Bowen Statues/Busts - Look what's coming!

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Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

Wow, anytime Randy sculpts a character, it turns out amazing. Too bad, he's sculpting less and less.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

so is Bowen going to make all variants?

I don't have any real issue with BD making 20 variants so long as they are done correctly. However, when the gray smackdown Hulk (for example) is simply a repaint of the green hulk, it doesn't make much sense as those two Hulks not only looked different, they were of a different size too. Thankfully, BD got it right the second time around with the next series of Hulk variants.

Critics can say what they want, Hulk fans were generally thrilled with those Hulk pieces.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

I don't have any real issue with BD making 20 variants so long as they are done correctly. However, when the gray smackdown Hulk (for example) is simply a repaint of the green hulk, it doesn't make much sense as those two Hulks not only looked different, they were of a different size too. Thankfully, BD got it right the second time around with the next series of Hulk variants.

Critics can say what they want, Hulk fans were generally thrilled with those Hulk pieces.

You have no problem with Bowen or anyone doing 20 variants ??? Sad:slap
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

You have no problem with Bowen or anyone doing 20 variants ??? Sad:slap

Honestly, what's it to me (or you) if BD wants to produce 20 Hulk variants? Why should (we) care in the slightest? It's not (our) rep on the line. I just won't buy any, is all. That's pretty much all the thought I'd hope to put into it (emphasis on "hope", lol).

Ultimately, my main issues with BD have generally been the paint apps. While there have been other issues, it typically comes down to the quality of what's being produced. Now that Sideshow has raised the bar (at least IMO), BD's luster has diminished in my eyes. I've since been slowly moving a lot of BD statues and busts. Thankfully, a number of BD pieces still hold some value. Over the past two years, I have sold 64 busts and 16 statues (80 pieces so far). I think I did okay.

Truth be told, I still buy BD products. However, far less than I used to. The last full size purchase was the Zombie piece. The last bust was the Hyperion (I think). I presently have the Warriors three, Enchantress, Dormmammu, Modern Emma, and Kitty Pryde on order.
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Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

the original cyclops at the bottom isn't accurate...he's too built slim him down and put the old visor on him

The visor looks good to me, but I agree the first time Cyclops appears he is much skinnier, so the statue needs to be much less muscular. Of the three this is my favorite version though. The X-Factor costume looks very well done, but just not for me. I'm 50/50 on the Astonishing version. Again it looks very well done, but with so much quality stuff coming out I have to put a limit somewhere.

Need to keep a few dollars free for that Wendigo piece when it comes out. Love that's it came out massive, like it should be.
Re: Future Looks Bright for Bowen!

At least Bowen is smart enough to make X-force Wolverine. He looks great, except for that bad photoshopped glare on his claw!