Best Phantom Menace Review

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The last part where he talks about the ending having four different story points is too true It's all over the place come the third act when really all you want to see is saber fight. Which while it's well choreographed it's a little anticlimactic because every two minutes it's cutting to the other sequences.
The last part where he talks about the ending having four different story points is too true It's all over the place come the third act when really all you want to see is saber fight. Which while it's well choreographed it's a little anticlimactic because every two minutes it's cutting to the other sequences.

That's actually Lucas' style though and part of what made Star Wars more exciting to watch vs. being a SciFi BBC borefest. In most cases, it makes a movie enjoyable. Unfortunately, it's bad when he cuts in the middle of action sequences where the audience is just wanting more.
Eh, if someone said that they refuse to see TPM because they could tell it was going to be bad, I'm sure most people would (rightfully) condemn them. The point is that Lucas' quote really doesn't make much sense. For the record I still like TPM even though I can't really argue with anything this guy says in his videos.

I don't think he meant it literally. What he was saying was you don't have to like it, and if you don't, move on.
And that's my problem with SW fandom. The people who can't get over the fact that it isn't what they want, and feel it needs to be.

And for the record I don't think TPM is any kind of masterpiece. I'm just sick of seemingly non-stop, repetetive bashing of the prequels and hatred of a man who has given (most of) us a ton to enjoy.

Too many Star Wars Police out there who need to ridicule everything and apply their own bitter logic to every creative decision.
This guy is hilarious. Unfortunately, the last video refuses to play. If his other video reviews are half as good, I'm going to subscribe to his channel.
I don't think he meant it literally. What he was saying was you don't have to like it, and if you don't, move on.
And that's my problem with SW fandom. The people who can't get over the fact that it isn't what they want, and feel it needs to be.

And for the record I don't think TPM is any kind of masterpiece. I'm just sick of seemingly non-stop, repetetive bashing of the prequels and hatred of a man who has given (most of) us a ton to enjoy.

Too many Star Wars Police out there who need to ridicule everything and apply their own bitter logic to every creative decision.

They have to have somebody to blame for them growing up to become walking vagina repellent. :dunno

A long time ago, there were better pics of that shown in one of the Carbo Han threads. The barf coming down his chin is priceless. :lol
I don't think he meant it literally. What he was saying was you don't have to like it, and if you don't, move on.
And that's my problem with SW fandom. The people who can't get over the fact that it isn't what they want, and feel it needs to be.

And for the record I don't think TPM is any kind of masterpiece. I'm just sick of seemingly non-stop, repetetive bashing of the prequels and hatred of a man who has given (most of) us a ton to enjoy.

Too many Star Wars Police out there who need to ridicule everything and apply their own bitter logic to every creative decision.

Interesting that the only bitter person seemingly shoving their opinion and logic in our faces is you:monkey1 RELAX bruv
Anyway. I still find Maul to be the most visually interesting Prequel villain but I wish he'd had more face time or at least done less standing around. I was really expecting his fear monologue from the trailer/music video to be in the movie but then it wasn't. As fierce as he looked he was severely underused. Seemed like George was trying to recreate the allure of Boba Fett but it didn't turn out that way, imo. Instead the trade federation guys were more the active antagonists and they were pretty boring.
this is what i looked like at my first theater viewing of TPM:
Then you should've called the police and had the man who put the gun to your head, forcing you into the movie seat for 2.5hrs, arrested. :rolleyes:

What does that comment have to do with anything? :rolleyes:

It was a stupid (not to mention, kind of childish sounding) thing for Lucas to say, that's all.
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Reading the reviews for TPM, I knew going in that Jar Jar would be a migrane and that little Anny had the acting ability of a toad (sadly better than his "grown up" version) and that it was lavishly overdone with digital effects (which people don't realize, for their time, were state-of-the-art, or unfairly compare them to modern effects). So knowing all that, I went in, watched it and actually, for the most part, enjoyed it. True some aspects were outlandishly silly, but no more so than Ewoks. :rolleyes:

Honestly, there were parts of it that I enjoyed too, but overall it was a let down. The other prequels were better (ESPECIALLY RotS, which was pretty awesome overall).

Repeat viewings of the Phantom Menace, though, are few and far between for me. Despite the convoluted story, etc, I can still enjoy it as a Star Wars fan, but I find Jar-Jar and wee Anakin to be not only silly (silly is fine), but utterly annoying.
Honestly, there were parts of it that I enjoyed too, but overall it was a let down. The other prequels were better (ESPECIALLY RotS, which was pretty awesome overall).

Repeat viewings of the Phantom Menace, though, are few and far between for me. Despite the convoluted story, etc, I can still enjoy it as a Star Wars fan, but I find Jar-Jar and wee Anakin to be not only silly (silly is fine), but utterly annoying.

Okay, so the other prequels were better, so what? They came out AFTER Phantom Menace. While aspects of the movie were groaners, and at times face-palm inspiring, it doesn't take away from the fact that Jar Jar and Anny be damned, back at 12:00 am on May 19, 1999, I was thrilled to be sitting in a theater with my girlfriend and her little brother (who was 4, same age I was when I saw Star Wars) watching a BRAND NEW Star Wars film. The Jedi were awesome, Darth Maul had me on the edge of my seat and for the time, the digital effects were the best I'd ever seen. And when the movie was over, I was still stoked to have finally seen another Star Wars flick despite the menial annoyances. I think if 99% of the people here were honest with themselves instead of boarding the douchemobile for that "trendy" Summer's Eve ride, they'd agree.

ESB was better than Star wars, but nevertheless, SW still has it's rightful place, just as TMP has in the PT. People just need to have a good cry, get over it, do some crunches, bathe and get out more.
I've found AOTC the least re-watched courtesy of Jonathan Hales dialogue. The fireplace scene with Padme & Anakin is, for me, the low point in the prequel trilogy.
I've found AOTC the least re-watched courtesy of Jonathan Hales dialogue. The fireplace scene with Padme & Anakin is, for me, the low point in the prequel trilogy.

Actually, no. That "" scene in ROTS was much, much worse. I've seen better acting in porn. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4
I think if 99% of the people here were honest with themselves instead of boarding the douchemobile for that "trendy" Summer's Eve ride, they'd agree.

While I could never put it so eloquently, I totally agree with you there. :lol

I was blissfully internet-free back in the stone age of '99. I like to think a lot of the hate stems from the negative, sheep mentality that the online community breeds. But to be fair, giving it thought I do remember some folks who absolutely hated it on the spot. I just assumed they had miserable childhoods. :dunno

Actually, no. That "" scene in ROTS was much, much worse. I've seen better acting in porn. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4

I can't disagree with you there....but AOTC has the assmonster, Gone With The Wind, quietest waterfalls ever scene.

Funny that we're the guys defending TPM. :lol
It's all the more funny if I imagine this guy talking.
