talked about theories that DC is working towards a cross-overable multiverse, so maybe that's what Johns told him that has him feeling good.​

Anyway, bully for Amell for standing up for his TV people. I'm not a particularly big fan of Arrow (ie, I can't stand it) but I think The Flash is pretty fun, and proves that the people making the TV shows have finally started to get it. It's a real bummer that Warner Bros is intent on pitting TV versus movies, because I just think one will end up getting hurt in the process.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I really don't mind the 2 separate universes, hope it means we see an actual Batman show.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yup, me too.

Plus, why do either TV or movies have to "get hurt" by the other? If movies suck, does it have to affect the TV shows? If anything, if movies succeed chances are they re-ignite the DC hype, that can only benefit the shows.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yup, me too.

Plus, why do either TV or movies have to "get hurt" by the other? If movies suck, does it have to affect the TV shows? If anything, if movies succeed chances are they re-ignite the DC hype, that can only benefit the shows.

They probably can boost each other with some successes under their belt, I think Marvel's successes help as well, to most people 'sooperhero' is 'sooperhero'. A girl at work the other night told me she's really been digging watching Flash with her son. I was like yeah, it's really off to a good start, then she told me she hopes he shows up in Agents of Shield soon. :lol

I think they should let a network tackle Batman, someone ( possibly Batfan, maybe it was you) said that WB hadn't done a TV show because of the movies, well now that they are 100% drawing a line detailing 2 universes, it's time to start developing a Batman show.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Having two shows will keep things more simple than the movies AND shows being tied together.

Yep, can't remember the last AoS I've watched and I wonder if I'll miss something leading into AoU or the next Cap flick, etc... it's a great concept, but almost ****ing draining if you're not 100% into a show. Could you imagine having to watch all the Flash and Arrow episodes ( which I have :lol ) if you weren't into them, just to keep up on the storylines between movies? What a headache to casual fans or people who don't watch TV.

Don't get me wrong, glad to see Marvel trying something new, but I'm glad DC is going their own path.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

For the people watching AoS, does the show have any impact of MCU canon now? Or can they still delete it and nobody will notice?

A girl at work the other night told me she's really been digging watching Flash with her son. I was like yeah, it's really off to a good start, then she told me she hopes he shows up in Agents of Shield soon. :lol
:lol yup, that's the general audience for you, can be quite cute when you try to explain things to them and they judgmentally look at you in confusion :lol
I think they should let a network tackle Batman, someone ( possibly Batfan, maybe it was you) said that WB hadn't done a TV show because of the movies, well now that they are 100% drawing a line detailing 2 universes, it's time to start developing a Batman show.
It was him yeah.

I know, it would be a huge success, then a Superman show, then a JL show.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's funny. Batman has had the most, pretty much all, animated DC shows yet no live-action ones.

Actually trying to think of who I'd want to see as Bruce Wayne on a TV show is making my brain explode. :lol

Anyone got any favored people they'd love to see play Bats?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Actually trying to think of who I'd want to see as Bruce Wayne on a TV show is making my brain explode. :lol

Anyone got any favored people they'd love to see play Bats?

If we're talking premium channels or cable, Jon Hamm.:lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't know if this guys an actor or just a cosplayer type, but tons of stuff with him in various Batsuits, hes definitely got the look.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I just googled Kevin Porter after I saw this pic.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Holy crap, that's awesome, source?

If you're asking about the photo above, his name is Kevin Porter and he plays Batman in fanmade videos and films. He also works for Bat in the Sun videos on youtube. He also plays Punisher among other characters.

As Batman in City of Scars

As Punisher

His Message to Batffleck

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I just googled Kevin Porter after I saw this pic.
Ooooh he's the guy from City of Scars, I remember the name.



@Prince, I didn't know he was the Punisher, will have to check that out as well thanks.

I remember his message to Affleck, it's amazing, his demeanor and voice is very reminiscent of Conroy's Batmen.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Ahahaha, that message to Batfleck is awesome. :lol