Bowen Statues/Busts - Look what's coming!

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Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

OMG!!! Trimpe and Byrne fans must be jumping with joy!

You better believe it, man!!!

I was an absolute HULK fiend growing up during/and LOVED the Trimpe era (of course love Kirby Hulk, too..). I said it earlier, I'll say it again:


Spot on, original comic artist style!

Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

Looks great, really impressive. Not a huge Wendigo fan, so I'll probably pass, but damn it is bad-ass.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

yeah, by recycling :rotfl

Wendigo, modern Nova, and both Cable statues look very original to me.

SSC has it's clunkers too. Emma PF, Bullseye comiquette, and Colossus comiquette to name a few.

I can understand if Bowen's scale doesn't agree with you but Randy has put out FANTASTIC statues over the years and continues to do so. BD also is very faithful to marvels history. You won't see him ruin a sculpt of Colossus by putting stupid lines in his face that DON'T belong there.

Both SSC and BD have their hits and misses.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!


In regards to the above image, Randy Bowen has posted a poll, located here...

Randy wrote....

Marvel is requesting that we change from the black boots (B) to the gold boots on (A)

Re: Bowen Designs Wendigo

Hmmmmm...I little customization and this could be an X-men Beast to fit in with the 1/4 scale X-mens coming out for Sideshow. The size looks like it would match.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

why is iron man dressed like cyclops? :monkey3

I thought is was Doctor Doom dressed as Cyclops :huh

Regardless, it looks like he wants you to pull his finger.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!


Bowen Designs new Wendigo is now painted and we are having discussions over which of the 3 different head choices to go with in this thread (loads more pics by the way)...

Make sure you go through the entire thread as there's quite a lot of cool development pics. :)

PS: Fans of Sideshow Premium Format of our members started a not very positive thread about your beloved items. You might want to teach him the error of his ways. Just nice about it. :)
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!


Bowen Designs new Wendigo is now painted and we are having discussions over which of the 3 different head choices to go with in this thread (loads more pics by the way)...

Make sure you go through the entire thread as there's quite a lot of cool development pics. :)

PS: Fans of Sideshow Premium Format of our members started a not very positive thread about your beloved items. You might want to teach him the error of his ways. Just nice about it. :)

Whats that boy? Timmy's stuck in a well?? Oh there I go again...pretending he makes sense. You know...sometimes though I could SWEAR he's trying to communicate. If only we could understand him....:dunno