The walkie-talkie head had a better likeness.
Seems that the first pictures where painted in a computer. This new one is the real thing and looks a lot better.
Looks a lot better here:
I think the detail on the sculpt is awesome, but a few changes could be done to make it look more like Eccleston.
I believe this was the reference they were going for.
Just from what I see, the part on the forehead above the point of the brows needs to be a bit fuller, cheeks need to be a bit fuller, the right (left in picture) middle brow crease needs to come in more before going up, chin width reduced and right side smile crease (left in picture) needs to be corrected.
I'll be getting the figure either way, but will be happier if they make the changes.
Thanks for these Vash. I've been away all day, interesting to come back and see what's been happening.
First, I thought it was great that Gregg responded to the criticism, which was widespread enough to warrant his response. The photo he posted does make the sculpt look a lot better, though it's still in no way perfect. It was also great to see Jon cracking down on personal abuse on his FB group when people are simply saying politely that the sculpt doesn't strike them as all that good.
Not sure I agree that you can't just say 'the sculpt looks off' sometimes it just does, and it's difficult to describe precise details when you don't have good photo skills (and i can barely post a photo never mind enlarge it, compare it to another or write on it).
However, since Vash has kindly posted these photos, I think the sculpt's strengths and shortcomings are pretty clear. Yes, it looks better, though it's worrying that shadows are partly responsible for this. But close up the following is obvious:
- As Vash said, the forehead needs to be fuller. The sculpt generally has a slightly pinched look to it, which leads me to:
- The cheeks and jawline need to be fuller, the right hand photo on the top row of the original photos shows this very well. It is too angular, compare it with the picture on the cover of the 2006 Doctor Who annual, which is from a similar angle.
- Yet while the cheeks and jawline need to be fuller, the chin is, as Vash said, too wide, and too square.
- The face isn't wide enough at the cheekbones.
-Top lip is fine, but the bottom lip is... wonky, for word of a better word.
-The nose is too bulbous, not sculpted enough, particularly towards the tip.
-What's with the massive shadows and creases under the eyes? I don't mean the bags I mean the shadows underneath they are far more pronounced on the sculpt than on 2005 era Chris, and this is another of the sculpt's problems - either the sculptor or the painter has made Nine look waaaaaay too haggard and old, which he wouldn't have looked on screen. The wrinkles are too deep - on his forehead, above his nose, the lines from his nose to his mouth and the lines on his chin under his mouth - are all far too pronounced. He looks pouchy and tired.
-Eyes are too deepest and need to be larger and bluer.
-Chris's skin never looked that old on screen, it looked much smoother... because he was wearing make up! When it comes to paint jobs I like pores as much as the same fan, but there is such a thing as too many pores and broken blood vessels.
Edit - I'm not sure any BCS paint job has ever been helped by the 'matt' appearance of the paints, going back to the very first pictures of the original Tennant figure. I don't know anyone else, other than companies, who males their figures 'matt' rather than shiny. Human skin is shiny, especially when it's got make up on it.