Just received the 9th doctor this morning and i must say i'am very pleased with it !
I didnt expected much from it but it is better than what i thought he would be.
First of all the likeness is quite good, he doesnt look like christopher eccleston at 100% thats true but you can still recognize him. And the paint job is very good too. The clothes are nice and fit pretty well, execpt for the jacket that is a bit baggy but the wire allows to fix it and you can make it look good with a bit of work. Also mine came with a little bit of weathering so thats nice. I love the fact that there is so many accessories and with the two sweater you can replicate almost any scene from series 1.
But like all bcs there are some flaws :
- They still cant make the neck and head in the same color. Well in fact they can do it, the war doctor has his head in one piece ( so no seams between the head and neck ) but they are in the same color which is pointless because he has his scarf so you never see his neck. But for 9th who wear v-neck sweater they dont do it ! At least this time they paint the neck with the same quality as the head not like the 10th doctor which only has a neck with a basic paint job and thats all.
-The joints are very loose, its not too bad they stay in place but i wish they made them thighter.
Overall its a very good figure, better thant what i expected.
Unfortunatly thats where my excitement for this figure stop, because mine broke. I noticed when i took it out of the box that his right arm and leg were very loose ( and not like i mentionned earlier you could feel they were about to break). But i thought it was just bcs loose joint and that i could fix it later. But i only managed to get it out of the box and pose him, before his arm fall off. I could get his leg back in the way its supposed to be but i cant put his arm back. Fortunatly the seller immediatly refund me 50%, so i was able to buy a new body, but i'm still disapointed that i now have to wait a few days before really enjoying this figure.