Looks like damn Gerard Butler.
Sounds like you've made your mind up before playing the game, bud. Fair enough though if you think it is getting stale, I can sort of see your point if the campaign on this only lasts 4 hours and the multiplayer is no different. Though, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I do feel that people think it's cool to hate on the modern warfare games, however.
I don't "hate" on MW3. Hell, I'm going to buy it. Doesn't mean I don't recognize that the series is getting stale. I don't say that because it's "cool" to. I say it because it's the way I feel. I've been a fan of the series since 1 and I've thought that all of the Infinity Ward games brought something different to the table. MW3 is the first time where I don't believe that.
This is the mandatory annual cash-in without the real Infinity Ward at the helm and it shows. They simply took what IW did in MW2 and did as little as possible to call it a sequel. I'm sorry if that hurts any diehard fans to hear it, but everyone else sees it as it is. This is a .5 game if ever there was one...outside of the sports franchises of course.
I'll be getting it and I'm sure I'll have fun with it though. I enjoyed MW2, so I know I'll enjoy this.
I totally agree. I would be booking the day off work to get this probably at midnight. Im now waiting to see the reviews but have a pretty good idea of how they will read. I may leave this until christmas when the price drops as there are so many great games on the way. Since modern warfare 1, the series hasn't gone forward for me in all aspects. I feel it worked better when treyarch and infinity ward switched from old war to new as it kinda kept things fresh. I really hope im pleasantly suprised with this but from the in game video's iv seen, it looks very much more of the same. For some thats great but for me, it will be another good shooter thats lost its magic.
I love the COD franchise but I think that two Modern Warfares was enough. I was never excited about another MW after #2, it's old and boring to me.
I was really impressed by what Treyarch did w/ Black Ops and I personally preferred that game to any other COD. Treyarch's pattern also seems to change things up a lot more than Infinity Ward, so I think Treyarch's next COD game will be much fresher than Infinity Ward's.
I love the COD franchise but I think that two Modern Warfares was enough. I was never excited about another MW after #2, it's old and boring to me.
I was really impressed by what Treyarch did w/ Black Ops and I personally preferred that game to any other COD. Treyarch's pattern also seems to change things up a lot more than Infinity Ward, so I think Treyarch's next COD game will be much fresher than Infinity Ward's.
They upped the game so much in MW1 that it was a standing point in shooters. It changed everything. They need to go back to the drawing board like they did with that game. Create something new and different then they ever have. I was kinda excited about the rumors that the next COD from IW was gonna be set in the future. They just have themselves on repeat and only improve on the gameplay not the mechanics. Pretty soon COD is gonna be a Pay 4 Play service, their gonna scrap all the campaign stuff and make it online only. The campaign has become "back of the box" bullet point. Whereas the campaign in MW1 was more then half the reason to get it.
so, £35 odd to play online for the years membership on ps3!!
knew it was happening and dont mind paying it! on ONE condition!
those dayum servers better be sorted out, it should MUCH BETTER if we are PAYING to play! cos theyve been a joke for years!!
yeah the elite thingy! it mentions including DLC too!?