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Beware buyer/seller BRONXBEAST

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How do you enforce that? Do you need his social security number for that?


If you file a judgment in Small Claims and win (which these guys would) you can then file a Writ of Garnishment at court. The court then sends a signed order to their employer ordering a wage withholding. When doofus gets paid he gets his check, -25% and that 25% is a check cut to the plaintiff.
Just want to say that i really feel for all you guys that lost your money with this tool. specially in the current economic climate. Hopefully you'll all get it back and this guy will get whats coming to him.

Heres a link where you can report your the crime to the fbi directly. ic3 is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). Theres a link to it also directly on the fbi website if you want to check yourself. IC3's mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime

Theres a form below where you can report the crime. Bascially they take the complaint made by you if you believe you have been defrauded by a third party in any way(in this case proven beyond doubt) and pass it on to all relevant law enforcement agencies. Just make sure you read the policies before submitting info.

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That Bronxbeast pile of ^^^^ sent me this pm. mother^^^^er can't even spell!
165? 165 what? monkeys? what a twat!
I hope you guys nail this son of a ^^^^^ and make him sorry for stealing your money.
i have both bat man figure and will sell for 165 the deluke one was displayed in a cabint dust free and will ship in its original box the classic was never opend
When he was trying to sell me a clean endoskull he even went as far as to say it did not have the brown sideshow shipper but the original box only had minor wear. lol
Oh, I think he will get his 'come-up-ins,' because we have his address and real name. He may not get quick legal action, but I have already provided the Paypal fraud department with his information. I also called my credit card company and they told me that if paypal doesn't refund my money within 30 days, they will and once I provide them with his address, they will take legal action and I KNOW they will send him to collections.
May I please remind everyone that although this situation is frustrating for all involved and those of us watching what has happened, advocating violence or threats towards the individual is not allowed and will be deleted.

I too think he will get whatever is coming to him.
Take every legal action possible, police, civil suits, paypal, Credit Card company's and the fact he sent that email to P2 seems that he is scared of that. Well, he shouldn't have done this in the first place if he didnt want to face the fall out from it.

I really do hope that everything is sorted out for the best and you all get your money back.
Take care
x :peace
I just realized something. He says that he has an old, sick mother and he is afraid of what the consequences of this might do to her. He didn't scam us to buy her medicines or to pay for her medical bills. He did it to buy toys. We can see right there where his priorities are.

He didn't care about her, he expects us to?

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Ok everyone listen up thanks to Luis138 and his awesome detective skills we were able to find bronxbeast girlfriend on Myspace. I than sent her a friends request that she accepted. I than wrote her the following email in hopes that in would touch her and have her reach out to me.

"How do you feel knowing that your boyfriend and so called love of your life is a thief. Thats exactly what he is, on Sunday 5/17 he stole from me $180.00 that i could have used to bring my son happiness. Your boyfriend promised me a item to sell me yet instead he just took my money. Know my sons dream will not be complete. In addition to that he also stole about $2000 from 5 other peolpe with the same lie. How do you feel knowing that the person you say you love is a scam, a crook. By him doing this to myself and others he is showing you that he does not love you. Someone who really loves you would not risk getting you involved in his problems. If he really loved you he would not be a criminal. I hope this email opens your eyes and show you the true person you are with. You deserve in life better. Hopefully you can convince him to return the money he took. I can assure you that you will be involved in legal problems if he does not. We have his info as well as yours. Take responsibility in your life and stop this before it gets worse. Have him return the money before all the victims file claims and inform the police about the two of you. Feel free to email me if you have questions.

Thankfully this email worked and soon after she replied with the following,
"devestated,because i trusted him and i never thought he could do this to me,this is gonna kill his mother,shes sick and old,he says he wants to fix this and that its the biggest mistake he ever did but theres no justification for what he did,he closed my paypal account without telling me,and he used my paypal account,and he also lied to me,and it hurs me so much,........he suffers from mental illness and he says hes willing to try to fix what he did,...even though i know it wont be easy for him cause he lived with mom and has no income,and im sorry if this caused you and your family any pain,i hope you dont publish this, i dont have anything to do with what he did,and his mother shouldnt suffer for what he did either,please have some consideration for us,i know that he doesnt deserve it but he is sick,he has anxiety issues,im sorry about your son and believe me its costing me my 9 year old relationship with him,cause i can never trust him,im so sorry"

I wrote her the following back;
"Thank you for the reply. I need you to understand that i am writing not as a angered customer but more as a friend and someone interested in your well being. Allow me to say that i am sorry that you are devestated after what happened i would be too. You seem to be very sincere and good hearted i believe that god can will bring someone into your life that will value you the way you should be.
About this situation i need you to try to convince him to give as much money back and let me tell you why. He scammed a total of 7 people for an amount of over $2000 legally that is considered to be grand theft and he may serve time for this. Worst of all is that the 7 people who were scammed filed claims with their banks and Credit Card companies including myself. We all provided his information as the thief (his name,address,email,phone). This means that our banks will take him to collections. The bad part is that the account he used was under your name so it gets you involved. Also the 7 of us have already or begun the process of filing police reports. We even contacted the police station near where he lives in Bronx to let them know. There is even a posibility that he may be taken to court and sued for even a larger amount than what he took.
Im going to be honest i can careless if he gets in trouble. He broke the law. What i dont want is for nothing to happen to a honest person like yourself and his mother. Try opening another paypal and have him return as much as he can. Believe me if he does this everyone will walk away and no damage will be done. email me if you have any questions or you can even call me if you like."

This email worked and she is commited to helping us get our money back. So i managed to work the following arrangement with her. Bronxbeast is a collector so he does have numerous item in his possesion. She is willing to trade with us that got scammed for the amounts of what we lost out of whatever he possess in his collection. If you opt out and what your money back instead just continue on with you Paypal/CC Company claim.

If you are interested pm your name, address, email, and the amount you got scammed for. So that i can provide you a list of what he has.

As for me personally i will continue with my cc claim since i need the money back.
I only want two things:
  • My $110 or a NIB Sideshow Snake-Eyes
  • Him to get a criminal record or be sent to collections and thrash his credit

I honestly think that whether she helps or not, the above two things are going to happen. They can boo-hoo all they want about his personal problems, his mom, his mental illness, and she can't trust him; I could care less even if it IS true. Our 18-month old passed away in April 2008 and you didn't see me running around defrauding people to pay for those expenses.

An important part of 'repentance' is fixing the problems he created, which would be returning everyone's money. Maybe he should go pawn his collection to pay us back.
lol westsidechino why are you playing into their games? Youre now going to "trade" other items that you dont even know he has or not to make up for your $180 balance? :lol
Ok everyone listen up thanks to Luis138 and his awesome detective skills we were able to find bronxbeast girlfriend on Myspace. I than sent her a friends request that she accepted. I than wrote her the following email in hopes that in would touch her and have her reach out to me.

"How do you feel knowing that your boyfriend and so called love of your life is a thief. Thats exactly what he is, on Sunday 5/17 he stole from me $180.00 that i could have used to bring my son happiness. Your boyfriend promised me a item to sell me yet instead he just took my money. Know my sons dream will not be complete. In addition to that he also stole about $2000 from 5 other peolpe with the same lie. How do you feel knowing that the person you say you love is a scam, a crook. By him doing this to myself and others he is showing you that he does not love you. Someone who really loves you would not risk getting you involved in his problems. If he really loved you he would not be a criminal. I hope this email opens your eyes and show you the true person you are with. You deserve in life better. Hopefully you can convince him to return the money he took. I can assure you that you will be involved in legal problems if he does not. We have his info as well as yours. Take responsibility in your life and stop this before it gets worse. Have him return the money before all the victims file claims and inform the police about the two of you. Feel free to email me if you have questions.

Thankfully this email worked and soon after she replied with the following,
"devestated,because i trusted him and i never thought he could do this to me,this is gonna kill his mother,shes sick and old,he says he wants to fix this and that its the biggest mistake he ever did but theres no justification for what he did,he closed my paypal account without telling me,and he used my paypal account,and he also lied to me,and it hurs me so much,........he suffers from mental illness and he says hes willing to try to fix what he did,...even though i know it wont be easy for him cause he lived with mom and has no income,and im sorry if this caused you and your family any pain,i hope you dont publish this, i dont have anything to do with what he did,and his mother shouldnt suffer for what he did either,please have some consideration for us,i know that he doesnt deserve it but he is sick,he has anxiety issues,im sorry about your son and believe me its costing me my 9 year old relationship with him,cause i can never trust him,im so sorry"

I wrote her the following back;
"Thank you for the reply. I need you to understand that i am writing not as a angered customer but more as a friend and someone interested in your well being. Allow me to say that i am sorry that you are devestated after what happened i would be too. You seem to be very sincere and good hearted i believe that god can will bring someone into your life that will value you the way you should be.
About this situation i need you to try to convince him to give as much money back and let me tell you why. He scammed a total of 7 people for an amount of over $2000 legally that is considered to be grand theft and he may serve time for this. Worst of all is that the 7 people who were scammed filed claims with their banks and Credit Card companies including myself. We all provided his information as the thief (his name,address,email,phone). This means that our banks will take him to collections. The bad part is that the account he used was under your name so it gets you involved. Also the 7 of us have already or begun the process of filing police reports. We even contacted the police station near where he lives in Bronx to let them know. There is even a posibility that he may be taken to court and sued for even a larger amount than what he took.
Im going to be honest i can careless if he gets in trouble. He broke the law. What i dont want is for nothing to happen to a honest person like yourself and his mother. Try opening another paypal and have him return as much as he can. Believe me if he does this everyone will walk away and no damage will be done. email me if you have any questions or you can even call me if you like."

This email worked and she is commited to helping us get our money back. So i managed to work the following arrangement with her. Bronxbeast is a collector so he does have numerous item in his possesion. She is willing to trade with us that got scammed for the amounts of what we lost out of whatever he possess in his collection. If you opt out and what your money back instead just continue on with you Paypal/CC Company claim.

If you are interested pm your name, address, email, and the amount you got scammed for. So that i can provide you a list of what he has.

As for me personally i will continue with my cc claim since i need the money back.

i call BS ............. i dont beleave her at all ... come on guys he is typing this stuff
i call BS ............. i dont beleave her at all ... come on guys he is typing this stuff

This letter at least has a little better grammar, but still sucks on punctuation, so maybe it is another person. I just think the whole damn thing is bizarre as hell.
God dammit, I bought a ^^^^ing house from this guy like 3 weeks ago and it still hasn't arrived...

Something fishy is going on here :mad:
I'm not too sure about the girlfriend either. I want pics of his "collection." Obviously he/they can't be trusted yet.

But if he really has the item(s) we paid for and sends them out then I guess that would solve the main problem. But until at least one of us gets what we paid for, I say don't stop what we are doing.
Like i said i personally will continue with my cc claim. I want my $180.00 I also know Luis 138 wants his money back. However this is an option for someone that does not. I honestly can care less about him and his family. I for one want him to pay for what he has done.
Like i said i personally will continue with my cc claim. I want my $180.00 I also know Luis 138 wants his money back. However this is an option for someone that does not. I honestly can care less about him and his family. I for one want him to pay for what he has done.

Why would someone not want their money back and want to go through more hassle and stress to wait for a "trade"? :lol Stop facilitating more BS and just get your money back without the mind games.

IMO there is no need to be contacting his gf, or his mother, or whoever you find on myspace through your "detective" work. Youre just creating more unneeded BS for everyone involved. Just my 2 cents
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