Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

OMG, sunlight on your figures? WTF, ruined!

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

a) - Keaton is the best Batman

b) - Bale is Welsh, not British

c) - wasn't it Superman that borrowed fairly blatantly from the Moses story?


Pointless - & ill informed article. :lol

I agree whole heatedly with your post, but just to point out Wales is in Great Britain, he's not English, but he is British (it's his call, some Welsh don't like it, some embrace it).

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Maybe the first half of the movie will feature her and her volleyball struggling to get home. If that is the case I applaud her commitment to the role.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I could understand if Gal Gadot was some amazing actress but she's literally a nobody. They should have at least cast someone who looked the part since acting experience, clearly, was not a prerequisite. I want a Wonder Woman that looks the part. Imagine if they had casted that skinny kid from Road Trip to play Superman.

I just don't see Gadot ever being able to look like this :

