**BEWARE SPOILERS** Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness **BEWARE SPOILERS**

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All we can do now is wait. Maybe I will swing by on Thursday just to put my mind at ease. I can buy multiple cuts exists and disinfo leaks thrown out just to mess with perception and create a ruckus.

I just can't believe that after that specific Ultron design and the fact that this is the single most requested cameo, they'd blow it and give us just the stuff from the trailers/tv spots. This should be their Tobey-Tier reveal.

My theory is that he shows up and leaves, or he comes in during the after credits scene and finds everyone dead, leaving it open for him to return. He can get his open faceplate with the EndoSym and let's be real, Cruise's ego would be stroked if they credited him as the Superior Iron Man. Maybe he sees it as a stunt. Will his 2 minutes manage to overshadow RDJ's decade of work?

I'll say it again, but adding the Ultronbots with that specific look is just too specific for me to give up hope. Had Pym been there I'd have conceded, but that's too specific a choice to be random.

The other thing is that online everytime you bring up Iron Cruise you get this hostile approach from random accounts going "no no no you're ******* stupid he's not in nononono". It's too aggressive to be natural. It's Tobey & Garfield again.

Real CruiseChads don't give up.


As for the leaked footage it looks off because the CGI is crap. But I don't know, the fact that it leaked from a supposed screening while having no sound is suspect. I just don't know. All I'll say is that it is disappointing that they had to resort to stupid things like Carter and Rambeau instead of doing a 1/1 Illuminati but with actors from past franchises and the such. Snipes as AU T'Challa like he wanted to do in the 90s, Quinto Namor and so on. That'd have been great.

My biggest gripe ATM

is whether they'll have Krasinski and Blunt as MCU Reed/Sue moving forward. I dislike the suit they gave him too. Reed should be someone like Jon Hamm, not Jim from the Office...

Listen going by how MCU has butchered casting for over a decade now beggers can’t be choosers I honestly never expected Namor or even Blade-Chala i’ll just be happy to get Risky Stark!

Don’t worry we’re still getting our Burritomor and Slim Blade lol

I also think the effects look PS3 like because that is either older work that leaked or just full on fake so i’m hoping we’re still getting our unreal engine 5 movie lol

I can’t believe that only 15 hours after I watch DS2 i’m going to be under the knife having life saving surgery they better give us our boi lol
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Listen going by how MCU has butchered casting for over a decade now beggers can’t be choosers I honestly never expected Namor or even Blade-Chala i’ll just be happy to get Risky Stark!

Don’t worry we’re still getting our Burritomor and Slim Blade lol

I also think the effects look PS3 like because that is either older work that leaked or just full on fake so i’m hoping we’re still getting our unreal engine 5 movie lol

I can’t believe that only 15 hours after I watch DS2 i’m going to be under the knife having life saving surgery they better give us our boi lol
I just don't know at this point. I wish it was still 2011-esque MCU...

Maybe they are throwing fake leaks and incomplete reels out there, who knows? It makes sense to show various cuts before the big day to confuse the leakers.

Godspeed on that surgery.
Thank you all for looking for active spoilers. The more I see of this film the less I want to see it.
Honestly it’s pretty shocking if TV BB is in this because Feige hates HATES Loeb’s Inhumans with a passion hates it!

If he was going with BB why would he go with the version he hated, that he himself cancelled and that NO ONE WATCHED because it lasted for only 8 freaking measly episodes!

Something is not right here.

Can the greatest producer in hollywood history who saved cinema and made the 27th movie in a franchise that was labeled dead earn 1.8 billion with the 2nd biggest opening weekend in history during a pandemic also single-handedly be responsible for making ONE OF THE WORST DECISIONS in his franchise which is….

replacing god tier Cruise with cancelled TV show Black freaking Bolt!

Listen lets not forget that Disney is cheap as dirt and are also hurting from bad corporate decisions (Scarjo / Starcruiser / Florida) and just now refused to pay John Watts what he probably demanded for F4 after the crazy success of NWH (can you blame him) so YES I can see them cheaping out and NOT wanting to pay up for our boi!
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Honestly it’s pretty shocking if TV BB is in this because Feige hates HATES Loeb’s Inhumans with a passion hates it!

If he was going with BB why would he go with the version he hated, that he himself cancelled and that NO ONE WATCHED because it lasted for only 8 freaking measly episodes!

Something is not right here.

Can the greatest producer in hollywood history who saved cinema and made the 27th movie in a franchise that was labeled dead earn 1.8 billion with the 2nd biggest opening weekend in history during a pandemic also single-handedly be responsible for making ONE OF THE WORST DECISIONS in his franchise which is….

replacing god tier Cruise with cancelled TV show Black freaking Bolt!

Listen lets not forget that Disney is cheap as dirt and are also hurting from bad corporate decisions (Scarjo / Starcruiser / Florida) and just now refused to pay John Watts what he probably demanded for F4 after the crazy success of NWH (can you blame him) so YES I can see them cheaping out and NOT wanting to pay up for our boi Mission Risky Maverick!
That is weird. That whole inhumans push back then was weird and honestly made me hate the characters. You can’t replace xmen with a bunch of off brand knock offs. Glad that’s over with. Marvel really tried pushing z listers for awhile since they didn’t have the rights.
No Way Home is looking more and more like an anomaly Post-Endgame. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t love the direction they’re going with this movie.
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Rewatching WandaVision again to prep for this…seems so long ago WV was on Disney + :horror
My my dreams have come true :yess:

View attachment 575198

I woke up from a dream where

Cruise was playing an AU Iron Man who was actually Kang. I almost cried when reality set in... Yeah okay that's an exagrerration, but I really didn't enjoy my breakfast.

Well I’ve not clicked on any of the spoilers in this thread I don’t know that this has been mentioned so here it is. It was in my news feed and smacked me in the face so I couldn’t avoid it. Good news if true:


He looks like a dork in the suit and he was never a good fit. I hope he stays as a variant. MCU Reed should be a Chad like he's in the 616, not Jim from the Office.


It's not Kang-levels bad, but it'd still be an underwhelming choice. For some reason it's become the popular opinion amongst the general audience/tumblr/twitter/normies that Reed is some heartwarming doofus, when in reality he's supposed to be a 50s Idealised Version, like Doc Savage and the rest. Reed's got more in common with Doom than with Superman.

Trim the beard, make him work out again, don't have it play like a doofus and please give him a better suit, and it could work. But he was never a perfect or great choice for me. Passable, but Gruffudd mogs him even with those silly '05 flicks.


Even if he's not in this particular flick, I hope they bring him back as either AU Reed, Maker or even a Kang. He deserves more.


I came across a new rumor, which makes sense.

The leaked vid from yesterday is actually from the first cut of the film. The one which was supposed to come out before NWH and which was more barebones. Then the reshoots started happening, which were very frequent as you might remember, and they added more and more to raise the bar. Now, to me this makes sense. Note that it took them nearly a day to take down the vid. The vid itself which was muted and in playback, so it's not like the person recording it sneaked a preview. What, it took Disney a day to take down a Twitter post? Could it be a marketing stunt? They stopped leaks for the years of its filming, but couldn't do it literally 4 days before launch? An HD vid of Andrew leaked what, months before NWH, he still denied being in it, and suddenly 4 days before MOM launches, after not even a pic of any of the big rumoured cameos, we get a whole 30-second blurry vid, which Disney takes a day to take down?

One other thing that gives credence to this is that this lineup and leaks were from the very first round. I remember it because even getting a Reed variant and Black Bolt alongside Stewart Xavier sounded good before we got spoiled with all the rumours. That's a year or so past. I can definitely believe they added more stuff, otherwise what were those reshoots for?

For my money, I think there's more in the actual film and we're stuck in a whirlwind of multiple cuts, purposeful leaks and whatever else. I'll reserve judgement until Thursday. I'm still hopeful for more. JackVerine, Fassbender and whatever else? No, but Iron Cruise and maybe an MCU X-Men tease. But if I go there and all I get are Jim from the Office and Maria Rambeau next to Cancelled Bolt, Geriatric Xavier and Campbell's "Pizza Poppa" I'm not even going to entertain the thought of going to any MCU flick at the cinema again. I'll just grab the best scenes on YouTube and buy the dolls.
Honestly it’s pretty shocking if TV BB is in this because Feige hates HATES Loeb’s Inhumans with a passion hates it!

If he was going with BB why would he go with the version he hated, that he himself cancelled and that NO ONE WATCHED because it lasted for only 8 freaking measly episodes!

Something is not right here.

Can the greatest producer in hollywood history who saved cinema and made the 27th movie in a franchise that was labeled dead earn 1.8 billion with the 2nd biggest opening weekend in history during a pandemic also single-handedly be responsible for making ONE OF THE WORST DECISIONS in his franchise which is….

replacing god tier Cruise with cancelled TV show Black freaking Bolt!

Listen lets not forget that Disney is cheap as dirt and are also hurting from bad corporate decisions (Scarjo / Starcruiser / Florida) and just now refused to pay John Watts what he probably demanded for F4 after the crazy success of NWH (can you blame him) so YES I can see them cheaping out and NOT wanting to pay up for our boi!
Anson Mount is a good actor and was wasted on that series.
Anson Mount is a good actor and was wasted on that series.
Anson has loads of charisma and his looks are chisled like you’d want your hero’s to be. He‘s fantastic as Pike on Star Trek. He’s a guy who should be in bigger projects imo. Maybe Feige sees the potential.
BB was never a standout or overly cool character in comics so I’d put the blame on the character not on Anson.
Anson has loads of charisma and his looks are chisled like you’d want your hero’s to be. He‘s fantastic as Pike on Star Trek. Maybe Feige sees the potential.
BB was never a standout or overly cool character in comics so I’d put the blame on the character not on Anson.
Bolt was always cool. He made Apocalypse shriek like a girl.


I hope both he and Mount get redeemed in the MCU moving forward. The tv show was just a disappointment all around, it wasn't his fault at all. He did great with what he had.

I'm more worried with how Medusa will be tackled. She's got a very specific characteristic you know...


The Inhumans are honestly pretty awful and should never be anything beyond background characters. But Bolt, Medusa, Crystal and Maximus have a lot of history with the FF and are actually pretty good characters in their own right who deserve some fleshing out. I hope we get to the Hickman era with the Kree and everything.