Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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I'm with all of you. Couldn't care less that Hulk isn't in CW. Hopefully he's in outer space kicking moon rocks for all of phase 3.
Not the least bit bothered about Hulk not appearing in CW, though I do really like Ruffalo.
I'm with the folks that like the idea of this being a more grounded doesn't need Hulk or Thor...I don't even like Vision being in it certainly tips the scales. Either way, I cannot wait!
^ Not me.

Scarlet Witch is by far my favorite of the new characters, and was the best thing to come out of Age of Ultron for me. I can't wait to see more of her.

I'm ready
^ Not me.

Scarlet Witch is by far my favorite of the new characters, and was the best thing to come out of Age of Ultron for me. I can't wait to see more of her.

Don't get me wrong I like the scarlet witch as a character, but I think she belongs in the xmen universe and throwing her and her brother into the avengers mcu out of the blue without magneto or a proper introduction just really doesn't sit right with me, their presence just feels off to me.
To be fair, I still think the main reason that we're able to use Wanda and Pietro in the MCU was that they were part of the Avengers universe WAAAY more than they were ever in X-Men. Yeah their parents are Django and Marya Maximoff and were born as mutants but people always seem to forget that Erik was never their dad in the first place.

I think what's great about not having Erik in the picture is that they can literally just pull off what they did in the comics and have Erik claim that they're his kids later on if they ever get the rights to the X-Men back.

They first appeared in X-Men for like 4-10 issues and then a year later were introduced into Avengers and were Avengers ever since. They are mutants yes, and I do rather wish they were mutants. Hell, I rather would have had them be Inhumans rather than just HYDRA experiments, but i'm really glad they're in the MCU....or were, for Pietro. XD Though I do get where you're coming from though. I think it could have been worse, though.
I really hate that new retcon where they make them not magnetos kids anymore, they along with Polaris just really fit and felt right as magnetos kids and i liked them more in the xmen universe but that's just my preference and experience.
After watching how cool quicksilver was in days of future past, it really sucked to see him show up and be killed right away by a bullet that he basically saw coming. Dofp quicksilver would have just moved the bullet ;) They just felt forced in to me where most everybody else has fit in really well, but that's just my opinion. I am kind of excited to see how the Russo brothers handle scarlet witch since the winter soldier is one of my all time favorite movies.
I really hate that new retcon where they make them not magnetos kids anymore, they along with Polaris just really fit and felt right as magnetos kids and i liked them more in the xmen universe but that's just my preference and experience.

The storyline that made them Magneto's kids was a retcon so they basically the new retcon was to bring them back to their original parents. XD

I understand why people like DOFP Pietro but I thought that version way WAAAY too fast. Yeah he's been fast, but never THAT ****ing fast. And that's actually why that version gets worse for me every time I see it.

He was basically Barry/Bart Allen fast where as from what I've read, the speed that Pietro was going in AOU was pretty ****ing accurate so I didn't have a problem with his speed in AOU.

AOU Pietro was just way closer to everything I've read of him, and even seen of him in X-Men Evolution and WATXM, just from what little we got to see of him. Hahaha I still remember yelling out " **** YOU JOSS" when we saw his death in the theater. Such a shame we might not see more of him. Probably not, but I'll be hopeful.
I get what your saying, but I never read the old stuff and just could never really get into the art work or stories to much so they have always been magnetos kids to me, but I can understand how someone who liked the originals might like that retcon even tho I really think it was done as a shot at fox for putting pietro in there xmen movie right before he was in avengers to try and take away from their xmen claim.

I'm kind of excited for this falcon figure if it comes with the drone red wing and they are as cool as they sound from the early reports. I already have the winter soldier falcon which I love, so it will be kind of hard for me to replace him but there is definitely a chance, I love the idea of the drone red wing so at very least I am gonna have to get that even if I keep my winter soldier falcon. The other figure that I am stoked for is the new war machine armor, if it looks as good as the concept art it will definitely be my other civil war hot toys purchase.
I think most people are going to want to add or replace their TWS Falcon with the CW one. IMO it has a stronger design and you get the Red Wing drone to boot. I presume for Red Wing, HT will throw in one of those mini dynamic stands they use for the small IM figures like the ones that came with Tank.