Super Freak
Fett gets here today but I won't be able to futz him until tomorrow. Not to worried about cutting the plastic, but the heating of the ab plate has me on edge a bit.
Another terrible Lucas change to the OT no doubt.
I just don't wanna accidentlly cut through the vest if I were to use an exacto or something to that effect.
1. I'm going to sand the inside chest rivets down.
2. Carefully remove and peel up clear plastic piece.
3. Cut new custom shaped thinner flexible plastic piece.
4. Use a marker to mark the location of the rivets on the new shield.
5. Poke holes.
6. Push rivets through the plastic holes and apply a super glue drop on each rivet. Dry.
7. Enjoy
Am I crazy?
I'm hoping to try this in the next few weeks.
I have a TT slim ready and waiting for his arrival! the only sideshow figures I have on their original body is Hammerhead and Gartogg... for obvious reasons haha. The prometheus hips are the killer for me, child bearing hips.
I borrowed Billy Ray's picture to show the cuts that I made to the clear plastic. Basically, I just outlined the plate on the back, and cut around them. I removed any excess plastic that I could, but didn't go out of my way to remove it all. I then applied the hot water treatment to bend the stomach plate and control the braids.
I don't have pix to share, but I was really happy with the results! The only thing that I might still do is drill new holes in the backpack armor to make it sit better in regard to the collar.
I apologize if this has already been mentioned, but I just started cutting into my Boba vest, but not with small scissors or an x-acto. I'm using a pair of cuticle trimmers. They glide right along in tight corners and I don't have to worry about cutting into the vest since it's only the center of the trimmer that is sharp. Just a head up...
what?testicle trimmers??
never heard of this stuff