That bad?![]()
Like it's 2013, how about a property you buy you can actually go inside of it and it's not just this pixel box that earns you money

I never got so bored with a GTA so fast in my life, there isn't any wow factor with GTA anymore.
That bad?![]()
That sucks.... I haven't open my copy of the game.
I found in the beginning that the pacing was off and it was moving a little too fast since the chapters were short, it gets much much better the further you're into it.
Were all in agreement that Homeless was one of the best chapters in the game, I almost got choked up with the one scene in it.
After having read IGN' s review I imagine this conversation going on in the company:
Stan: "Okay, so we need someone to play and review QD' s new game Beyond by the time the game ships. So who do we have..."
*sees Lucy*
Stan: "Hey Lucy, are you down for reviewing Beyond?"
Lucy: "I don't know Stan, I really didn't like the gameplay of Heavy Rain,...Shouldn't you get someone else to do it?"
Stan : "Well, the problem is that everybody else has their plates full with Call of Duty at the moment and no one else will be able to finish the game in time to post the review when the game comes out on the 8th"
Lucy: "Well, like I said, I don't really appreciate these types of games, so... you still want me to do it?"
Stan: "Not much of a choice I'm afraid."
Lucy: "Ugh,....okay I'll do it,....for you Stan"
Stan: "Thanks doll!"
So it appears that IGN is going to award either TLOU or GTA5 GOTY. You guys think TLOU is going to take it? I haven't played either.
RDR was such a new feel to sandbox games, I think R* should stick to new IPs outside of GTA.
I almost got choked up with the one scene in it.
So it appears that IGN is going to award either TLOU or GTA5 GOTY. You guys think TLOU is going to take it? I haven't played either.
Played a fair amount so far. So far I’m really liking the game. Only thing is, can you die in this game? I have actually been trying to.
hmm, I guess GTAV, but just to make the masses happy. A billion dollar in sales = a lot of happy IGN fanboys
I agree 100 percent with you actually. Gtav is very overrated and probaly deserved a 9.5 at the highest. Its only fun with friends online.
Are you talking about:
When you try to jump to your death when she wants to give up or a different scene?
I actually didn't see that scene my first playthrough as I choose for her to step back.
Also I just rewatched the trailer and I never saw her:Put the gun up to her head.
Intresting and now I'm wondering what I would need to do differently to cause that. Can you tell me if you saw her do that without telling me how or where?
I replayed the last chapter and got the beyond ending. Okay, I'm man enough to admit I seriously choked up when:She wrote "Your princess is still here" on Cole's computer...
Yeah that actually affected me and hit me hard...
I was talking about the scene withStan talking with his wife.