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Beware buyer/seller BRONXBEAST

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You might have to check because i verified and bronxbeasts paypal account is closed. If this is the case she might not have your address to mail you the money order.

Well if you get something, then I'd be willing to contact "her." But surely they would have the email paypal would have sent them to let them know they got paid. That would have our addresses in it.

But I just don't see how he would have been able to close his account given the guidelines posted a few pages back. His last activity was within no more than 24 hours of this thread being posted and people filing disputes.

Could it be possible he works for or knows somebody at Paypal that could be helping him? :confused:
Well if you get something, then I'd be willing to contact "her."

But I just don't see how he would have been able to close his account given the guidelines posted a few pages back. His last activity was within no more than 24 hours of this thread being posted and people filing disputes.

Could it be possible he works for or knows somebody at Paypal that could be helping him? :confused:

Believe me that you can close your paypal account after a transaction i did it before a while back ago. The only way paypal can recover the funds is if he linked his account to a bank account
You guys realize that he, the 'girlfriend' and 'mother' and all likely the exact same person.

You just crushed Westsidechino :( he was hoping the girlfriend would call him so he could finally feel a real live woman for once in his life.
Nash, you need to chill out. I've sat back and watched other people tell me all about the situation like it happened to you long enough. I got scammed. Chino got scammed. You did not. Maybe paypal gave back your money at one point and time, but guess what? Times change apparently, because we are not guaraunteed a damn red cent with an outside of ebay transaction. This is all retarded from beginning to end, and this thread has turned into a joke.
This man robbed people. This is incredibly serious, and some of you should be ashamed for what you have posted. I'm not a rich man. I paid $350 for a FIGURE online. Paying $350 for ANYTHING is a once every five year event for me. I'm devastated by this. I had a spot literally cleaned up and ready to set Ed-209 right next to my Robocop. That might sound pretty damn cheesy, but whay can I say. I'm a nerd.
Now, as it stands, my bank may not even refund my money because I authorized the paypal transaction. It's awful. And all half of you can do, is fight over who the biggest idiot is. What kind of forum is this? I join, get scammed immediatly, and now every other post I read, seems to have come from a child. GIVE ME A BREAK. If you have nothing positive to add to this SERIOUS thread, the one in which seven people were scammed for $2000, then shut your damn mouht. I dont need it.
I got the email too. I don't quite know what to think. I don't really have the energy to care right now.....Maybe tomorrow, I'll have an opinion.
Nash, you need to chill out. I've sat back and watched other people tell me all about the situation like it happened to you long enough. I got scammed. Chino got scammed. You did not. Maybe paypal gave back your money at one point and time, but guess what? Times change apparently, because we are not guaraunteed a damn red cent with an outside of ebay transaction. This is all retarded from beginning to end, and this thread has turned into a joke.
This man robbed people. This is incredibly serious, and some of you should be ashamed for what you have posted. I'm not a rich man. I paid $350 for a FIGURE online. Paying $350 for ANYTHING is a once every five year event for me. I'm devastated by this. I had a spot literally cleaned up and ready to set Ed-209 right next to my Robocop. That might sound pretty damn cheesy, but whay can I say. I'm a nerd.
Now, as it stands, my bank may not even refund my money because I authorized the paypal transaction. It's awful. And all half of you can do, is fight over who the biggest idiot is. What kind of forum is this? I join, get scammed immediatly, and now every other post I read, seems to have come from a child. GIVE ME A BREAK. If you have nothing positive to add to this SERIOUS thread, the one in which seven people were scammed for $2000, then shut your damn mouht. I dont need it.
I got the email too. I don't quite know what to think. I don't really have the energy to care right now.....Maybe tomorrow, I'll have an opinion.

Not that I really contributed much to this thread, and I'm only an observer and luckily for me, not a victim, but I agree with what you and others have said. Don't really see the need for others to come in to what was an informative thread and crap all over it with insults. Some good-natured jokes to hopefully lighten an overall depressing and^^^^ty situation is innocent enough, but to come on here and insult people for trying to get to the bottom of this, and discuss the validity of what has been communicated by the scammer and involved parties doesn't really add to thread in the least. Borders on douchery even.
When was this?


those that got scammed by bronxbeast,?if you are im just letting you know that i informed his mother on this situation,shes old and sickbut willing to take care of this issue with out there being a need to go to police,she wants to give the money back to all of those that were scammed,she doesnt wanna see her only son in prison,.....whatever amount that he took will be the amount, you will get back ,im not talking in consideration of bronxbeast im talking on behalf of his mother,irma she informed me that all those scammed will get there money back
those that got scammed by bronxbeast,?if you are im just letting you know that i informed his mother on this situation,shes old and sickbut willing to take care of this issue with out there being a need to go to police,she wants to give the money back to all of those that were scammed,she doesnt wanna see her only son in prison,.....whatever amount that he took will be the amount, you will get back ,im not talking in consideration of bronxbeast im talking on behalf of his mother,irma she informed me that all those scammed will get there money back

what do you know, another new "bx" member. :lol:lol:lol:lol

Can someone please check these IP addresses?
those that got scammed by bronxbeast,?if you are im just letting you know that i informed his mother on this situation,shes old and sickbut willing to take care of this issue with out there being a need to go to police,she wants to give the money back to all of those that were scammed,she doesnt wanna see her only son in prison,.....whatever amount that he took will be the amount, you will get back ,im not talking in consideration of bronxbeast im talking on behalf of his mother,irma she informed me that all those scammed will get there money back

Are you his girlfriend? or Bronxbeast himself?
those that got scammed by bronxbeast,?if you are im just letting you know that i informed his mother on this situation,shes old and sickbut willing to take care of this issue with out there being a need to go to police,she wants to give the money back to all of those that were scammed,she doesnt wanna see her only son in prison,.....whatever amount that he took will be the amount, you will get back ,im not talking in consideration of bronxbeast im talking on behalf of his mother,irma she informed me that all those scammed will get there money back

Why does BronxBeast not speak up for himself? why does he have you do it?
I'm really not saying much about what it was that you said Nash - But the way you chose to continue on using defaming terms and harsh language was ridiculous. Enough though, I will not be drug into a childish forum argument. You are entitled to your opinion, and that's that. Now, if you've got all your arguments out of the way, I would love if this could find it's way back to being an on topic informative thread. As far as being so far caught up, I could not see god adivce if it kicked me in the ass......Maybe others my friend, but I am hardly "Caught up." I've followed every step I need to take with paypal, my bank, and the authorities. Is there any other "Great advice" I need?
As far as contacting his girl/mom, I'm certainly not going to call that wrong. He drug them into it with these sob stories, and by using her paypal, so while I probably would not have contacted them, Chino certainly has the right to do so. There is no law against trying every single avenue to get a return on your money, and at least now he knows he cannot hide.

I was trying to give insight then was told my opinion is retarded. ok go ahead and contact his girlfriend and mother and believe their bullcrap about trading your existing negative balances for more stuff that he probably doesnt even have. Go dig yourself into a deeper hole and waste more precious time with their sob stories and your myspace detective work.

Youre right, i didnt get scammed, but i could care less if you dont need to hear what I have to say or not. who the hell are you to tell me what i can or can not talk about?

Some of you are so caught up you cant see good advice if it kicked you in your ass.
Hey guys. bxshortylosh01 asked for my # and I thought what the hell what else can I lose right? Call me if you got the cajones! Hehe.

Anyway a hispanic female personally calls me and assures me she and Grandma are gonna make everything right. Please dont press charges. He used my acct therefore my credit is in danger, Im implicated etc etc. He is sick, needs help, and I am a victim too here.

Anyway she goes on to promise that I will have the money sent by paypal or express mail tracked by Friday. She gives me her phone #.

Well bro's since I already wrote this one off anyway I said sure. I agree if the $ is in my hands by then I will inform Paypal and the Police that my claim has been settled and I no longer wish to pursue. Put yourself in my shoes, the most important thing is my 650 bucks back in a timely manner so I can blow it again.

Of course until then keep your torches burnin and pitchforks sharp, because this is something I definitely gotta see to believe at this point, and prematurely ending my claim would be a mistake.
A couple of things:

People being childish and calling names in this thread are not being helpful.

Second - this BX guy is from the same area as bronxbeast probably the same guy.

He's on AOL so the IP can't be blocked - they send through a node so I'd be blocking anyone who goes through AOL by blocking him.

About Paypal - if his account is frozen, which it probably is because of all the complaints - he can't refund people that way. He'll have to send a money order or work it out with Paypal to refund people.

It's too late for him so I'll point out here that if a scammer cleans our their paypal account and there's no bank account attached to the account then paypal will not be able to get any funds back and will not refund you a cent. Every case is different, but it isn't coming out of Paypal's pocket. I know this from experience.

That's why they hate it when you use a credit card - you can always make a claim with the card company and get your money back that way - that will come out of their pocket. They'll probably close your account if you do this though as it's in their terms of agreement that you won't do this.
And I would like to add if I do get my money back (and of course I am highly skeptical about that), I owe thanks to the people you guys are berating for their silly "detective work". They are just trying to help.
A couple of things:

People being childish and calling names in this thread are not being helpful.

Second - this BX guy is from the same area as bronxbeast probably the same guy.

He's on AOL so the IP can't be blocked - they send through a node so I'd be blocking anyone who goes through AOL by blocking him.

About Paypal - if his account is frozen, which it probably is because of all the complaints - he can't refund people that way. He'll have to send a money order or work it out with Paypal to refund people.

It's too late for him so I'll point out here that if a scammer cleans our their paypal account and there's no bank account attached to the account then paypal will not be able to get any funds back and will not refund you a cent. Every case is different, but it isn't coming out of Paypal's pocket. I know this from experience.

That's why they hate it when you use a credit card - you can always make a claim with the card company and get your money back that way - that will come out of their pocket. They'll probably close your account if you do this though.

That is spot on info on Paypal. Always always always use a credit card :banghead , they are out to make a buck (lots of them) and ultimately dont give a damn about your money. How do I know this? From 3 hours on the phone with everyone at Paypal who has a phone line this Friday.

Canned answers, no promises, I could not even get them to say yes, maybe they should have called me when I sent money to somebody with 5 claims against them this week. They accept no responsibility whatsoever and will concede nothing. Not a soul there was any more helpful than their automated line.

Their off eBay transaction policy is extortion. They want to muscle every single online transaction into paying ridiculous FEEBAY fees to have any sort of protection for buyers and sellers. And then the seller takes a hit from Paypal as well.

We are ****ed though since nobody is going to EVER take a run at eBay/Paypal as online goods brokers. Anyone who has ever become moderately successful at this has been bought out.
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