Bin Laden is dead!

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I should clarify. Innocent people.


Even though they're military,they're innocent too. They are a bunch of brainwashed teenagers who are tricked into believing they will become heroes when all they are really doing is exacting some fat cat politicians own agenda.
I'm not claiming eloquence,just the same point.

Then maybe you should try to better read/understand other people's posts before making personal judgements such as some of the ones you've just made (weak minds, full of hate etc). They make you sound pretentious even to those who might agree with your arguments.
What? Never been affected by tragedy? Buddy I'm in the heart of the ____fest in Alabama right now. Don't tell me about tragedy.

Not really the same though, no offence, there is no one person or persons to blame for natural disasters. Know what I mean?
Not really the same though, no offence, there is no one person or persons to blame for natural disasters. Know what I mean?

Ok well how about my grandmother dieing of a brain tumor that after multiple x rays and cat scans for unrelated issues doctors never noticed or how about police beating the ____ out of my brother for dating a cop's wife who was currently in a divorce battle with him? Or my dad killing my uncle to whom I was very close to during a brawl?
Is that tragedy enough for you?.
Even though they're military,they're innocent too. They are a bunch of brainwashed teenagers who are tricked into believing they will become heroes when all they are really doing is exacting some fat cat politicians own agenda.

I know a great many dedicated soldiers that would strongly object to your characterization. Your disrespect for the American soldier is noted. Your opinion is worthless. You will never understand.

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." -- Gen. George S. Patton

You know you're right and you should go to your local state mental hospital and tell them your thoughts.They will listen to everything you have to say there.

You know, I can smell you intellectually challenged liberals a mile away....the talking points and the stupidity behind your delusional reasoning never changes.
I know a great many dedicated soldiers that would strongly object to your characterization. Your disrespect for the American soldier is noted. Your opinion is worthless. You will never understand.

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." -- Gen. George S. Patton


Well "SnakeDoc"
The military is alot different now compared to the time of Patton.
You know, I can smell you intellectually challenged liberals a mile away....the talking points and the stupidity behind your delusional reasoning never changes.

"liberal"? :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl
Nope sorry,I'm a gun toting,steak eating, God fearing Alabamian.
So someone from Alabama who eats meat and has a gun can't be a liberal?
Well "SnakeDoc"
The military is alot different now compared to the time of Patton.

Like I said, you will never understand.

The real difference is that, back then, many soldiers were conscripted. These days, brave men and women volunteer for the opportunity to be called "brainwashed teenagers" by high-and-mighty nobodys such as yourself.

American soldiers bring the world's most wanted man to justice ... and you tell us we should be more respectful to the corpse of a terrorist while you disrespect the great men that caught him. What a pathetic display.

Like I said, you will never understand.

The real difference is that, back then, many soldiers were conscripted. These days, brave men and women volunteer for the opportunity to be called "brainwashed teenagers" by high-and-mighty nobodys such as yourself. What a pathetic display.


Not insulting them,they are indeed brave and earn my respect by signing up for the military but by brainwashed I mean that many of them joined just because some recruiter told them they will get to go to Iraq and fight insurgents and look like war heroes.
And that this war is being fought for our freedom,which it isn't. I know this because 5 years ago I sat through countless meetings with a recruiter when I planned on joining the military.
By the way I'm not a nobody,don't act like you know me fella.

And my point waaaaaaaay back was that we need to show that we are better than the terrorists by showing we refuse to behave like them. Getting alittle off track here.
[ame=""]YouTube - Exclusive: Bin Laden Dead Hoax Exposed[/ame]
Not insulting them,they are indeed brave and earn my respect by signing up for the military but by brainwashed I mean that many of them joined just because some recruiter told them they will get to go to Iraq and fight insurgents and look like war heroes.
And that this war is being fought for our freedom,which it isn't. I know this because 5 years ago I sat through countless meeting with a recruiter when I planned on joining the military.
By the way I'm not a nobody,don't act like you know me fella.

You're pretty lucky that you were smart enough to avoid the siren-song of those evil recruiters. Too bad for those that weren't as smart as you and decided to pick up a weapon, huh? If you were as dumb as them, George Bush might've killed you too.

You're insulting them, whether you know it or not. Maybe you cannot understand the choice. Maybe you'll never have enough spine to make such a sacrifice. But, to act as if someone must've been brainwashed to have chosen to enlist is insulting, pathetic, and detestable.

I don't know you, and I doubt I'd want to. I couldn't care less what you think this war is being fought for.

You're pretty lucky that you were smart enough to avoid the siren-song of those evil recruiters. Too bad for those that weren't as smart as you and decided to pick up a weapon, huh? If you were as dumb as them, George Bush might've killed you too.

You're insulting them, whether you know it or not. Maybe you cannot understand the choice. Maybe you'll never have enough spine to make such a sacrifice. But, to act as if someone must've been brainwashed to have chosen to enlist is insulting, pathetic, and detestable.

I don't know you, and I doubt I'd want to. I couldn't care less what you think this war is being fought for.


Dont act like everyone who signed up for the military did so out of some great feeling sacrifice. And not eveyone joins up because they were brainwashed teens. Many join for many reasons.

Another post brought to you courtesy of:


Dont act like everyone who signed up for the military did so out of some great feeling sacrifice. And not eveyone joins up because they were brainwashed teens. Many join for many reasons.

Regardless of the reason, hardly gives CLU the right to disrespect them. :huh Along the same lines, there are several posts here that are also borderline Muslim bashing. We should all be happy that this dog is dead but some freaks need to use the Advanced feature and read what they type before posting.
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