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Beware buyer/seller BRONXBEAST

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Same here. I was suspicious as well because his grammar was...very poor and he asked me several times in a two hour period if I was interested. I checked his post count and his feedback and just assumed that he had a trade lined up and needed $$$.

He got $110 from me.

Ok, EVERYONE who he stole from, take his address and go file a complaint with https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx . I contacted the local police dept. and this is one of the options they recommended. I guess if a single person/company gets multiple complaints, they investigate and if the $$$ is high it is a Federal crime.

Can you pm that address? I only have his email and probably fake name Izatia Rodriguez, the scammer.
That link Kibishii gave is all, but next to useless. I remember I had to file it once a few years ago, but I do not recall any positive result - most likely because there was none...

I guess if you really want to take it with local police, the best bet is to have someone who lives in Bronx go to the guy's local police station and file the claim in person. I'm not really sure how it works, but you might have to send a legally signed authorization for that person to file a claim on your behalf - is anyone aware of the procedure on this?

Got This From Him today:

hello every one this is bronxbeasst im wrighting to tell you i know what i did was wrong and you have every right to be angry the guilt has ben eating me up i cant eat sleep or think right and im always nervouse well i know you want your money back so i was going to tell you to please claim it whit paypal or your credit card companys i will be honest just dont want this to go to a next level i have ben thinking of my 67 year old mom who depends on me and how much i mean to her i dont want her to get sick on me and pass away becuase of my stupidity so i beg you all to look in your hearts and dont take this to any authorites if you claim through pay pal or bank card you should get your money back and i will be billied for it im beging you if not for me do it for her i will never do anything like this again please evey one does mistakes and i did a very dum one and i know it, my life and hers lay in your hands im not trying to make any one feel any guilt cause you shouldnt you have the right to do as you please but i hope you give me a chance for forgivnes and you will never hear or see of me again

I'm just catching up on what transpired overnight, but are you F'n serious???? He sent this crap. How old was this guy? Sounds like he's about 15 or 16.
What a giant and unbelievable ******... ripping off people for over $2000 and then using that money to buy stuff from other members. And then having the gall to post some sob story about his sick mother?

I'd definitely move forward with charges :lecture
Same here. I was suspicious as well because his grammar was...very poor and he asked me several times in a two hour period if I was interested. I checked his post count and his feedback and just assumed that he had a trade lined up and needed $$$.

He got $110 from me.

Ok, EVERYONE who he stole from, take his address and go file a complaint with https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx . I contacted the local police dept. and this is one of the options they recommended. I guess if a single person/company gets multiple complaints, they investigate and if the $$$ is high it is a Federal crime.

I'll be filing a report for sure :D

I love nailing scammers :devil
Got This From Him today:

hello every one this is bronxbeasst im wrighting to tell you i know what i did was wrong and you have every right to be angry the guilt has ben eating me up i cant eat sleep or think right and im always nervouse well i know you want your money back so i was going to tell you to please claim it whit paypal or your credit card companys i will be honest just dont want this to go to a next level i have ben thinking of my 67 year old mom who depends on me and how much i mean to her i dont want her to get sick on me and pass away becuase of my stupidity so i beg you all to look in your hearts and dont take this to any authorites if you claim through pay pal or bank card you should get your money back and i will be billied for it im beging you if not for me do it for her i will never do anything like this again please evey one does mistakes and i did a very dum one and i know it, my life and hers lay in your hands im not trying to make any one feel any guilt cause you shouldnt you have the right to do as you please but i hope you give me a chance for forgivnes and you will never hear or see of me again

I dont give my left nut about his mom or him, he has to learn the consequences of his decision making. He is not a child or a teen, he is a grown ass man and should know what is right and wrong. Today i will file a police report and i will also provide my CC company with his name and address so they can take him to collections
I dont give my left nut about his mom or him, he has to learn the consequences of his decision making. He is not a child or a teen, he is a grown ass man and should know what is right and wrong. Today i will file a police report and i will also provide my CC company with his name and address so they can take him to collections

damn pablo you can be pretty vicious when you want to, most of the time you're just a soft ass mada' f^^^^^! but yeah drop the hammer on that foo!

Unleash Hell


:lecture damn straight :cool: never mess with a nerd and his collectibles
Screw that, I am still pressing charges. If he really was sorry as he claims he could at least contact us.


I agree that all of you who were involved in this should continue to press charges (which it sounds like you all are going to do). Sometimes this is the only way they learn....if people fall for the bleeding heart story - then down the road they may just do it again if they suffer no real consequences for their actions.

If he truly wanted people to be "forgiving", he should be refunding each of you personally - not making YOU do all the work and filing claims with paypal and your credit cards.

I have only had to file one claim with paypal. Fortunately they came through for me and at that time I had it linked to my checking account. It was an eBay transaction, however.

Good luck to all of you.....WHEN you notify the authorities - include that email he sent P!tu - he is admitting guilt right there and that will definitely help your cases against him.
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All who were scammed could file a class action suit against him. That way you are unified and more likely have your voices heard.
F^^^^^ HIM and his problems. Who doesn't have problems these days. I'm pretty sure some of us in one way or another have had something happen to us financially, but we don't go to all the trouble of scamming people. Which is the same as robbing but instead of a gun your using a computer.
He's like every other scammer I've seen on boards. They tuck tail and hide like cowards hoping it will all go away (while keeping your money). They use sob stories for damage control. Don't fall for that ruse!

Oh, I'm sure he feels some regret now for what he did, but with his lack of integrity he will find some way rationalize everything he did. Every action has a reaction, and well, if he's really 29 years old he should be able to handle it.

NEXT time, my fellow Freaks, let's be a little more discriminating with who we buy from. I've been burned once, out of $30, but I vowed to never let myself be taken again. The most sure-fire way is to never give fresh, unknown newbies the benefit of the doubt.

However, we all had to start somewhere as sellers, but a good first impression makes the difference.. like speaking in coherent sentences (even the ESL people I've known can express themselves more clearly than this idiot.. it goes beyond the language barrier. ). Also, making lowball offers to good sellers here, to buy cheap things for the purpose of building feedback, is just plain devious. Bronxbeast deserves no forgiveness for "gaming" the system, and not finding the conscience to move forward and give back the stolen money individually.
Bad news people itried to file a police report today and was unable to. The Officer told me since we agreed to give him the money its out of the police departments hands. He told me that we need to take him to small claims court. On the up side the officer said we have his address and email so they can find him. Also the officer said the confession email that was posted is all that is needed for us to win. I will take this the extra step and take this to small claims on tuesday.
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