Bowen Statues/Busts - Look what's coming!

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Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

It's one of my favorite armor designs. I guess I kind of grew up with it. Has there been any updates on the 2 Punisher statues he was working on?
Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

Coolest statue i've seen in a while.


Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

Coolest statue i've seen in a while.



NIIIIICE!!! TRIMPE vibe successfully captured! Will go perfect with the Bowen Retro Hulk.

Give me accurate comic artist/era specific statues like this any day of the week over some of these recent "artistic interpretations" (cough cough...)... It would be a win/win for everyone. Wouldn't have all these cancellations of EXs warming shelves in the warehouse.

This is how it's done.

Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

Man! I could be wrong but that looks even bigger than the new Hulk line Bowen just released.
Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

Wow, that looks really good, actually! I would be really tempted to pick that up if I already had that Wolverine to go with him, alas I do not, so i must skip him...
Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

I wish Al would keep all the Bowen stuff in the "future is bright" thread. That would certainly make it easier to keep up with, and I would actually keep that thread in mind. I'll forget this thread exists in about 5 minutes and a week from now, it will be buried 20 pages deep. Also, if he'd just use that one thread, we would keep being re-exposed to all the other Bowen pieces he's shown in there in the past, instead of seeing one new piece, and forgetting it exists the next day. Think Al...Think.

That said, this look kick ass. Looks like a blend of Trimpe and Byrne.
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Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

Judging by his latest sculpts, it looks as though Bowen has found "new" inspiration.