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Beware buyer/seller BRONXBEAST

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I dont give my left nut about his mom or him, he has to learn the consequences of his decision making. He is not a child or a teen, he is a grown ass man and should know what is right and wrong. Today i will file a police report and i will also provide my CC company with his name and address so they can take him to collections

Bad news people itried to file a police report today and was unable to. The Officer told me since we agreed to give him the money its out of the police departments hands. He told me that we need to take him to small claims court. On the up side the officer said we have his address and email so they can find him. Also the officer said the confession email that was posted is all that is needed for us to win. I will take this the extra step and take this to small claims on tuesday.

Dang that sucks! So who takes care of online scammers then?!?!?

Well let me know if you need anything man. I'll be more than happy to put this ass clown to justice! :devil
Sorry to hear about this, it really sucks. Sometimes prices are too good to be true. I got taken ONCE, now all I use is PayPal and the credit cards that way I can dispute a claim if something goes wrong. I have family that live in the Bronx and well they are shady as Hell I'm not sure if it them being for NYC or them being Puerto Rican. Maybe both! Anyway I hope all goes well and make his life a living HELL..
Sorry to hear about this, it really sucks. Sometimes prices are too good to be true. I got taken ONCE, now all I use is PayPal and the credit cards that way I can dispute a claim if something goes wrong. I have family that live in the Bronx and well they are shady as Hell I'm not sure if it them being for NYC or them being Puerto Rican. Maybe both! Anyway I hope all goes well and make his life a living HELL..

Gotta love them New Yoricans.... This little ^^^^^'s profile pic on his myspace pretty much sums up what a tool he is.

And I can rip on Ricans all I want, cuz I'm a freakin rican too :lol Just not a ghetto thug like this filthy butthole....
Los Angeles Superior Court allows you to file a small claim via the internet the total fee for this is $50.00 broken down it is $30 (Claim) + $10 (Efile) + $10 (Certified Mail to Defendant). However you can add this amount to your lawsuit
Gotta love them New Yoricans.... This little ^^^^^'s profile pic on his myspace pretty much sums up what a tool he is.

And I can rip on Ricans all I want, cuz I'm a freakin rican too :lol Just not a ghetto thug like this filthy butthole....

Is there any way to put his pic up here????:naughty:naughty
Gotta love them New Yoricans.... This little ^^^^^'s profile pic on his myspace pretty much sums up what a tool he is.

And I can rip on Ricans all I want, cuz I'm a freakin rican too Just not a ghetto thug like this filthy butthole....
Quote by ChrisCJ99

I'm one of those reformed New Yoricans I married a white women. So now I work, I'm on time for all events that includes work, I only have ONE child, no one else but me, my wife, and little girl live with me, and did I mention I work.
Los Angeles Superior Court allows you to file a small claim via the internet the total fee for this is $50.00 broken down it is $30 (Claim) + $10 (Efile) + $10 (Certified Mail to Defendant). However you can add this amount to your lawsuit

See, he gets sued, they mail him the paper work. He laughs at them, doesn't show up to court of course. You automatically win. Then what?

I'm one of those reformed New Yoricans I married a white women. So now I work, I'm on time for all events that includes work, I only have ONE child, no one else but me, my wife, and little girl live with me, and did I mention I work.

Hey, I lived in Puerto Rico 5 years. Never met a Puerto Rican with only one child. :rotfl :rotfl

See, he gets sued, they mail him the paper work. He laughs at them, doesn't show up to court of course. You automatically win. Then what?


True but he would still have to pay up legally. In other words he may win the battle but we would win the war since in the long run this would mess up his credit, give him legal issues and so on....... :banana
My brother use to be a cop in the Bronx now is a scum sucking lawyer. I'll ask him what to do. Just in case he's not one of those family members I was talking about. He only has 4 kids, but he also works for a living. LOL
I remember this guy. Bronxbeast sent me a Friend Request out of nowhere and I looked him up and noticed he had not even made a single post at that point! I ignored it as the kind of unsolicited, pervy attention any geek girl who ventures online is bound to receive.

Creepy that he turns out to be a major criminal. I mean I am just shocked at how much he has apparently stolen and hope everyone gets as much back as possible.

Hopefully this scum ends up at lovely Riker's Island.
I'm one of those reformed New Yoricans I married a white women. So now I work, I'm on time for all events that includes work, I only have ONE child, no one else but me, my wife, and little girl live with me, and did I mention I work.


Funniest thing I've heard ever!!!!!!!!!

It's so funny cuz my folks always run on PR time, which means they're an hour late whenever we meet them somewhere! :lol
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