Super Freak
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Skarsgard would be perfect. I'd love to see an Aquaman whose characterization is similar to that of Justice League's. I want him to be kind of ******* to humans. We always treat the character like crap, but I'd like to see a role reversal where he's disgusted by our selfishness and entitlement. My mother was talking about a tree in her backyard, recently, and how she thought they were going to have to remove it because she believed the roots were growing underneath the foundations of the house, and, to you or I, it sounds totally normal, but, when you detach yourself from the situation, this is a massive tree that's probably been here for decades; certainly longer than we've been here, and, yet, we want to eliminate it because it's causing an inconvenience, even though it predates us by a significant amount of time.
I'm not some Green Peace, hippie, "save the Earth" person, but it's just an observation about our very human oriented society. We shoot animals because we think they're lesser beings than us that would look great as a head on our wall, we tear down forests to build shopping malls, and that's not even Aquaman's territory; that's land. Then, you've got the oceans. Dolphins and Wales are slaughtered, we pollute the oceans with chemicals, trash, and, even, fuel.
**** it; make Aquaman the villain of the first Justice League. Everyone's wondering about the external threats from the vast frontiers of space, after Zod, and, all of a sudden, they've got a bunch of pissed off Atlanteans invading their shores, since they're sick of all of the **** humans put them through.
Sadly, I think they're slipping. The animated films are pretty great, but even those have had some weaker entries, as of late (though, TDKR was absolutely brilliant), but the TV side of things is really getting hit hard. Though, it's not DC's fault, really. The damn Cartoon Network executives keep canceling good shows because they're not marketable or whatever. Young Justice: cancelled. Green Lantern: cancelled. While it wasn't their strongest, Beware the Batman was even getting good, but I'm fairly certain it's cancelled, too, considering the fact that, after a long hiatus, Cartoon Network has decided to air the last, I believe, 13 4 AM on Toonami.
Part of me hopes that the fact that Timm left the movie production part of things means he'll be getting into the TV side a bit more, after all these years. Those two Batman shorts showed me that he's still got it. Personally, I'd love to see a revival or continuation of the original DCAU that ran from TAS to JLU. Air it during Adult Swim, towards it's target audience, and let that be that. Actually, to hell with Cartoon Network, Time Warner needs to create a DC Entertainment network with its own original programming. They've got enough content to get it to work, with enough new stuff to draw from and fill in the gaps. 4 pre-Nolan Batman films, the TDK trilogy, 4 Reeve Superman movies, Returns, Man of Steel, Green Lantern, Jonah Hex, Supergirl, etc.; as far as TV shows go, 10 seasons of Smallville in syndication, the Shipp Flash, the 66 Batman show, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Birds of Prey, and the whole animated line-up seems like a channel's worth of content.
Something nichey like Boomeranng for Comic book fans.
I could never get into the X-Men and Marvel shows. I think the DC stuff spoiled me. They seem like great shows, but I just can't mesh my own personal tastes with the aesthetics enough to enjoy them. I do agree that I absolutely loved Avengers:EMH. It was a fantastic show that, sadly, got canned in favor of that other one.
Yeah I'm completely set on Alex Skarsgard as Aquaman (even though he should've been Thor, and they all should've had a Scandinavian accents instead of the fake grade-school play Brittish, and yes oh the irony that his father plays Selvig). Also I remember Copley best as Murdoch in that A-team reboot movie, which was actually pretty entertaining, in a ridiculous way.
Might as well add some pictures to make my point:
He actually completed national service in the swedish military so his physical prowess isn't much of a problem, I'm sure with Cavill's trainer he'd become a beast. He also generally has the air I'd like to see Aquaman have. He's excellent at being condescending.
BUT I will say I'm not hellbent on him, if they find another actor I like for the part I'm fine with that. And yes I do think it should be a naturally blond actor.
Skarsgard would be perfect. I'd love to see an Aquaman whose characterization is similar to that of Justice League's. I want him to be kind of ******* to humans. We always treat the character like crap, but I'd like to see a role reversal where he's disgusted by our selfishness and entitlement. My mother was talking about a tree in her backyard, recently, and how she thought they were going to have to remove it because she believed the roots were growing underneath the foundations of the house, and, to you or I, it sounds totally normal, but, when you detach yourself from the situation, this is a massive tree that's probably been here for decades; certainly longer than we've been here, and, yet, we want to eliminate it because it's causing an inconvenience, even though it predates us by a significant amount of time.
I'm not some Green Peace, hippie, "save the Earth" person, but it's just an observation about our very human oriented society. We shoot animals because we think they're lesser beings than us that would look great as a head on our wall, we tear down forests to build shopping malls, and that's not even Aquaman's territory; that's land. Then, you've got the oceans. Dolphins and Wales are slaughtered, we pollute the oceans with chemicals, trash, and, even, fuel.
**** it; make Aquaman the villain of the first Justice League. Everyone's wondering about the external threats from the vast frontiers of space, after Zod, and, all of a sudden, they've got a bunch of pissed off Atlanteans invading their shores, since they're sick of all of the **** humans put them through.

I love Brave and the Bold, Justice League, Young Justice, and the other Timm-verse stuff. DC just hit home run after home run in the animated department. I didn't care for Teen Titans, but it isn't aimed at viewers like me, so I can't be critical of it.
Sadly, I think they're slipping. The animated films are pretty great, but even those have had some weaker entries, as of late (though, TDKR was absolutely brilliant), but the TV side of things is really getting hit hard. Though, it's not DC's fault, really. The damn Cartoon Network executives keep canceling good shows because they're not marketable or whatever. Young Justice: cancelled. Green Lantern: cancelled. While it wasn't their strongest, Beware the Batman was even getting good, but I'm fairly certain it's cancelled, too, considering the fact that, after a long hiatus, Cartoon Network has decided to air the last, I believe, 13 4 AM on Toonami.

Part of me hopes that the fact that Timm left the movie production part of things means he'll be getting into the TV side a bit more, after all these years. Those two Batman shorts showed me that he's still got it. Personally, I'd love to see a revival or continuation of the original DCAU that ran from TAS to JLU. Air it during Adult Swim, towards it's target audience, and let that be that. Actually, to hell with Cartoon Network, Time Warner needs to create a DC Entertainment network with its own original programming. They've got enough content to get it to work, with enough new stuff to draw from and fill in the gaps. 4 pre-Nolan Batman films, the TDK trilogy, 4 Reeve Superman movies, Returns, Man of Steel, Green Lantern, Jonah Hex, Supergirl, etc.; as far as TV shows go, 10 seasons of Smallville in syndication, the Shipp Flash, the 66 Batman show, Wonder Woman, Shazam, Birds of Prey, and the whole animated line-up seems like a channel's worth of content.

The best Marvel animated series I've seen is the recent Avengers one. I didn't watch much of the new Spidey ones, though. I've got a nostalgic connection to Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends and '80s Hulk, and '60s Spider-Man, as well as the old Fantastic Four series with HERBIE and the '60s moving comics of Thor, Cap, Submariner, etc., but I know they aren't actually that great. I don't care for the animation or voice acting on the '90s X-Men or Spider-Man cartoons. '90s FF and Avengers were terrible. Pryde of the X-Men was amazing to me, but that quality couldn't be sustained, so we only got the one pilot.
I could never get into the X-Men and Marvel shows. I think the DC stuff spoiled me. They seem like great shows, but I just can't mesh my own personal tastes with the aesthetics enough to enjoy them. I do agree that I absolutely loved Avengers:EMH. It was a fantastic show that, sadly, got canned in favor of that other one.