**Beware SPOILERS** Obi-Wan Kenobi Series on Disney+ **Beware SPOILERS**

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Well, as I've said before, it doesn't make any difference to me since I'm ignoring this stuff, but I am glad that one particular part of the leak that pissed me off wasn't exactly clear.

The leaks said Reva holds Luke hostage with her blade in his face. What they DIDN'T say was that he was unconscious at the time. In the show, he never really sees Reva as anything other than a dark cloaked figure, so that very well could have been a Tusken to him. When he comes to, he's back home, never having seen an ignited lightsaber.

That's better than the leaks, even though Reva still sucked.

But the leaks also said Vader was gonna kill her. But of course he couldn't. Reva said so. Can you put out the power of the sun just by willing it so? HELL NO! That's why Reva will live on, and on, and on.

She's most likely going to be in future series revealing she was the real hero that stole the Death Star plans, blew up both Death Stars, killed the Emperor like three times, and also teams up with Ahsoka and Rey and Jyn Erso (she survived too, she just has robot lungs now) and also Sabine Rey, cause they're all FIERCE and SOOOOO badass.

Ooh, Poochie Reva is one outrageous dude. She's totally in my face........TO THE EXTREME!!!!!!!
Yup those leaks were very wrong and I’m glad it wasn’t what happened. It would be a huge plot hole in the ot. As for reva. Eh. Idc. She didn’t bother me to much. I don’t care if she comes back or not. She’s just like a girl version of kylo ren . Angry, confused and a brat. Disney needs to write there villains better.
Was this series necessary? Ultimately no.

Do I still legit love the Ben/Vader fight and conversation? Absolutely.

If nothing else, I’ll be rewatching those moments.
Turning 50 this year and absolutely entertained by this series. I'm sure I'll be adding a battle damage Vader to the collection. Even though we know the original trilogy, this added to the story. A show must first and foremost entertain, tell a good story, and create fond memories. All accomplished. Life is too short to get irritated at canon to the point you don't enjoy new ideas.... It's only gonna keep on moving.
Welp, it's over. Ended about as expected -- less Kenobi's 'fake death', instead the Emperor just insists Vader chill. OK boss. But the half-helmet and the final vision were all expected.

Overall, some good Vader bits. I will never revisit. Didn't need to be made. I want my Mangled Vader dollie and that's it.
What exactly WAS her motivation for wanting to kill Luke anyway?

The way I see it she vowed to avenge her youngling friends that Vader killed during Order 66.
Since she couldn't kill Vader...so, by killing Luke she would get that revenge as he is Anakin's offspring. Hence bringing honor back to her fallen youngling brother's and sisters.

So basically Reva-nge of the Sis.
This scene is so heartbreaking and hard to watch. Kudos to Ewan's and Hayden's stellar performance.
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Yeah, so heartbreaking that Obi walked away AGAIN, allowing MILLIONS more people to die, instead of finishing the job then and there.

Stupid, vapid, illogical.


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So basically Reva-nge of the Sis.
I don't think she knew Luke was Anakin's child. I think she was just going to kill Luke to get revenge on:

1. Revenge - Obi is protecting this boy so he must be special so she is killing this boy out of spiteful vengeance.
2. Jealousy: Why should this boy be protected when her and her fellow younglings were not?
Yeah, so heartbreaking that Obi walked away AGAIN, allowing MILLIONS more people to die, instead of finishing the job then and there.

Stupid, vapid, illogical.
Ties back to the episode before this (defeating your opponent through mercy).

While Vader is a killer, I do not think he is responsible for Alderan though? That was Tarkin's order to fire.
Yeah, so heartbreaking that Obi walked away AGAIN, allowing MILLIONS more people to die, instead of finishing the job then and there.

Stupid, vapid, illogical.
I think he was just keeping his promise to qui gon and the prophecy. Vader does stop palpatine in the end.

If kenobi had killed vader he would have eventually found out about luke and leia as they presumably would get stronger with the force regardless of training, then he probably takes the stronger of the 2 as his apprentice and kills the other.
I think he was just keeping his promise to qui gon and the prophecy. Vader does stop palpatine in the end.

If kenobi had killed vader he would have eventually found out about luke and leia as they presumably would get stronger with the force regardless of training, then he probably takes the stronger of the 2 as his apprentice and kills the other.
Maybe the Force compelled him to spare Vader.
Obi wan being a boss was great

I'm just sick of characters leaving the people they're fighting, like 'good enough, they're probably dead, no need to check'. How many times did that happen in this series?! Also 'I'll leave the most dangerous murdering sith alive, that sounds good'

I know most of the characters had to survive but at least try with the writing. Have obi wan try to finish vader off, but the inquisitor saves him at the last minute. Maybe even in one of those tie fighters that I heard they have aboard star destroyers. If only they'd found a couple of those when they were chasing the escaping ship...

I personally hated the first 5 episodes. The last one however was great. Too bad they messed up everything else. I wish for a Darth Vader series but under Disney...I don't think so.
Why can't we have a vader series? That sounds amazing and makes perfect sense
Okay so today I flew across the country, watched the Obi-Wan finale, and then somehow my kids talked me into immediately binging the entirety of Multiverse of Madness so I'm pretty fried, lol.

But there was some amazing stuff in that Obi-Wan finale!

Loved the Obi/Vader stuff, and I must say it made for a damn nice bridge between their last encounter in ROTS and their reunion in ANH. Thank God Reva had nothing to do with it. I'm just going to pretty much ignore the entirety of her character, she added absolutely nothing to the mythos and just wasn't fun to watch. And I'll just have to pretend that Luke didn't catch a quick glimpse of her lightsaber when he turned and ran for the wastes so as not to completely screw up Ben showing it to him for the first time in the hut.

I'm actually okay with Leia/Obi-Wan, and can easily assume that her business like transmission in ANH where she doesn't even acknowledge her history with him as her learning from her father's stupidity and not giving away too much in a sensitive holo-message. Obi-Wan even told her to keep it a secret before they parted ways.

So in the end:

Obi-Wan: Well done! I'm so glad that they somehow gave us an organic segue from him being weak and depressed to the strong, upbeat, and hopeful man that appeared in ANH.
Vader/Anakin: Super awesome! Broken helmet Vader gave us some amazingly cool yet haunting and sad moments that are instantly iconic.
Owen and Beru: Shockingly and surprisingly cool, lol.
Young Leia: Spot on, but still runs super weird, even to her parents at the end, lol.
Reva: worthless, forgettable, and harmless if you just ignore her.
Luke: Kind of a non-issue as well, not bad but the kid really didn't feel like a young Mark Hamill to me.
Palpatine: Fun cameo
Qui-Gon: Another nice bridge between the end of ROTS and ANH. It was just fun seeing and hearing him in an OT era story.
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