Demi G0D Overseer
Told you this would go down hill fast. Wait till the UFO's start to fly out of the whitehouse. You will all see. CURSE THE CORN!
I understand where you are coming from and for me it was the complete opposite. Renting sucked because I was paying more than I am owning. I renew my home warranty every year so the repairs are at minimal cost, just gotta pay the deductable.
The comforts of this country as sad as it may seem is what keeps us from becoming a third world country. If everyone just bought what they needed and not what they want do you really think we would be better off? I am in no way saying it is right but without the comforts and frivolous spending there wouldn't be alot of the jobs there are today for instance no collectables, video games, ipods, movies, TV's, designer clothes, sneakers, sports... the list could go on. Think about if these things went away, how many jobs would be gone. We don't need these things to survive but think about the places that doesn't have them. What types of places are they?
Told you this would go down hill fast. Wait till the UFO's start to fly out of the whitehouse. You will all see. CURSE THE CORN!
Hey Keith![]()
No I know what you mean - it's those people that pay strictly on credit, then pay the minimum balance and keep racking up their debt that I am talking about. And as far as just buying necessities, I'm talking about now with the economic crisis the way it is. It's hard for me to justify buying comforts when I still have debt and don't know where this is all going to lead. If you make a good living and can afford to put money away and buy comforts - then good for you. You are one of the lucky. Some of us, unfortunately, don't make squat and are feeling what little we do make being drained away with increased living expenses and bills.
I just thought I would take some time out of my busy schedule to post. Times are tough for me. I have been spending most of my time in Mexico trying to hunt down the ever so hard to track demon men that roam in those parts. Those little bastardos are popping up everywhere.
King - you know how I feel about that pic!!!
Well I am giving some serious thought to canceling my pre-orders.I do want that Samaritan though.....but that money could also be more wisely spent. Well hopefully we will find out in the next few days what our govt. is going to do. Hopefully there will be some light shining soon in this dark tunnel.
I am investing all money in bullets, water and caned food!
I am investing all money in bullets, water and caned food!
No I know what you mean - it's those people that pay strictly on credit, then pay the minimum balance and keep racking up their debt that I am talking about. And as far as just buying necessities, I'm talking about now with the economic crisis the way it is. It's hard for me to justify buying comforts when I still have debt and don't know where this is all going to lead. If you make a good living and can afford to put money away and buy comforts - then good for you. You are one of the lucky. Some of us, unfortunately, don't make squat and are feeling what little we do make being drained away with increased living expenses and bills.
I am investing all money in bullets, water and caned food!
At the risk of politicizing the thread, what the whole sub-prime meltdown brings back is George W. Bush, talking years ago about the "ownership society" and about every American owning a little piece of it. From tiny acorns...
Hell yeah, dude... we can get the posse together and sit it out...wait for the zombies.![]()
Yeah, the man on the bottom feels the squeeze the most. Our health gets thrown out the window... we have to buy the cheapest food to get by... we can't go anywhere unless it's absolutely necessary.. like work.
I can see us all sitting in dark houses with no lights eating dry ramen.![]()
Better to invest in polystone. To put it in banks or stocks doesn't seem wise. Just make sure you have health insurance and we will ride this out. May take a few years though.
I see, now I understand what your saying. Sorry for the mixed signals. I completely agree with you and i am in the exact same place you are. For me, my paycheck is spent before I even get it. Constant check chasing. Going to the grocery store is a gamble. gone are the days 100 bucks got you stocked for a month. Now you can easily spend 250 on just enough to get you through 2 weeks. Not sure where you live Jen but here in PA we are waiting for the electric companies price cap to expire and our bills to sky rocket. Not to mention winter is coming which means home heating oil for me. Not good times at all. I can barely afford gas for the car now I have to get fuel for the house so now comforts for me, until March of 09 it will be a fight for survival for me.