After we left the theater, my wife was not impressed with the first Cap movie, either. She's not a big comic fan or anything, so she didn't have any of those biases, and her big complaint was that he was just sort of there. She didn't understand why we should care about this character, as he didn't seem very interesting or special apart from his powers. She only went to see Avengers because she loved RDJ. And I think that's a problem filmmakers haven't adequately dealt with yet re: Cap. In Avengers, he's still just some guy, who gets treated a certain way because he was this heroic old war symbol, and he's allowed to lead the Avengers for some reason, but at every turn Stark one ups him--he's more clever, he's more insightful, he's funnier, he's more likable, etc. Cap needs to step out of his shadow here IMO, if he's going to be anything more than a superficial imitation of what he is in the comics.