**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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I liked the first 2 episodes but really dislike Reva. Unfortunately, I think she is the main character of the show.
How is no one talking about this BS!! Has this been shown in the 1st 2 episodes?

First Disney Disnifies the Stormtroopers into First Order Ducktroopers....

Now we have Mickey Mouse ear droids??!?!?!? :gah:


L0 LA59 Lola.... WTF!!?!?!? :slap

Can someone PLEASE make this nonsense stop!!! :crying

This droid is not new. they had it in the video games….cant remember which one but same basic design
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Mando S3 footage definitely the most cinematic looking by far of any of the shows.

I saw the very short Ahsoka footage very cool.

The question is which SW role has Daniel Craig signed up for!
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The opening scene would seem to indicate that (Reva I mean, not all). Otherwise, what the hell is it there for?
It pretty obvious as she keeps saying things about family that she blames him for abandoning her to the Empire and not coming to save her….which is a decent take on why someone would have such strong hate for another person….

You know the one thing REALLY bother me? That Obi was dreaming of seeing Anakin doing stuff he NEVER SAW HIM DO!

Does anyone dream of other people doing stuff in their own dreams? He never saw young Anakin flying that Naboo fighter…he was fighting Darth Maul at the time….

Lazy editing…..

I just watched some of her scenes.

She’s just not intimidating. She sounds and looks too young. She sounds More like she is throwing a fit.

She needs that British accent and some facial scars.

Just my luck… Jye and Khev forced me re-examine her and now she will probably drive me nuts for the rest of the series :(
Don’t let those two sway your opinion. Remember - they liked the ST!

Collector Freaks ST Fan #3
I've said it before, I really hope it turns around - that's all any of us want. Quality SW.

But at the end of the day we should have known it was going to be average by the insane amount of marketing they've been doing. I haven't seen anything that full-on for a long time.

Coupled with the "warning" from Lucasfilm to Reeva - be prepared for the "ist" tribe if it's not well received. :slap
I enjoy watching McGregor as Kenobi. And yes, they should not have to make Leia a child genius + problem child combo. 3 criminals unable to capture a 10 year old girl was a disaster. Enen you can see the gang leader walking towards left to open room for Leia's escape and he swindles to left like she had faked which way she was running. Criminals with that level of slowness, unresponsiveness, thinking incapability shouldn't have survived to their age in a galaxy far far away in the first place. The director is not at her best. The complaints regarding third sister should also be directed to director. Remember McDoarmid's overreacting in ROTS. He said Lucas asked him to do tgat way.

Also, if a scene/story event -even it looks epic- distrupts continuity with the movies it will bother me.
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I enjoy watching McGregor as Kenobi. And yes, they should not have to make Leia a child genius + problem child combo. 3 criminals unable to capture a 10 year old girl was a disaster. Enen you can see the gang leader walking towards left to open room for Leia's escape and he swindles to left like she had faked which way she was running. Criminals with that level of slowness, unresponsiveness, thinking incapability shouldn't have survived to their age in a galaxy far far away in the first place.

Starting from about five years old, me and my dad had a Birthday Footrace every year around my birthday, natch. This continued till about age 15, at which point my mom cut too much of a fuss because she was worried dad would have a heart attack, his heart having been compromised by exposure to a toxic chemical at work some years before. We would race for about 30 yards or until the victor was apparent.

The victor was my dad. Every single year. Easily.

Men are like lightning. Those three guys should have had her cornered in like 15 seconds. When you are racing someone whose legs are twice as long as yours, its just a matter of physics. Brat Princess should have had zero chance.

But this is Disney we talking about.

Whoops i just saw the post above mine
Wait aren’t all Inquisitors previous Jedi/Padawan in some capacity or another?
I am not sure, but I think some of them were also other Force-sensitive children taken in by the empire.

On a side-note, I do not think the Grand Inquisitor here is the same one from Rebels. Maybe the one that replaces this dead one is the one from Rebels.