No spoilers.
YES....I am a grumpy, bitter, depressed, lonely, sad-sack curmudgeon that has all but given up on life.
So few things brought a smile to my face in the last five years I can count them on one hand.
Obi Wan? Not necessarily one of them. But for the first time I actually kind of appreciated it.
When the Mando pilot blew my socks of right into the living room of the apartment next to me, that was pure unadulterated joy. And I know why, besides the decent production values.
My love of SW never, ever waned and I watched with disappointment as the toy stores clearanced out all SW toys and made room for the crazy new slew of 80s toys. ROTJ wrapped a neat little bow on everything. SW felt "over."
But it wasn't for me. I spent hours and hours playing with my SW toys. Hand of course had the Falcon. Luke was not flying the Imperial Shuttle or B-Wing or A-wing as his personal transport. (Some advantages to those dad brought home the Shuttle brand new with a $12.97 price sticker!) I'd have them crash on remote planets and rebuild their wrecked ships. Sometimes Boba Fett would show up....come on, even then I knew he wasn't really dead. Sometimes I'd have a droid wearing the Vader suit to scare people. I also really liked the Death Star Gunner as some kind of unstoppable cyborg.
But I digress.....I loved every second of Mando cause it was just 6 year old me playing out adventures with my toys but in glorious live action.
Obi Wan isn't quite there yet but the spirit is. It's not Oscar bait/Shakespeare crap. It's old B-movies delivered with a straight face. I just stopped being so critical and realized this stuff isn't "art"'s just an attempt to make fun content to keep the corporate machines going. It's nothing more than a little kid playing with his figures but live on screen.
Yeah Reva sucks, but you can't win em all. SW is what SW is, a dumbed down space opera for the masses. I don't LOVE Obi-Wan, but I respect what it is. I ignore the forced PC/political stuff and just think how closely in echoes my adventures with action figures in the back yard. Pretty cool.
(But not as cool as Mando of course.)