As long as technology keeps advancing and skills/talent keep improving there will never be an "ultimate representation" though. Hot Toys quality has increased quite a bit in just a few years. Even Hasbro figures are much better than they used to be. Nothing we can really do about it apart from choosing to be happy with the versions we already have
If you have the original you may as well just sell it whilst you still can and put the money towards this. There'll always be someone not willing to wait.
True, true. I guess I entered this hobby with a timeframe in mind, and now I'm torn about it. The years keep going back ("I'll be done when they get to the X-Men and I get a Cyclops" and now they'll be coming no sooner than 2026), the prices increase, everything gets more and more complicated. It used to be "oh yeah, I really like that character/book, I'll snag this expensive figure to have a great collectible of them" and now it's all as taxing as buying Hasbros and trying to get them all to complete the diorama. Maybe it's just me being all over the place.
I don't have the original, I kept waiting for his movie(s) so that he could get a cape.
We probably will see an improved version of most of these characters at some point. That's how it's always been, not just with HT either. Doesn't matter what you collect, advancements are always being made in how these things are produced so we will always get new versions.
I think you either buy then resell when the new stuff comes out, or are content with older versions. I still think the older Black Panther figures look great, if I had one of them im not sure id upgrade. That's what I did with the new TDK Batman, im fine with. my DX12, even if the new one is better. But the new Raimi Spiderman? Im upgrading, my old one is showing its age. That's just the nature of collecting.
Myself I don't like selling, or even keeping figures in boxes and not displaying them in the event I buy a 2.0/3.0/etc and also having the original. So I try to get the best possible figure of the look I want. Sometimes I may dip with a specific variant outfit, but that's my MO.
You mentioned Raimi Spider-Man, and I'm again torn. It's good enough, but it's got the ugly seam, the plastic hands that break the realism, the wrinkly neck. I need a Spider-Man, and I would prefer a Raimi-Man to be my own true version. But I can't help thinking that maybe 2, 3, 4 years from now they'll show off some a new one with those problems fixed, or maybe InArt will release their 500$ version. I'd prefer a younger, 2000s Tobey headsculpt too instead of getting the NWH specific version.
I've done well so far with waiting, and I'm scared to make a mistake now. I waited until EG to get an IM. I still don't have a Strange because I'm waiting for a more comic accurate outfit in the 3rd movie. I suppose I'll keep doing this. Considering how the MCU works all these characters get multiple appearances, costumes and figures anyhow.
This goes back to what we said in another thread, it's pointless to continuedly try to chase or hold out for the "perfect" version from Hot Toys. It's a never ending battle with them.
Buy what you like or think will be happy with now. Upgrade in the future if it suits you. Same rule for when you're buying PC parts. Trying to wait and wait for the next big thing will just result in you never buying the parts and holding out forever. There will ALWAYS be something new and better around the corner.
There comes a point where you just need to be either be buying the stuff you want/need or not buy it at all.
Yeah, it's a problem for me as I am rather indecisive. My "lists" were a way to solve that, but now... It's tough. I know that 5 years from now they'll be better. I won't be tempted to replace/upgrade every single character, so I can buy them as they come and be done. But there are a few that I like enough to want them to be "perfect" in my displays, so I tend to play the waiting game.