Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

We were lied to as children. Some of those "heels" were pretty solid guys in real life. Hogan was and is one of the most insufferable selfish corporate kissups of all time. Andre and Macho Man FTW!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

We were lied to as children. Some of those "heels" were pretty solid guys in real life. Hogan was and is one of the most insufferable selfish corporate kissups of all time. Andre and Macho Man FTW!

Stop it! Just stop it! Stop lying! (Smacks a fist against the side of his head) Hogan's the Mother of all Faces. The cartoon told me as much.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Hogan is the wrestling Antichrist! May Roddy Piper beat you down until you wear the sunglasses! :cuss
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

He was my fave growing up. I was beside myself when he dropped the belt to Warrior in VI. :(

Yeah man same here, funny thing is Warrior was one of my faves too bro. I met Hogan and Eric Bishoff last year at the Toronto Fan Expo

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Stop it! Just stop it! Stop lying! (Smacks a fist against the side of his head) Hogan's the Mother of all Faces. The cartoon told me as much.

View attachment 145645
I've heard bad things about most of the wrestlers from back in the day. I guess it was the means of survival in those days when wrestling was like the Wild West. But Andre was apparently a swell guy so long as he liked you! One guy I never heard one bad thing about though was Tito Santana. Didn't engage in backstabbing and politics, wasn't an *******, went out of his way to sign autographs for kids and whatnot. A legit, swell guy all the way around. Ricky Steamboat was another one.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I've heard bad things about most of the wrestlers from back in the day. I guess it was the means of survival in those days when wrestling was like the Wild West. But Andre was apparently a swell guy so long as he liked you! One guy I never heard one bad thing about though was Tito Santana. Didn't engage in backstabbing and politics, wasn't an *******, went out of his way to sign autographs for kids and whatnot. A legit, swell guy all the way around. Ricky Steamboat was another one.

It's a brutal business, man. You're on the road 200, 250 days a year, living out of motel rooms and if you're not "on," the s/marks jump all over you.

Very few have financial security, many compete with hidden injuries and then there's the rampant steroid and drug use/abuse. I don't think the depictions in "The Wrestler" were overstated.

And there's only room for about half-a-dozen top draws at any one time and you have to kiss Vince's and his family's ass because they gobbled up just about all of the promotions.

I remember years ago, seeing a flier in a store window promoting a wrestling match at a local gymnasium featuring the man who used to be Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake. Depressing as all get-out.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's a brutal business, man. You're on the road 200, 250 days a year, living out of motel rooms and if you're not "on," the s/marks jump all over you.

Very few have financial security, many compete with hidden injuries and then there's the rampant steroid and drug use/abuse. I don't think the depictions in "The Wrestler" were overstated.

And there's only room for about half-a-dozen top draws at any one time and you have to kiss Vince's and his family's ass because they gobbled up just about all of the promotions.

I remember years ago, seeing a flier in a store window promoting a wrestling match at a local gymnasium featuring Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake. Depressing as all get-out.

:exactly: And todays wrestlers in the WWE have it alot easier than those guys in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Back then they had to drive to each show and there was no guaranteed money. That's why a lot of WWF guys went to WCW. Now, those guys have six figure and seven figure contracts, guaranteed money. Those wrestlers took so many drugs to get rid of the pain, because they couldn't take time off with an injury, because if they did, someone could take their spot. Tough business.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Published November 13, 2014 by Devin Faraci
BATMAN V SUPERMAN To Finally Reveal What Happened To Batman’s Parents

Yup, it's a showing of The Mark of Zorro, the movie that has become the start of Batman's origin (a movie that I believe was added to the story by Frank Miller). Coming home from a night at the pictures the Waynes take an ill-advised shortcut through Crime Alley and end up gunned down; Momma Wayne's pearls all over the place. It's the single most repeated sequence in the history of comic books, I believe, and it's coming to the screen yet again in this movie.

Enough. For the love of God, enough. We have seen the Waynes die as often as we've seen Romeo and Juliet die at this point. How many more times do we need to see this sequence? Imagine if every single Spider-Man story included a flashback to Uncle Ben biting it? It's become overkill at this point, and yet for some reason everybody who approaches Batman seems to think they need to dramatize this sequence yet again (see Gotham, which actually opens with this scene). Yes, Miller's work was seminal. But that's enough.

Knowing Zack Snyder this is going to be a frame-by-frame recreation of that famous sequence, which means it'll be like a once-shiny penny that has now been worn away by decades of grubby fingers handling it.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Bitching for the sake of bitching.

The movie Will have an experienced Batman, so no origin story.
Wich is great.
But the trauma could be used as quick flashbacks like in miller DK.

Maybe one might wait before bitching about stuff out of context.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Bitching for the sake of bitching.

Pretty much, complaining about anything WB/DC does has been the cool thing to do for some time now, it's edgy.

The Arkham games have 2 or 3 recreations of the death of the Waynes throughout the franchise if I remember correctly, one in Asylum, one in City and one in Origins, the comics have god knows how many, that scene is also repeated across the animated movies and shows several times....

But suddenly it's a problem.


Anyway, I'm looking forward to that scene Snyder style, it will probably be similar to the Comedian's death.