Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface- FULL SPEC- new production paint app pics

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Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Sean Connery has the right idea as in 'Why bother?' He plays an Englishman - Scottish accent, a Spaniard - Scottish accent, an American - Scottish accent...etc etc... :lol
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

If the enterbay version will have the infamous ugly neck this figure has already won imo.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Have you even watched the movie?

No kidding especially since Pacino has done so many bad performances. Like anything after The Scent of a Woman where he could not shake the urge to yell all the time for no apparent reason. It's like that character stuck with him for life.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I understand all that but for some reason it just seems strange that a 12" figure could cost $150+. Thats a lot of money when you think about it (at least its a lot to me.)

Yeah, i still have a hard time justifying paying this much for a figure though i somehow do. i actually lie to people about how much they cost to make myself feel better. even when i lie and say a hot toys i have figure costs "about 50.00" people that aren't collectors completely flip out and some seem outraged! if they only knew :rotfl
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Yeah, i still have a hard time justifying paying this much for a figure though i somehow do. i actually lie to people about how much they cost to make myself feel better. even when i lie and say a hot toys i have figure costs "about 50.00" people that aren't collectors completely flip out and some seem outraged! if they only knew :rotfl

I usually tack at least $50 on everything, sometimes more. Its baffles the shat out of people when they hear it and they simply don't know what to think. I like that. People usually ask you those kind of questions to judge you and possibly ridicule you to make themselves feel better. ____ em. Its none of their business anyway.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Yeah, i still have a hard time justifying paying this much for a figure though i somehow do. i actually lie to people about how much they cost to make myself feel better. even when i lie and say a hot toys i have figure costs "about 50.00" people that aren't collectors completely flip out and some seem outraged! if they only knew :rotfl

I tell them the truth on how much I pay and they look at me funny until I say "what about the few thousands of dollars you put in your lungs with your cigarettes" or "how about that $8000 snowmobile you use 2 months out of a year" or "all the money blown on gambling that you never see again"....people just don't realize that they do similar things as well and blow money on stuff. We just all have our "thing" to spend money on.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Yeah, i still have a hard time justifying paying this much for a figure though i somehow do. i actually lie to people about how much they cost to make myself feel better. even when i lie and say a hot toys i have figure costs "about 50.00" people that aren't collectors completely flip out and some seem outraged! if they only knew :rotfl

LOL, I can relate to that. I too lie to anyone asking how much they cost, :lol
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I usually tack at least $50 on everything, sometimes more. Its baffles the shat out of people when they hear it and they simply don't know what to think. I like that. People usually ask you those kind of questions to judge you and possibly ridicule you to make themselves feel better. ____ em. Its none of their business anyway.

I'm with you King, why entertain their petty minds, tell them you paid $200 but it's now worth $300 just 6 months later and you expect it to be worth $500 within the next 18 monhs (even if you dont) just to see their sad 'safe' corporate face fall in the sad realisation that the appreciation is more than stocks and shares!

It's fun while it lasts!
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

Who the hell would spend $150+ on a 1/6 scale collectible!?

*looks at collection*

Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

There was a time when I'd have probably passed on $150 figures, years ago, but after I bought the Darth Maul life size bust, I pretty much lost all concern with how costly stuff gets :lol, after that buy, what's a $150 when I just spent $500.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I usually tack at least $50 on everything, sometimes more. Its baffles the shat out of people when they hear it and they simply don't know what to think. I like that. People usually ask you those kind of questions to judge you and possibly ridicule you to make themselves feel better. ____ em. Its none of their business anyway.

when i think about it, it's pretty rude for anyone to ask how much you paid for stuff, they definitely have a hidden agenda when they're asking. some people need an excuse to be judgmental jerks.
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

I tell them the truth on how much I pay and they look at me funny until I say "what about the few thousands of dollars you put in your lungs with your cigarettes" or "how about that $8000 snowmobile you use 2 months out of a year" or "all the money blown on gambling that you never see again"....people just don't realize that they do similar things as well and blow money on stuff. We just all have our "thing" to spend money on.

At least our "thing" doesn't include a trip to rehab or the hospital like the things you described :goodpost:
Re: Blitzway- Al Pacino- Scarface 1/6th figure teaser pic

That's actually one of my despiration defenses when my expense on this hobby comes in question, I point out how much worse things I could be spending it on, that and I point out how I get to keep it as along as I want. In college I'd get harassed a bit for it and I'd point out to my roomates the ammount they'd spend on beer that was there and gone just as quickly, and half the time they'd be sick or forget the evening, all that for hundreds and hundreds of dollars over time. At least collectibles stay once you spend the money.