Man you're putting words in my mouth.I'm in fact trying to support our troops. I didn't say they were dumb or stupid,I said some of these young kids are told why it would be good for them to join the military for all the wrong reasons.You're pretty lucky that you were smart enough to avoid the siren-song of those evil recruiters. Too bad for those that weren't as smart as you and decided to pick up a weapon, huh? If you were as dumb as them, George Bush might've killed you too.
You're insulting them, whether you know it or not. Maybe you cannot understand the choice. Maybe you'll never have enough spine to make such a sacrifice. But, to act as if someone must've been brainwashed to have chosen to enlist is insulting, pathetic, and detestable.
I don't know you, and I doubt I'd want to. I couldn't care less what you think this war is being fought for.
It isn't good for a recruiter to tell them they need to join so they can fight people in the Middle east like they told me. They need to tell them it is good to join to gain experience and discipline in the strongest military this world has seen. Not to become killing machines.
And to those who were all ready enlisted before they war started and were sent to the Middle east,well they got the short end of the stick because these men and women ain't fighting for our freedom in this war.