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Beware buyer/seller BRONXBEAST

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:lecture :lecture :lecture

Still not sure how peolple fall for these scams. NEVER EVER EVER buy high end from a noob! EVER! Dont even buy cheap ^^^^ from noobs.

I did once. Sent $800 for a REAL SS IM Comiquette non-Ex. And it was a money order no less. We had discussions and numerous emails and he came with referrals from other people that bought from him here. He made good on his word, and I got item safe and sound. I would never ever do something so stupid again.
The biggest problem is that people saw he had 10+ positive feedback. Under normal circumstances I'd say they guy is OK. And that is why I went ahead with the deal. Two Scarface 12" figures for $75 isn't exactly the deal of the century, but certainly a good deal none the less. He originally wanted $110 for them. I was a little suspecious he went so low, but I figured he needed the cash and was just trying to get rid of these quickly.

So thankfully I'm not out as much as some of the others, but still $75 isn't a small amount either. I could have used that to go towards some of the upcoming pre-orders or custom work. Hopefully I get it back. I stupidly still have my Paypal primary funding coming from my bank account instead of credit card since I haven't updated the card since the CSC credit card theft problem :banghead
Hrm. I am a little ticked at PAYPAL. Why did I just now have to read this thread to see I had gotten ripped?

Do you think after the 5th dispute in a week against him they couldve contacted the other people who he took money from recently? Or do they just know he is a fraud and hope we lay down and take it so they dont have to pay it themselves?
Hrm. I am a little ticked at PAYPAL. Why did I just now have to read this thread to see I had gotten ripped?

Do you think after the 5th dispute in a week against him they couldve contacted the other people who he took money from recently? Or do they just know he is a fraud and hope we lay down and take it so they dont have to pay it themselves?

I feel the same way. Clearly if they had an actual person check their records, there is no question this guy is a scumbag and a deadbeat. We should all have our accounts refunded simply on the fact there is a large number of disuptes/claims on him right now -- and like you said, within a week, let alone a day or two!
He did not even give me a +1 before jetting! Im a noob here I could use it.
Always use a CC with Paypal.

Like I said, I never got around to updating my account since my CC got stolen from CSC's server theft problem a few months back. Hasn't been a problem till now so I didn't even think about it :duh

Hopefully PayPal comes through. I think there are enough of us that an issue with this guy should be painfully obvious.
Always use a CC with Paypal.

Speaking of which, is it just me or have others noticed that Paypal seem to like to push the use of a bank account as funding source. To the point that when you change it on a transaction, they almost make it sound likes its a bad idea, that you really shouldn't be doing that.

Maybe as a result of fast hit and run scams like this, Paypal just don't like the credit card companies coming after them and if you use a bank source and there is no money left in their Paypal account then Paypal don't care and it doesn't cost them anything.
I'm not positive, but I think if a cc is used, Paypal gets hit with a processing fee from the credit card company.
Ok, so lets see, he took money from:

luis138 - $25
Westsidechino - $180
Boba_G - $350
ChrisCJ99 - $50
Kibishii - $110
Buttmunch - $75
lightwave000 - $700
Trustey - $650

Man, over $2,140. No wonder he was buying stuff left and right. Nice way to fund your collecting, you prick.

Have you noticed that under Paypal he shows with one name but then the people that sent him stuff sent it to another name?

Also, to open a Paypal account, don't you have to input social security number, bank account, etc? So Paypal must have all this information, I know that they won't give it to us but it is somewhat reassuring knowing that he might get prosecuted.

Imagine if all over sudden we all start getting our stuff in the mail? :rotfl

Nah, wishful thinking. I really want my Salacious Crumb though. #$!@# now I need start looking for another one. :mad::mad:

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Got This From Him today:

hello every one this is bronxbeasst im wrighting to tell you i know what i did was wrong and you have every right to be angry the guilt has ben eating me up i cant eat sleep or think right and im always nervouse well i know you want your money back so i was going to tell you to please claim it whit paypal or your credit card companys i will be honest just dont want this to go to a next level i have ben thinking of my 67 year old mom who depends on me and how much i mean to her i dont want her to get sick on me and pass away becuase of my stupidity so i beg you all to look in your hearts and dont take this to any authorites if you claim through pay pal or bank card you should get your money back and i will be billied for it im beging you if not for me do it for her i will never do anything like this again please evey one does mistakes and i did a very dum one and i know it, my life and hers lay in your hands im not trying to make any one feel any guilt cause you shouldnt you have the right to do as you please but i hope you give me a chance for forgivnes and you will never hear or see of me again
Dont trust anybody!!! freaking trying to Scam People knowing what he was doing!!:monkey4:monkey4:monkey4:monkey4 i hate scammers!:mad:

Unleash Hell
Got This From Him today:

hello every one this is bronxbeasst im wrighting to tell you i know what i did was wrong and you have every right to be angry the guilt has ben eating me up i cant eat sleep or think right and im always nervouse well i know you want your money back so i was going to tell you to please claim it whit paypal or your credit card companys i will be honest just dont want this to go to a next level i have ben thinking of my 67 year old mom who depends on me and how much i mean to her i dont want her to get sick on me and pass away becuase of my stupidity so i beg you all to look in your hearts and dont take this to any authorites if you claim through pay pal or bank card you should get your money back and i will be billied for it im beging you if not for me do it for her i will never do anything like this again please evey one does mistakes and i did a very dum one and i know it, my life and hers lay in your hands im not trying to make any one feel any guilt cause you shouldnt you have the right to do as you please but i hope you give me a chance for forgivnes and you will never hear or see of me again

Screw that, I am still pressing charges. If he really was sorry as he claims he could at least contact us.


Unleash Hell

But if you find your self in green land and something else i forgot then dont worry cause you are in alicium or soemthing like that and You are already dead!!!!

wow i suck i quoting! :rotfl:rotfl
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