I posted this over at the shadow & flame forum. It's a long post, actually made up of two posts, but I thought I'd share it with you guys.
Also, I really hope that some folks at Sideshow get a chance to read my review, because I really have some strong feelings to share now that I've seen the piece up close.
Without further ado, onto the goodies...
Meh... :| I'm completely uninspired.
His boots look like cheap plastic. The base looks like an unholy union between cheap plastic and rubber. The helmet color doesn't jive with the armor color. The hoses are kinked. The rangefinder is loose. I'm still unclear (to say the least) as to why we needed a poseable head. The weathering on the helmet looks like it was done by a freshman college art student with little hope for a bright future (who was also in a hurry). And the only reason it has any weight at all is because there is a giant polystone turd shoved somewhere up his cheap plastic torso.
I feel like I've been robbed.
On the brighter side, the details in the clothing are very, very nice. And the gun is simply top-notch.
That is all.
Actually, I am suffering from a bit of jetlag. But it has no real bearing on my little review.
You're right, though. In the pics, it looks great. As with all of Sideshow's pieces, photos really don't do enough justice to the actual article when you see it up close. Sadly, in the case of Boba Fett, that statement is true for all of the wrong reasons.
When I look at my PF Luke and Yoda (I could have picked Lurtz, but this is a SW thread), I go up close and inspect every detail, and I'm still just as blown away as I am when I see it from across a room. More so, in fact, because of the sheer beauty of the piece even under close scrutiny.
Right now, I'm looking at my Fett PF on my dining room table, some twelve feet away from my desk. It looks incredible. I've got his head posed perfectly. The cape is nicely draped in such a way that, even at this range, I can see that awesome red skull on his shoulder. The dining room is low-lit, so even the different colors of the helmet and armor aren't noticeable in the slightest.
But when I get up close, within three feet, the issues really, really begin to jump out. (I won't bother repeating myself in this post.) Under close scrutiny, bits of it remind me of an improved version of those Shogun Warrior toys I had as a kid. (An exaggeration, true. But indulge me.)
There's very little about this Boba Fett Premium Format that I would call "Premium." (Again, the clothing is top notch, and that particular department of Sideshow deserves some serious accolades for a job very, very well done. Along with the overall pose and the gun, the clothing really goes a long way toward making the figure look as good as it does from a distance.) And before anyone suggests that I'm making a mountain out of this proverbial molehill, let me say this:
I can't be hard enough on Sideshow about the decisions they made in regard to this figure. One bad decision (the poseable head) led to another bad decision (the ABS body), which led to another (the plastic base), which, in turn, led to an embarrassing one (the polystone turd). The reason I say that I can't be hard enough on them for this is because I feel it's in my best interests (and the interests of the rest of you) that Sideshow understand that this is not acceptable. Not at all. Not for $350. Not even for the remarkable deal I got from DSC.
The Premium Format lines produced by this company are an unqualified success. They are superb creations, remarkably-detailed works of art that have brought me a great deal of pleasure in the collecting of them. They have a good thing going for them. And they don't need a freakin' gimmick. A well-sculpted, well-posed PF figure has no need of a poseable head. Save the gimmicks for the 12" poseable figures.
The only reason this statue might have a ghost of a chance of remaining in my home is because it is Boba Fett. My girlfriend knows how much I paid for it, and she was actually baffled that I hadn't raised hell and demanded a refund. (When I explained that it came from Adam, she relented.

She loves ya, Adam.)
Sideshow, please. Please. I'm begging you. Never, ever do this again. Never.