Statue Blitzway- Bruce Lee 40th Anniversary Tribute Statue (1/3 Scale)

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yeah.i don't think anyone will nail bruce exactly.even arnie hasn't totally got it correct with this statue.talking of which if you can hear me blitzway,some sodding news would be good!!
yeah.i don't think anyone will nail bruce exactly.even arnie hasn't totally got it correct with this statue.talking of which if you can hear me blitzway,some sodding news would be good!!


The only one that I think he has got right like I have said many of times is the 1/4 smiley WOD. Most of his other ones look like Bruce but a lot of things are still off with them.
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I was about to order the Gold Version. I went to check out and I was being charged almost $80.00 in Tax??
I'm in NYC, the Music Site that runs the Bruce Lee Shop is in Virginia, The Statue is coming through CA from China.
So, why am I being charged Tax? Unless you're buying from within the same state, I shouldn't be charged any Tax.
I've ordered hundreds of times from mail order and have never been charged Tax unless the item comes from within the same state.
I called them up and Customer Service and their managers their say it could be a Drop Fee??
I tell them No, it states Tax and in NY, Tax is at almost 10%. So, I ask my girlfriend in NJ to try ordering and she is charged NJ Tax which is at about half of NY.
I call them and point this out. All they say is they have no idea why and they'll ask the Bruce Lee site why there is Tax?
Anyone else had to pay Tax on their orders that weren't in the Same state as this Website?
I feel like I'm being milked for even more money!
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looks like the ball's starting to roll slooooowly on this.perhaps blitzway will wait until 4th oct until Shannon gives them the total she needs,then start shipping the statues out to our retailers.
I think we all see bruce kinda different,i think the sculpt looks pretty close to this,well as ''toys'' go:lol

Yea I agree with this totally, Bruce has always had a very changeable face really, you take any large group of pictures of him, and although they are all of course Bruce, he can look very different from one look or era to the next.
Plus I think his face did change quite a bit after those early films(we all gotta age, even Bruce), so people looking for the younger thinner faced Bruce, are judging a statue based on his last on screen outing a tad unfairly.

Also as I've said before in this thread (sorry for sounding like a broken record!) I think a lot of people are used to iconic Bruce images and statues were he's often "pulling a face" for want of a better phrase, but this statue captures a neutral older Bruce, and I think when you look at pics or film footage that capture that, it shows how damn fine this sculpt is.
Now, it's not always easy to find pics to illustrate my point but something like the following is close to what I mean (also notice how different Bruce looks here compared to the picture above that Chris posted, similar neutral expression but on an older Bruce, note the more mature, wider lower face and jaw line)...
as GOD was film approx. 10 months prior to bruce's death and he weighed about 145lbs (compared to about 126lbs) when he passed,this really is a younger bruce.perhaps as GOD was released years after ETD we forget this.i do agree the sculpt is a little ''chubby'' but I can deal with it.personally as this is a 40th anniversary tribute a more ''iconic'' pose/expression I would have liked,but it is what it is,and i'm happy with it.
on a personal note I think bruce looked best at his lightest (againt sammo)in his last filmed fight.who would think a few months later he would no longer be with us.
right sorted the ''case'' for now.i put the HD1003 in and it looks like a 1/6 figure:lol
I went for a glass base with LEDs the base has mirrored edges front and sides and a black vinyl type covering for more reflectiveness (and to hide the wiring).looks really good.

at the rear the battery pack (3x AA) SLOTS INTO THE BASE with about an inch sticking out.there's even a flashing setting for ''disco'' bruce:rotfl

the lights are bright white (camera makes them look blue.
the size of this statue is gonna be huge,the HD1003 looks tiny in it:exactly:

here's a quick image with the lights on:wink1:

picture of battery pack slotting into the base,the LEDs are 3 rows of 4,and stick up about 1/2 inch

overall really impressed,james gets a 10 all round for quality.craftmanship and price.
pics don't do it justice.
Yea I agree with this totally, Bruce has always had a very changeable face really, you take any large group of pictures of him, and although they are all of course Bruce, he can look very different from one look or era to the next.
Plus I think his face did change quite a bit after those early films(we all gotta age, even Bruce), so people looking for the younger thinner faced Bruce, are judging a statue based on his last on screen outing a tad unfairly.

Now, it's not always easy to find pics to illustrate my point but something like the following is close to what I mean (also notice how different Bruce looks here compared to the picture above that Chris posted, similar neutral expression but on an older Bruce, note the more mature, wider lower face and jaw line)..

lulz what ?
I agree he had quite the malleable face but all his famous movies were in a 2+ year period.

And Way of the Dragon and Game of Death were filmed in the same year, essentially back to back ..... so no, one shouldn't have a younger look and the other 'an older more mature look with wider jawline :D

And he cut short filming Game of Death to go off and do Enter the Dragon at short notice for Warner Brothers, again meaning those 3 films are essentially back to back in the space of 1 year.

The only real difference in face was weight loss. But that works in his case in the opposite way to how you are stating. He started his 'famous film run' with Big Boss at 145lbs, was down to 130lbs by the time of Game of Death and down to 125lbs in Enter the Dragon.
Because I think the EB 1/4 WoD figure got it much closer to being right :huh

Overall they may have gotten the sculpt closer to being right as it doesn't masculine or deformed like the one on this statue does with its big jaw etc. My point is, the face is way wider and totally the wrong shape which makes him look more like a kid than an adult on the EB one. Which why I can't see why the wide face on the EB one didn't bother you but the wide face on this statue does, since that was my biggest problem I had with the EB sculpt. However, I guess you didn't notice it, since it didn't really look chubby and the jaw on this statue does.

as GOD was film approx. 10 months prior to bruce's death and he weighed about 145lbs (compared to about 126lbs) when he passed,this really is a younger bruce.perhaps as GOD was released years after ETD we forget this.i do agree the sculpt is a little ''chubby'' but I can deal with it.personally as this is a 40th anniversary tribute a more ''iconic'' pose/expression I would have liked,but it is what it is,and i'm happy with it.
on a personal note I think bruce looked best at his lightest (againt sammo)in his last filmed fight.who would think a few months later he would no longer be with us.

Yeah but like you said before only where the jawline is right?
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yeah dark,the jawline,the bonus of the sculpt is it DOES look very much like bruce,so I can live with that.who know's once in hand (whenever that is) that the sculpt will look even better.and his ''chubbyness'' isn't as much as we thought.
lulz what ?
I agree he had quite the malleable face but all his famous movies were in a 2+ year period.

And Way of the Dragon and Game of Death were filmed in the same year, essentially back to back ..... so no, one shouldn't have a younger look and the other 'an older more mature look with wider jawline :D

And he cut short filming Game of Death to go off and do Enter the Dragon at short notice for Warner Brothers, again meaning those 3 films are essentially back to back in the space of 1 year.

The only real difference in face was weight loss. But that works in his case in the opposite way to how you are stating. He started his 'famous film run' with Big Boss at 145lbs, was down to 130lbs by the time of Game of Death and down to 125lbs in Enter the Dragon.

I don't know how old you are, and maybe your one of those lucky sobs :)P) and you look the same now as you always have, but for myself and a lot of people there's a period when our faces change(and quite quickly) from the youthful could pass for early twenties look to a more adult "look my age" type face.

For me it happened in my late 20s, everyone is different I know (I went to college with a bloke who finished the year looking like a 19 year old and when he started the next he could of passed for 35, and I also know more than a few more who now in their 30's can still pass for kids :D)
I think that Bruce was just going through that period of change(I'm not talking about some drastic difference but enough that Bruce has an "older" slightly fuller matured face) around GOD and ETD, as shown in the picture I posted.

That was all I was trying to hi-light with regards to this sculpt, but if you don't agree, that's cool.

Seeing as you mentioned the weight change, another theory for his slightly wider, fuller face could be that he was suffering some bloating effects in the face around that period, a side effect sometimes associated with rapid weight loss.
But since he unfortunately didn't live long enough for us to observe whether that was the case, I've always just put it down to the natural progressions of aging.

Or of course Karl Pilkington could have been right!!
yeah dark,the jawline,the bonus of the sculpt is it DOES look very much like bruce,so I can live with that.who know's once in hand (whenever that is) that the sculpt will look even better.and his ''chubbyness'' isn't as much as we thought.

Sure does, just a bit of a more masculine version. Although the jawline makes him a bit like a blow-fish, since the bottom jaw protrudes ( prognathism). :lol

I don't know how old you are, and maybe your one of those lucky sobs :)P) and you look the same now as you always have, but for myself and a lot of people there's a period when our faces change(and quite quickly) from the youthful could pass for early twenties look to a more adult "look my age" type face.

For me it happened in my late 20s, everyone is different I know (I went to college with a bloke who finished the year looking like a 19 year old and when he started the next he could of passed for 35, and I also know more than a few more who now in their 30's can still pass for kids :D)
I think that Bruce was just going through that period of change(I'm not talking about some drastic difference but enough that Bruce has an "older" slightly fuller matured face) around GOD and ETD, as shown in the picture I posted.

That was all I was trying to hi-light with regards to this sculpt, but if you don't agree, that's cool.

Seeing as you mentioned the weight change, another theory for his slightly wider, fuller face could be that he was suffering some bloating effects in the face around that period, a side effect sometimes associated with rapid weight loss.
But since he unfortunately didn't live long enough for us to observe whether that was the case, I've always just put it down to the natural progressions of aging.

Or of course Karl Pilkington could have been right!!

I think you are analyzing things too much, SAB is right the face is too wide for GOD, there is no debate about this. Look at these comparison pics.

The face looks very narrow here, have no idea how you see that it looks fuller than his other movies. :confused:
Yep I probably am haha!( defo think he looks diferent though :p)
In the side by side, the film shot looks slightly stretched to me, the one underneath pic looks right and its closer to the sculpt, Also I think the pic Arnie took of the head went much closer to showing how accurate this head sculpt could be in hand.
I do think though, that the head sculpt is probably marginally closer to his look in ETD, after posting that pic yesterday, I stuck in the Blu last night:D.