Call me JOKER!!!!

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Using Dark Orchid font Color. :lol

Just a note to you guys, don't wait. I spoke with Eric this morning and he said they are only guaranteed to receive 10 Pieces. They may get more, and they may not. Now you know....
Uh-Oh, there are like 10 guys on this thread who want one I would think.

C'mon Guys, don't wait. You have been warned, n'est pa?
Last I checked there were 9 left... but that was before some of our orders were updated I would think... n'est pas?

EDIT: The Counter is now at 4!
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Turns out I was lying, I missed that the figure was now up for order... I thought we were still talking about having one held for us :lol But I went ahead and ordered one, so now I'm being honest.

Whew, I about had a heart attack when I realized what was going on :eek:

Never rub another man's rhubarb.
