2/3 of that is **** retcons from ROTJ retroactively projected onto innocent ol' ANH and ESB, and 1/3 of that is the normal dream-like coincidence that defines movies.How about the convenience of Vader chasing a ship with the Death Star plans that happens to have his daughter on, who then sends the plans to the one planet with her twin brother on who happens to buy the robot with said plans off some Jawas who happened to drive by.
The conveniences in OWK are within scene - ie we've just seen Vader pull down a ship.... why can't he pull down the other one? The Jedi cellphone with Bail's critical reveal is dropped in a huge hangar... but happens to be within a few feet of Reva... who's just survived a lightsaber impalement.
There's a difference. It's the reason no one ever really questioned the ANH stuff whereas this OWK stuff comes up immediately. The story of ANH is incredibly powerful - the story in OWK has little tension or power.
Weak storytelling and truly BAD directing is what has defined this show. Oh except, look guys... ANGRY VADER IS BACK WITH MORE POWERS THAN EVER!

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