Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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Yeah, I hope we get both! I did notice that I think it must be Hasbro that makes the action figures? They've used her NA outfit for their Civil War line too. I guess we'll see. Hopefully they recognise there's a market for both =/

From what I see, they're using her Civil War outfit for the Marvel Legends line. Is there something else you were referring to?
Yeah the ML figure is the CW outfit

Agent 13 has two outfits for figures also the Hasbro and lego ones have her in her promo photo outfit while Funko used the vest outfit. I'm curious which one HT will make if they make her.
I think I finally decided what figures I will buy from this :lol

-Winter Soldier
-Scarlet Witch
-Black Panther

Is anyone building an "Avengers" team from this movie? I thought about it, but I think I will wait until Infinity War to build my second team.
I'd like to see the New Avengers SW before the CW one, just because it was shown already. I just hope that they are making that one, and didn't just make that hoping it would be her outfit in CW too. I mean they had it in the CW case so that could be it and there will be no NASW :dunno :/

Do you think they may pull an UP and UU stunt?

Release TNA version first, let people buy that one up, then release a CW version later on? Possibly next year some time? If they release the CW version at the same time as TNA version, it seems to me like they'd lose out on money because people would essentially just pick one of the two, whereas they could sell TNA version, then release CW later and let people decide that they need that version instead. :lol
I've held off on buying the Avengers version of SW since I prefer her in a costume. I prefer the Civil War outfit so I would be happy if they released that one sooner than later. I think she looks a lot more streamlined. I think the NA version of the figure looks a bit bulky cause of all the clothing material.
Going to try hard not to watch ha I've skipped the TV spots so far ... Want to save everything else for when my butt is in a theater seat ha

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This for sure. I've seen enough and I will try very hard to avoid any new traliers/clips. As far as the figures go, I like the new avengers look for SW the most and I just sold off widow to get cw version. I have Cap and winter soldier on preorder. Really pumped for this movie. If my wallet can take the beating I'm going for the whole line, lol
I don't know how you people do it, buying whole teams of characters even though you own the same characters from previous movies! It would not only destroy my wallet, but also monopolize all my available space. I only buy one version of each character unless there's a drastic change in the new version of the character--I bought both AOU Cap and WS Stealth Cap because the new outfit and the Rogers headsculpt make them completely different figures--but other than that I just try to buy the best representation of each character I can. Which means that from Civil War I'll be buying...Crossbones and Scarlet Witch. I passed on AOU Scarlet Witch because of the goth girl get-up so this will be my only version of her. I might spring for Black Panther if he's awesome, and I might pick up Falcon if they fix his headsculpt. And that's it. The Caps, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, etc. that I already own are all cool enough to satisfy me.
I don't know how you people do it, buying whole teams of characters even though you own the same characters from previous movies! It would not only destroy my wallet, but also monopolize all my available space. I only buy one version of each character unless there's a drastic change in the new version of the character--I bought both AOU Cap and WS Stealth Cap because the new outfit and the Rogers headsculpt make them completely different figures--but other than that I just try to buy the best representation of each character I can. Which means that from Civil War I'll be buying...Crossbones and Scarlet Witch. I passed on AOU Scarlet Witch because of the goth girl get-up so this will be my only version of her. I might spring for Black Panther if he's awesome, and I might pick up Falcon if they fix his headsculpt. And that's it. The Caps, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, etc. that I already own are all cool enough to satisfy me.

Yeah, I never intended any double ups (Iron Man doesn't count, lol), but I ended up collecting all the Thors and can now sub out the older Black Widow as well.. so my Avenger line will be AoU.. and I kinda like that because figure for figure they are better than the figures of the Avenger team from the first movie, but it could be the last time all 6 are 'together' as it is, so I can't do an Avenger Team from Civil War, and they may not all be there for Infinity, so it's a nice middle of the road situation.

When/If I add Scarlet, it will be more to have her (probably displayed with my older Widow), rather than as part of that classic lineup, even though the figure I will probably get is the one from the end of AoU movie.

My next movie line (hoping the movie doesn't bomb) will probably be the next Thor movie, depending on who is announced. Must have Loki with a better headsculpt and look than the TDW one if I can..
One idea I had the other day was to start buying different heads. I have Winter Soldier black widow and I may buy an age of ultron bw head and a civil war bw head too.
One idea I had the other day was to start buying different heads. I have Winter Soldier black widow and I may buy an age of ultron bw head and a civil war bw head too.

I did something very similar to this--my Winter Soldier Black Widow's right arm kept coming apart at the elbow joint, and I knew getting her costume off to fix it would be a pain in the butt and would perhaps also damage the costume (I learned that lesson the hard way with TFA Captain America--remove Hot Toys costumes at your peril. There are always zippers and straps and buttons and belt buckles and whatever else that are just waiting to break instantly.) So I found an Avengers Black Widow body with costume online and put the Winter Soldier headsculpt and boots on that. I always did like the Avengers body better for Black Widow--for whatever reason it makes her look curvier and shorter, just the way Scarlett's body really is. The Winter Soldier body looked too willowy for her.
I did something very similar to this--my Winter Soldier Black Widow's right arm kept coming apart at the elbow joint, and I knew getting her costume off to fix it would be a pain in the butt and would perhaps also damage the costume (I learned that lesson the hard way with TFA Captain America--remove Hot Toys costumes at your peril. There are always zippers and straps and buttons and belt buckles and whatever else that are just waiting to break instantly.) So I found an Avengers Black Widow body with costume online and put the Winter Soldier headsculpt and boots on that. I always did like the Avengers body better for Black Widow--for whatever reason it makes her look curvier and shorter, just the way Scarlett's body really is. The Winter Soldier body looked too willowy for her.

Heh. My reasoning is more ridiculous. I'm thinking of buying extra heads for her so she can have extra hair styles since I don't know squat about futzing what is essentially doll hair. I've wondered if I really need an second black widow and maybe the answer is just more heads. Honestly, I think I like the upcoming civil war one better than the winter soldier one but it looks like the same figure...with new hair. So maybe i'll just buy a few extra heads and swap them out for different display options.
I put this in the movie thread... but

I'm glad Sharon is in more promo and one of the pics confirms her fight scene with Black Widow.

She said Scarlett in the interview and some people thought she meant Scarlet Witch.

I have a bad feeling that

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I hope not

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