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Beware buyer/seller BRONXBEAST

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And I would like to add if I do get my money back (and of course I am highly skeptical about that), I owe thanks to the people you guys are berating for their silly "detective work". They are just trying to help.

Thanks man that would be Luis 138 and myself. Hopefully you and and i aswell as the others that were scammed will get our money back. I too had his girlfriend send me the money via priority mail. Once it is in my hands i will blow my torch off until than it is burning hot. :maul
Eh, I don't know...... I personally don't want a money order. That's just another trip to the bank that I SHOULDN'T have to make! Plus, can a money order bounce??? I just don't even wanna give out any more personal info. I got an email asking me for my address, but I don't wanna give it out.... I just want my CC credited back for the $50. Even if the account is frozen, he/she can contact Paypal and have the funds reimbursed somehow.....

I'm still not feeling very compassionate. Why is everyone fighting his battles???? You're a grown man. I want him taking care of all this. I want the culprit to fix these problems that HE created....
The best thing you can do is just if you paid by credit card call up your cc company submit your relevant info which they will request i.e proof of events etc and get your refund on your card. If you made the payment through paypal even outside of ebay you still have 45 days since the transaction to file a complaint and get your money back. Hopefully everyone who lost their money will get it back.

For those of you who want to go further like i said you can report him to this site run by the fbi. https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx and file a complaint he will then be on record as having committed a crime which stealing people's money is. The info will be passed to the relevant law enforcement agencies and be on record. If someone scammed me like this i personally wouldn't communicate with them ever. When people make the decision to carry out this kind of action they must bear responsibilites for the consequences. Thats just the nature of the laws of the universe.

If you report then at least then you can sure the offending party will have a record and never be able to pull off this one on anyone else ever again. I think its important that people don't get away with these kinds of actions. You can sit here and argue till the cows come home about what response he gives, his sick mother etc but it's really kind of pointless if he goes off in the meantime changes his id address etc and starts scamming other people..

If even 1 person make the same complaint with the same persons address thats enough for it to be passed for to the relevant law enforcement agencies. Obviously multiple complaints would make the case even stronger. Outside of that if you really feel strongly enough you can go down the small claims court route but this can be time consuming.

Hopefully this helps.
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Eh, I don't know...... I personally don't want a money order. That's just another trip to the bank that I SHOULDN'T have to make! Plus, can a money order bounce???

In theory no, the only way you get a money order is by handing over the cash to the value on the money order (plus their fee). Then you take it too the place that issued the money order and they hand you the cash amount that it says on the order.

The only way a money order can 'bounce' is if its just totally fake from the outset, but even then I don't think it would have any impact on you, other then just not getting the money.

Basically its cash, but with your name on it. So if you can get past the giving out your address, which at some point he had anyway, tho may have lost the reference to it (ie in his/her paypal account). Then the money order should be the fastest and safest way to get your cash back.

If handing over your address is that big a problem, how about having it sent to your work address.
That's why they hate it when you use a credit card - you can always make a claim with the card company and get your money back that way - that will come out of their pocket. They'll probably close your account if you do this though as it's in their terms of agreement that you won't do this.

Does this include check bank cards that are attached to the account? Those are considered credit cards am I right?
Well, I'm currently a student.....

But regardless I just have no sympathy at this point. I've been held up at GUNPOINT for my car and I don't feel bad for this guy AT ALL. Why should I feel sympathy for some schmuck who stole my HARD EARNED money?!?!?! It's ^^^^^^^s like these that piss me off. So I'M the one who has to go out, spend a ton of money on education, work my ass off to earn money, then have some stupid ^^^^ go and steal this from me???? Nope. Doesn't work that way. No mercy from my standpoint.
Ok, "new" information. BXSHORTY and IZA have both contacted me through PM wanting to send me a money order. I just got off the phone with Paypal (talked to Jacob) and he gave me great information:

  • He recommended that I start a chargeback with my credit card and told me that my account will NOT be closed.
  • He said DO NOT give this person your address or phone number. They can send you either a fake money order or simply an EMPTY envelope. Since there is a tracking number, Bronxbeast can then tell Paypal that he sent us a money order and that will just drag this out ALOT longer.
  • He admitted that Paypal probably wouldn't be able to recover the funds, BUT he does have enough information to send this person (or his girlfriend) to collections.
  • https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx DOES work. He again recommended everyone posting to that because, since this person is in the country, the FBI WILL investigate. Even if it takes them a few months.
  • I am on the phone with my credit card right now providing them with his address, multiple emails, and such. :D

*fricking idiot actually sent me a friend request!
Well, it also states in the Paypal claim that if the seller doesn't respond to the claim within 11 days then the funds will automatically be reimbursed into my account....
Yes, I got a similar message - At this point, I am unsure of what to do. I guess if the bank refuses to refund my money, all I can do is hope that this person makes it right.
I told her that if she wants to refund me, she can sent it though paypal. I'm not falling for the "give me your address" crap.
Well, they already have our address. What we should probably do is ask for a USPS money order.
They are more secure.


They do not have our address; their paypal.com account is frozen so they cannot access it. Have them send a Western Union money order if you are going to do anything but I won't give out my address until I talk to someone on the phone and even then, I would be hesitant.
Personally speaking I would never give out my address as these people are asking.
You never know what you might get through the post if this person is as 'sick' as these others are claiming.
Plus as has been mentioned they can send you an envelope saying they/he has sent you money when they havn't and then its your word against his/theirs.

Go the legal route, I know its frustrating and may take longer but there are a few of you so the authorities can get involved and get this guy. He is obviously scared at any further legal involvement, otherwise he wouldnt keep trying to contact you.

IMO I would ignore anything you get from anyone claiming to be him or a relative/girlfriend. Obviously the final decision is up to each of you that have been affected by this but this person has stolen your money, he is a thief and needs treating as such, do not give him/them any sneaky way out that they may find to avoid the legal ramifications of his actions.

Lets the police/authorities deal with him and get him, and you guys get your refund through your CC/paypal.

Those are just my thoughts though and what I would do, I would not give this guy any room for manouvre. He made his bed when he scammed the money.
x :peace
This is the latest email i was sent in this saga of deceit. I believe that if we give this person, (most likely Bronxbeast) our addresses he will send us a an envelope of something other than a money order and have proof they shipped something to us with a tracking number-they will then be able to use this against us in a paypal claim.

Hopefully none of you have given this info. The way this person talks just seems too much like he did at first. They keep referring to their sick old mom and "im gonna send you a big fat envelope with a money order in it"- No thanks, ill let paypal handle it.

Don't forget the lesson we all learned from this -if it seems too good to be true....IT IS!

(This is the email i got from this person)

they banned me from forum,because they think i stoled from all of you,but i didnt know what he did,until yesterday,please know that you are really getting your money back,like i said it will be done by priority mail,via money order,im putting it in one of those priority mail envelopes on friday,please be patient i informed as many of the other victims as possible,but i got banned luckily i have 2 addresses to where to send the money,but i dont think i got yours,i need your address and name

bronxbeast;s mother borrowed money because i dared to tell her about the situation he put us threw, because she doesnt wanna see her only son in jail,and she didnt like what he did neither,so shes in over 2000 in debt ,and she feels its woth it just to see her son free,from this if it was upto me i wouldnt help but im doing it for her and because you and the others didnt deserve this,theres no justification for what he did,but shes innocent,and so am i they shouldnt be blaming me for what happened,he let me down too,i would of accused him of identity theft but i couldnt because i care about what will happen to his mom,and about myself,so please understand

i registered as iza after they banned me ,i need help to prove im not the scammer but im alone in this,i wish i could get help from all of you,i was another one of his victims,and so is his mom,please help me..................
They keep making new ones- is there anyway we can get this person off the boards once and for all?
Schools in the Bronx must really be slacking in grammar instruction and daily oral language...I think I am going to copy all of the posts and emails and make worksheets for my 5th graders to correct. :peace
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