I'm only a casual fan of Who, but isn't it true that when a timelord regenerates, they can regenerate into any species they choose?
Err, not to my knowledge. Just another Timelord.
I'm only a casual fan of Who, but isn't it true that when a timelord regenerates, they can regenerate into any species they choose?
WOW ! BCS is really starting to irk me.
I have been trying to get on the payment plan.
Have tried contacting them cause their site is not taking my information to set up the plan.
Have emailed them.
Have tweeted them.
I am about to request a refund and cancel. Really getting pissed.
After all, while some degree of understaffed ill-preparedness might be understandable from certain points of view, what with them being a small niche business trying to build themselves up and all, from the customer side of things it can still be incredibly frustrating to try and deal with, and at the end of the day, understandable or not, it is also a rather inexcusable way to treat your potential or current customer base. Especially taken over a long term where such issues don't seem to be getting better, and also if you expect those customers to stay loyal and continue buying your product.
Collectors will put up with a lot, especially for a niche/dream line that they can't get anywhere else, and especially when the end result is actually (usually) worth the occasional headache, but bad or unresponsive customer service can kill a company deader than disco over time, as it basically erodes customer confidence. And their customer service and response has been patchy at best for a long time now. Again, they are pretty good if you can actually get a hold of them, but getting a hold of them to begin with, that can too often be a bit of a nightmare. So they really do need to do better on the customer service front, and soon, making sure that not only are responses sent within a reasonable timeframe, but also that no emails ever get forgotten and fall through the cracks unanswered (which given my own experiences I suspect happens far too often). And they need to get that kind of thing well oiled and efficient now, because things will only get worse once the next product launches.
It's a very competitive market out there, and most people are only willing to put up with so much and give so many chances before they give up and take their money elsewhere. I hope the good folks at Big Chief realise that, and are actively working on fixing these kinds of issues.
Your above rant only works when customer behaviour is rational. In this hobby its not and people will put up with pretty much anything.
Do you realize how bad the customer service behaviour is from Hot Toys and Enterbay ?
...check out the Hot Toys Batmobile thread for a current look at amazing customer service![]()
Your above rant only works when customer behaviour is rational. In this hobby its not and people will put up with pretty much anything.
Do you realize how bad the customer service behaviour is from Hot Toys and Enterbay ?
...check out the Hot Toys Batmobile thread for a current look at amazing customer service![]()
WOW ! BCS is really starting to irk me.
I have been trying to get on the payment plan.
Have tried contacting them cause their site is not taking my information to set up the plan.
Have emailed them.
Have tweeted them.
I am about to request a refund and cancel. Really getting pissed.
For those of you who are interested in making installment payments for either the Fourth or Tenth Doctor Figures you only need to use the following link:
That's funny because I e-mailed them today and received a response in less than an hour.![]()
It seems that the life of a 1:6 scale collector is 97% waiting.
Production samples!