Super Freak
ive always wondered, what happens when a person has not worked like for 5 years and then they try to apply for a job after having that hole in their resume.
are they screwed?
Probably depends on the reason and the job you're applying for. But, no, they're not screwed. I have a Facebook acquaintance -- friend from elementary school that's a genuine moron -- that was released from a three-year prison stint for dealing coke (I think), who had a job within several weeks of being released. If that guy can get a job, anybody can.
Ummm. Thank you for caring and taking the time to write all that but, I don't find it helpful.
I suspected you wouldn't. Some people look for a way, others look for an excuse. You strike me as the latter.
I've been where you are, for the most part ... likely with more people depending on me to man-up and get my **** straight. There were plenty of concrete suggestions in there that you couldn't've possibly tried in the time it took you to merely read the post. I suggested about six or seven books worth reading. Books with wisdom you could use. Books that have helped me deal with a few jobless stints, and come out better off after every one of them ... to the point where I no longer need to pathetically beg somebody to employ me. Books that have taken men I know from abject failure to genuine success ... from failures you couldn't imagine (bankruptcy, crushing debt, divorce, lawsuits, etc.) to success you can't imagine.
Some men grab life by the balls ... some let life grab them. Everybody has the same 24-hours you do. If they can do it, you could too ... if you were willing to do what they did. The opportunities are out there. You're not going to find them moping in your bedroom.
Good luck.