I notice color discoloration then realized it was the sweat so technically I didn't notice the sweat per se but saw something looked odd, but that is just a picture, so in hand it's probably not noticeable at that distance.
Hmm, yeah that may be it. Could also be shadows. The sweat isn't actually noticeable at all from a distance, either on the body or face. It's pretty much only visible up close with a light shining on it. Granted, I was viewing this in a room with artificial lighting. I have no idea how this would look in a room filled with natural light.
Think everyone does.
The pictures are really great but I can't see any different tones on the statue in your pics, it still looks quite plane and pretty much one color, like you said in your review the muscles would benefit from more shading. Nevertheless, not bad though and looks like there are some freckles on the arm there?
The tones are there, they are just very subtle. They are visible in the pics, if you look around the shoulder area, chest (right side), a bit on the abs and biceps, and the veins actually have some light greenish colour to them, to simulate real veins. It's very subtle but works well without looking overdone or fake.
It's a bit hard to convey the colour differences in the photo. It's actually very subtle in real life too, but I think it works well. You're probably expecting some dark shading within the gaps of the muscles etc...but it doesn't really have that. What I was talking about was slight tonal changes throughout the paint. It has a flesh coloured base coat with some light overlays of various colours over the statue. It's subtle but looks good, but I do think they could've bumped it up a notch. As I mentioned in my review, some shading within the muscles would've made the most difference. My Sideshow Nathan Drake statue has this on his arms and I think it adds depth to the paint and also makes him look more ripped. Yes, you're right, there are freckles on the arm. They are all over the statue actually.
cant say I blame you,just incase the paint gets damaged.i'm wondering if a warm hairdryer may work,i tried this on something a long time ago(nowhere near as expensive)but i'll see in a few weeks the sweat kinda reminds me of dripped candle wax(no idea where that came from

).but despite my critique on this I'm really really pleased you like him.
Warm hardryer? You mean to melt the paint? and yes, dripped candle wax is probably the best description for it LOL.
It's funny, if I shine a light from below, you see heaps of sweat on his face, which I didn't even notice at first lol, but if you shine from above, you hardly see anything.