Mister Ski
Super Freak
Man SS can't win.
Mad about no ES on Hulk.
Mad about to large an ES on Batman.
Mad about ES on Droids being to low.

This is why SS ignores us for the most part and I don't blame them one bit.

Man SS can't win.
Mad about no ES on Hulk.
Mad about to large an ES on Batman.
Mad about ES on Droids being to low.
Man SS can't win.
Mad about no ES on Hulk.
Mad about to large an ES on Batman.
Mad about ES on Droids being to low.
Well, even though they (EX) are a very limited set, I feel I made the best decision going with the weathered look as well. It gives me that warm fuzzy Star Wars feeling all over.![]()
I hope that SS makes the regular an open edition.....::runs and hides::
My waitlist is 18:14... and I got on the absolute moment it converted and waitlists could be submitted. I have to be one of the very first couple people on the list.
My waitlist time is 18:17:52 so approx 4-5 mins after they sold out. I would imagine with this low of an ES, my chances are 50:50 at this point. It will be interesting to see how many Waitlists actually convert. That could take some time to find out since these likely won't be shipped for a while.
I'm just as baffled as others that SS is actually soliciting more to WL the exclusives.
The times posted on Sideshow are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The sellout was at approximately 18:13 GMT or 2:13pm EST on June 26.
I have no problem with the Low number. since I can get the Droids anyways with the better base.
However I can see how upsetting it would be to those who collect Prequal PFs or just really liked the clean ones better.
But that is the name of this crazy game SS plays. You snooze you lose. You don't snooze you get a large or open edition size.
I snoozed on the Droids. I did not know they would go up for sale so early. But in a way it was a blessing as I would have been going nuts trying to pick one. Pick the EX with the bad bases (IMO), the better looking 3PO, but the worse looking R2?? Or do I ge the better base, better Looking R2, not as cool looking 3PO?? I also think the reg edition looks more OT and is how I think of the droids. But man that shiney gold 3PO looks great.
Because the EX sold out I did not have to think about it. And if I got the EX and found out how low the number was I would have had to order the reg with plans to sell the EX because I just would not be able to help myself since I basically like the Reg editon better. But I can't afford to pre order 2 of these and wait for the EX to increase in value. I don't like being a flipper anyways.
So I am happy with my Reg edition.
We should make an ongoing list of the time stamp for everyone who is on the wait list. Feel free to add your name, date, and time from your wait list order.
Sellout - 6/26 - approximately 18:13 GMT or 2:13pm EST
Wait list - 6/26/12
swabie2424 - 18:14
ST11138 - 18:17:52
Zodach - 18:26:23
newmennium - 19:27
You make it sound like you've done some flipping in your time.![]()