Because this idea is ridiculous and for spectacle alone.
As for the 'throwing anything in that changes things up' idea, because it doesn't's only science fiction so it does not matter if it's silly, nonsensical or lacking in any creative merit at all!
That kind of backwards, 50's, American, formulaic-TV thinking, say one thing one week but go against it the next, reset button, doesn't need to make sense mentality is what has kept decent science fiction from coming to the fore for decades! This decrepit and destructive idea is what has made, and whatsmore, kept science fiction as the retarded bastard cousin of so called 'legitimate' entertainment.
....incoming wall of text. Thou hast been warned.
Your opinion. your allowed to have it. At the end of the day, so long as it has a good story, that makes sense in the overall context of the thing ( in this case, Dr. Who as a whole) Then I'm good with it.
and for the record " lets not change anything and stick with the status quo" is the problem with most entertainment as a whole, not the other way around. this is the sort of thinking that leads to bland junk, that just fails to deliver. An example of this would be Superman returns. Another good example of this would be the MASSIVE stagnation that currently plages the majority of the video game industry.
Don't misread, I DO get where your coming from. I simply don't see any difference between " change for the sake of change" and "trying something different to breathe new life into a property" . Yes, there is a certian amount of spectacle involed. And it's also important to note there is a right way, and a right reason to try anything. COMPLETELY IGNOREING EVERYTHING that has come before is NOT what I'm advocating. In Scienc Fiction, i you're going to do something that contradicts an established status quo, then Yes, you most certianly need a reason for it. which is a huge advantage of science fiction. you CAN simply invent new science to allow it, so long as you explane it to the auidence as well. This averts confusion on the part of longtime fans, even if it divides them, while at the same time allowing the story to go into a different direction.
NOW, THAT SAID; I think part of the problem is that we're not fully articulationg our meanings. I think what you mean by "change for the sake of change" is more akin to the weird-*** ego driven " I need to change this from how it was to signify that it's mine now" or " i've got to diferentiate "my version" from every other version that's come before or since" Idocy that has run rampant over liscensed properties ever since there was such a thing as liscensed properties, OR playing in someone elses universe. If this is the case, then yes, I whole-heartedly agree with you.
I guess what I'm saying is that what I THINK matters to you, is the reason behind the influx of new ideas into a property. Am I getting that right?
Becuase I agree, " I'm changing this becuase i can, to leave MY mark on it" generaly makes for as lousy storytelling as "lets do the same old thing forever, it sems to work".
However " I know this is a little weird, but lets try This direction, and see where it goes" can often lead to some amazing stories.
Yes, ANY change will bring with it some spectacle, but lets be fair here.
Dr. Who is a story about a nigh-immortal alien traveling through time and space, changing his body around while he kidnaps people, and drags them with him on crazy adventures. These adventures include psychopathic statues that can move ( weeping angels), Evil, fascist aliens who liike like giant pepper pots ( Daliks), legions of goofy looking robots bent on asssimating all living things into them, who were clearly the insiration for star trek's borg ( Cybermen) Living plastic ( Automs) the list goes on. It's Chock-full of spectacle already. Every week is a new spectacle Trying to outdo the last. But it's not alone, most every Sci-fi program has that in spades.
For that matter, so does most visual entertainment, but I digress.
Calling it bad just becuase it's spectacle, is kinda like complaing the rain is wet.
Calling anything in fiction a bad idea without giving it a shot is kinda not fair either.
How many people would go watch a movie with spaceships and magic where a boy goes off an an adventure seekeing revenge on the guy who killed his dad, only to find out his dad ACTUALY faked his death, and IS the guy he's been raised to belive he's got to kill? Put in THAT context, it sounds kinda hokey. But it's the basic plot of empire strikes back.
YES, I get that for every point I can make, there is likely a counterpoint where change was bad, and it failed.
Star Trek Enterprise comes to mind.
But, at the VERY least, do you see where I'm coming from?