Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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SHAAAARRROOOON! My god, if they make Sharon, then I don't have to make any custom figures at all! :D is Wanda? So she's not gonna be part of the movie much like we thought?
I think Scarlet Witch has something to do with whatever sparks the war and she could be locked up or something in the beginning of the movie. :dunno

Or maybe they have to kill her off like Pietro too. :lol :monkey4
I think Scarlet Witch has something to do with whatever sparks the war and she could be locked up or something in the beginning of the movie. :dunno

Or maybe they have to kill her off like Pietro too. :lol :monkey4

I've seen the 1st part mention in articles about the storyline, so she might got MIA after whatever happens, happens.
Ahh yes, yet another person who doesn't know the difference between concept art and promo art... Where is Motuxmen?

Yes :hi5:
I've always maintained it was promo art and not concept as none of that looked like it was done by any of Marvels main Vis Dev team...that's why I brought it back up :wink1:
I've always maintained it was promo art and not concept as none of that looked like it was done by any of Marvels main Vis Dev team...that's why I brought it back up :wink1:

It was done by marvels artist's, but it's not and never will be used as promotional material. Promo art is the art they use to sell march or the movie, the stuff you'll see in stores and in magazines, and almost always contains movie and/or studio logos. This has neither... This is the kind of stuff that shows up in the "Art of..." books.
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This stuff doesn't have logos either and it definitely isn't classed as just concept art. It could be cropped off as it is a weird aspect for print material though.


And every single piece of concept art has always had the artists signature on it, which the CW stuff has never had...just like promo art. If that is the stuff that's going to appear in the art of books, then the Vis Dev team have dropped the ball since AoU.
I also, was wondering where Scarlet Witch was. I was also under the impression that Widow was on Cap's team; especially since Hawkeye is.

All levity aside though, the Hawkeye suit in that picture looks really cool. However, I'm content with my AoU Hawkeye and will likely pass on many of the CW figures, with the exception of Cap and Iron Man being that the film is centered on the dissenting beliefs and opinions of the two.

With the exception of TWS line, I tend to collect the entire lines (or most of) with the group movies (Avengers) and only get select figures from the in-between, solo films.
From the photos, the one's i'm interested in are:
- Cap
- Iron Man
- Winter Soldier
- Sharon Carter
- Black Panther

One's not shown that I may be interested in are Spidey (depending on his new costume) and Scarlet Witch (depending on her new costume)

Hopefully Sharon Carter has a full white jumpsuit under her jacket so she will have a comic accurate outfit.

Ill probably limit myself to Cap, IM,BW,SC(if they make her) and War Machine. The rest ill wait until Avengers 3(unless someone dies and no more figs in the future).
The Mk46 was the only figure I was thinking about getting, since it looks similar to the Bleeding Edge. I was most looking forward to getting a better look at the new WM but now that I have, I don't find this design better than the Mk1, though it's a definite improvement over the Mk2. If Rhodey's suit has a ton of new weapons in the movie, then I may pull the trigger. Not really interested in the rest.

That glider thing in the background is Falcon's Drone, Redwing. He can control it from the computer on his arm. Its also gonna have some sort of grapple hook.

I love the look of Hawkeye. Its less comic book and more combat/functionality design. Looks like he has a smaller more compact quiver. I like the knife on his boot, I always felt he needed a melee weapon. Does he have a sidearm now?

That glider thing in the background is Falcon's Drone, Redwing. He can control it from the computer on his arm. Its also gonna have some sort of grapple hook.

I love the look of Hawkeye. Its less comic book and more combat/functionality design. Looks like he has a smaller more compact quiver. I like the knife on his boot, I always felt he needed a melee weapon. Does he have a sidearm now?

I'm actually not a fan of this Hawkeye look. I understand why people do like it though like you said. Though I personally love the more comic booky costumes, like Wanda's outfit at the end of AOU and especially Vision. Do I like the coat from AOU? Yeah I do but there is potential to have something so much better. The knife on his boot is cool though. But I'd kill to see Fraction/Marvel NOW's Hawkeye on screen.


whoah wait, holy ****. Did anyone notice that Nat has shorter hair in the team charging at each other promo while she has longer hair in the team line up pic?
He wants to protect his family right? Then wear a mask to conceal your identity! The mask/goggles gear from The Winter Soldier would look good on Hawkeye.