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Hey Cyber i would ask him what's up.i didn't get the extra charge but then again i did pay for EMS so who knows if that extra wasn't added to the EMS charge.You know i was just about to let you guys know about the delay cause i got an email from Metro Comics as well Igloo about the delay but metro told me that they're going to receive the figuer on the 20th but who knows.Either way ,i can't wait to finally get this figure in my grubby hands!^_^
I just received a very professional and polite mail from ABC that they will correct the invoice.

I know I'm being cheap that i _____ about the 7 dollars, but since ABC is starting to be my main retailer I want to be sure that I can trust that he keeps his prices.
I just received a very professional and polite mail from ABC that they will correct the invoice.

I know I'm being cheap that i _____ about the 7 dollars, but since ABC is starting to be my main retailer I want to be sure that I can trust that he keeps his prices.

No way CV, that's not being cheap, that's just expecting a contract of sorts to be honoured. I'm the one feeling like a nong for not doing the same thing - now that I've paid the whole amount I might write him and ask if I can have the $7 as store credit. Worth a shot, and from his point of view having the repeat business has got to be a good thing.
No way CV, that's not being cheap, that's just expecting a contract of sorts to be honoured. I'm the one feeling like a nong for not doing the same thing - now that I've paid the whole amount I might write him and ask if I can have the $7 as store credit. Worth a shot, and from his point of view having the repeat business has got to be a good thing.

You do not need to mail them, I got a corrected invoice with 38 dollar shipping, then some minutes later I recevied a new invoice with the old amount.

He explained that the extra 7 dollars are because the size of the package have changed since the prototype specs (The corrected invoice was probably sent by someone at ABC who didn't know this).
I paid the 45 USD shipping, I do not wanna _____ about it, but if something similar happens to my DX Indy or Sparrow I will bring it up with them again. If it would have been my business I would have taken the fall, its more important to keep the contract than losing 7 dollars.
You do not need to mail them, I got a corrected invoice with 38 dollar shipping, then some minutes later I recevied a new invoice with the old amount.

He explained that the extra 7 dollars are because the size of the package have changed since the prototype specs (The corrected invoice was probably sent by someone at ABC who didn't know this).
I paid the 45 USD shipping, I do not wanna _____ about it, but if something similar happens to my DX Indy or Sparrow I will bring it up with them again. If it would have been my business I would have taken the fall, its more important to keep the contract than losing 7 dollars.

Ah, fair enough. At this point I just want my Tony :impatient:
I don't blame you though cause it's not the money but the principle of it.There was a contract made between the buyer and the seller and nowhere does it state that the seller can change the price without notice.It's only $7.00 now but who knows next time it might $70.00.IMO i think Leong should've just ate the difference and make it up with the new orders but that's my thought.I guess at this point should just be happy that we're finally gettin this figure,right?!^_^
I don't blame you though cause it's not the money but the principle of it.There was a contract made between the buyer and the seller and nowhere does it state that the seller can change the price without notice.It's only $7.00 now but who knows next time it might $70.00.IMO i think Leong should've just ate the difference and make it up with the new orders but that's my thought.I guess at this point should just be happy that we're finally gettin this figure,right?!^_^

Too right! :D
Forgot to tell you guys, but I stayed at the Beacon Hotel, Ocean Drive, Miami.

Took this pic, recognize it?


In the lobby they had this pic

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I just came from MIAMI!!!!!!!! The entire time I was in ocean drive I was thinking about scarface "Say hello to my little friend".
These cannot get here soon enough....I feel bad for all you guys that have been waiting since the announcement

Hey don't feel bad for this camper, 'cause it's looking pretty good - it'd tear me up if after all this time it'd turned out a dog's breakfast :)
^^ Yeah it's not long now. I can't wait to see what Blitzway are working on next. I hope it's another iconic character, I'd love them to do something like Travis from Taxi Driver.