Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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I think the question is....

Is an optional expression, different colors, base and a small accessory enough for people to repurchase this Cap after already getting the AOU one

Probably yes :lol

My wallet will hate me, but it is enough for me to buy it. :lol Damn you Hot Toys!! Just kidding, I luv it.

Cap's team relies heavily on skill here. Iron Man's team has all the fancy toys. Thank goodness Ant-Man and Scarlet Witch is on Cap's team.
I still find it odd that in a lot of the promo art they depict Sharon on Cap's team but in the trailers they clearly show Wanda in her place. Sharon isn't even in the big showdown between the teams (unless they edited her out). But about the power imbalance, the audience usually wants the underdogs to win. I think the film will frame the division in such a way that most of us will root for the less technologically-enhanced Team Cap by the end.
I don't see how you call caps team tech inferior. Ant man, hawkeye, and falcon all use advanced tech. Cap has the same tech as BP. Bucky is essentially a cyborg. Seem like they are pretty tech heavy to me.
I still find it odd that in a lot of the promo art they depict Sharon on Cap's team but in the trailers they clearly show Wanda in her place. Sharon isn't even in the big showdown between the teams (unless they edited her out). But about the power imbalance, the audience usually wants the underdogs to win. I think the film will frame the division in such a way that most of us will root for the less technologically-enhanced Team Cap by the end.

She's in the lego set for the big showdown

I have a feeling

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She's in the lego set for the big showdown

I have a feeling

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Yeah I see her as having a 'Maria Hill in TWS' kind of role. She'll be on Cap's side but I'm not sure she'll fight much.
Well the actress confirmed...

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I'd forgotten about that! I'd like to see Sharon portrayed as a highly skilled ex(?) SHIELD agent worthy of being Cap's bodyguard in TWS. Hopefully they make her skill set shine. That would be a satisfying match up.
I don't think Cap's team is inferior. Perhaps "outgunned" is a better term.

That may be. We really have no idea how strong he and Bucky really are. Cap could be Thor level strong. And Bucky is nearly as strong as Cap. Throw Wanda in and it's hard to know.

I was just addressing the tech talk in my previous post though.
Oh I don't doubt Cap, Bucky, or Wanda's strength. They're all powerhouses and I think the Russos will take their powers to the next level in CW. I actually think it's a bit unfair when people say the teams are unmatched. Tech and guns aside, Tony and Cap both have ex-assassins on their teams... if this was a "real" fight, it wouldn't end well for either of them. :lol
I don't think Sharon is gonna have that big a role. She's not in any of the footage of the airport fight and they've barely included her in any of the trailers or any of that.

I have a feeling her role is rather small.
I really do hope that Iron Man comes with a full Tony headsculpt. I haven't bought any of the Iron man figures because of this...
Like I mentioned above I think Sharon will have a similar role to Maria in TWS. The trailers haven't included any scenes of
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Sharon will be in the film more than the trailers have let on. How significantly more is the question.
She may not be but that doesn't mean much. It's a few seconds of the film.

Even so, they've been heavily playing up the heroes of film and didn't even think to include Sharon in the Twitter promotion they're running for all the heroes.

My theory is the only reason she's featuring on some of the promo art is that they're not putting Scarlet Witch on that stuff because she's a shared rights character.
Interesting theory but the SW part is not an issue. All it means is fox can use the character, has no impact on the marvel version other then she can't be called "mutant". So that's really no impact.

And they always do this stuff, with not revealing things. I don't know what her role is but there's 2 hours of movie she could be in and the trailers don't reflect. There's no zemo, no crossbones, no spider-man no Ross...reading to much into the trailer is not the best way to figure out what's not in the trailer and why. Lol
I suspect one reason they aren't giving too much time to some of the other characters in the trailers, is to keep some questions in the dark as to why these characters are on the side they are.

Cap and Bucky are like blood brothers. Cap and Falcon are very tight. Tony and Rhodey are like blood brothers. The remaining bonds and reasons aren't necessarily quite so clear or strong.